[ April 13, 2015, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: Ricardo Davila ]
Posted by Dale Feicke (Member # 767) on :
Thanks for the heads-up on the website, Ricardo!
Posted by Ricardo Davila (Member # 3854) on :
[ April 13, 2015, 10:35 PM: Message edited by: Ricardo Davila ]
Posted by Kevin W. Betz (Member # 4133) on :
My Question is will the Sign be Blasted with or with-out a Grain Frame. With a Grain Frame creates more work.
Posted by goddinfla (Member # 1502) on :
I believe if you multiply 32 sq/ft times $75/sq/ft you come up with $2400, not $230. Surely no one is selling raw sheets for that amount. Also using 2" HDU 6 feet long between posts is a broken sign waiting to happen. Something has to be inside for lateral strength.
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
My two sided HDU signs would consist of two(2) 1.5'' sheets thickness of 15# HDU with embedded aluminum extrusions inside, running from end to end and protruding out the sides to mount to the posts. So they are 3'' thick. My price depends on complexity. So I would charge about $190/sqft if it's just a rectangle, lettering only, no graphics, and no inset borders etc.
If it has a fancy shape, inset borders, graphics, I would get about $220/sqft
So, for the project you described, the price would range between $6840 and $7920 plus tax, posts, and installation.
Posted by Ricardo Davila (Member # 3854) on :
Oooops!!!!.....My bad.....Dale, my apologies for the mistake.
Dennis, thanks for catching my mistake.
Back in the year 2000 to 2003, I believe that we were paying around $800 per sheet.....( 2" x 4ft. X 8ft.....
[ April 13, 2015, 10:28 PM: Message edited by: Ricardo Davila ]
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
This one is 3'' thick has two aluminum rectangular tubing extrusions in each of the two units, and was about $8500 installed. But that was several years ago so it would be more now. http://www.webbsignworks.com/index_htm_files/99.jpg
[ April 13, 2015, 10:16 PM: Message edited by: Wayne Webb ]
Posted by Ricardo Davila (Member # 3854) on :
[ April 13, 2015, 10:31 PM: Message edited by: Ricardo Davila ]
Posted by Rusty Bradley (Member # 6938) on :
Very nice sign Wayne...I'm happy you can get those prices where you live...but that's not going to happen in my neck of the woods.
sounds like you've got a good system worked out for your two sided signs...I like how the tubing allows you to float the signs between the posts.
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
Thanks Rusty, If I'm doing a single sided sign, like that one, it is about $100/sqft which is not unreasonable anywhere. But my 2 sided HDU signs are double the thickness, laminated back to back with epoxy and dados are milled inside both layers to accommodate the aluminum extrusions. That's why the price is more than double.
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
We were getting $100 psf for a single sided sign more than two decades ago. Costs and prices have risen sharply since then as have our prices.
Like Wayne we do our signs with metal sandwiched in between layers of Precision Board. We further add value by adding truly dimensional sculpted elements and imaginative support structure that cost more than the sign faces.
We live in a small town, far from the big city and yet sell enough to keep a good sized crew busy. First we need to believe in ourselves and then sell with confidence. Build it and they will come!
- gramp dan
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
Dan.... $100 Canadian, now, would be about $80.13 USD which is about what I was charging two decades ago and what I'm charging now would be $124.80 Canadian.
Posted by Jeff Wisdom (Member # 6193) on :
It varies with the area, I charge $100 sq ft per side on sandblasted HDU. This is for a pretty straight forward design. I do blast two signs like Wayne that are 1.5" thick and sandwich them with steel or aluminum supports. So a 6x6 would be $3,600 per side, or $7,200 You also need to figure in your mounting brackets and installation.
Posted by Dale Feicke (Member # 767) on :
Thanks guys!!!!!! It's been awhile since I did a fairly involved blasted sign, which this one is.
I've not really kept up with the prices of the related materials; or increased labor rates.
I don't really think $100 per sq. ft. will fly in this area; but if I can get 75 or 80, I'll be happy.
Thanks for all the great input!
Posted by Dave Sherby (Member # 698) on :
Wayne, were you reading my mind? I don't need to bother posting now. Except I use steel inside mine because I don't weld aluminum.