Our business has been home based since it's inception more than four decades ago. Family is very important to me and working from home allows me to be close to those I love. This meant our kids grew up in the business, helping out since they were little.
Peter worked for us about fourteen years until he decided he wanted to be Peter and not just Dan's son'. With my blessing he went back to school and became an animator. He did well. After a number of years he was ready to move on again and he decided he would go back to school once more and graduated with a teaching degree in mathematics. In those summers he would return home to help us out in the shop. Two years ago, as we built our new house he met and fell in love with one of our employees, Hailey. Hailey worked for us part time while she trained to be a drafts person and planner.
In the last two years, as he and Hailey began planning their future together they took a good look at our business and what role they might play in it. Both decided to finish their degrees but not go into those lines of work. Instead they would commit to joining our business full time and for the long term.
The future looks bright for everyone as Janis and I will slowly diminish our roles in the business in future years. Peter and Hailey will gradually take on more responsibilities and eventually own the business.
This will allow me to do more writing and teaching and traveling too in the future without the business suffering. Peter is more than capable of doing the designing and management of the business. He is awesomely talented and has a passion for work. He is a born leader and has similar values and principles towards business.
In the short term we are going pedal to the metal with large projects already booked that will take us into 2016.
Life is good!
-grampa dan
Posted by Kelly Thorson (Member # 2958) on :
Well if that isn't a little Dan! Nice to have family come home, although it isn't always easy to work together, the rewards are worth it.
Posted by Donald Miner (Member # 6472) on :
I'm jealous, way to go guys, may the Good Lord Bless and keep you.
Posted by Duncan Wilkie (Member # 132) on :
Awesome news. You will all benefit from this. Congratulations.
Posted by Rodger MacMunn (Member # 4316) on :
Dan, you're a lucky man .......... none of my kids show ANY interest in taking this over. And, I'll be in my mid-80's before grandkids are old enough........ I'm tired now!
Posted by Catharine C. Kennedy (Member # 4459) on :
Posted by Sal Cabrera (Member # 1236) on :
Congratulations Peter & Hailey .
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
"If you build it, they will come."
Posted by Dale Feicke (Member # 767) on :
That's a wonderful thing, Dan!! Working with family can be a good thing...or a terrible thing.
When families can work and grow together; magic happens!
And you know very well, what happens next!
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
Lovely photo: all the best!
Posted by Pam Eddy (Member # 1858) on :
Congrats. Great to hear.
Posted by Pat Welter (Member # 785) on :
Dan,you are in an enviable position, Really happy for you guys...Family that works together stays together ( I think that's how it goes)...Success comes in more forms than money...Great seeing the work progress...
Posted by bill riedel (Member # 607) on :
Watching a dream come true, what could be better? Good things happen to good people.
Posted by Len Mort (Member # 7030) on :
God Bless you and your family, you are truly a gift from God sent to inspire all you come in contact with of which you are doing.
Posted by Erik Winkler (Member # 9040) on :
That is good news!
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
That is just awesome! He's a "Chip" off the old Block of Signfoam!
Posted by Rusty Bradley (Member # 6938) on :
From the good things that continually come out of Yarrow...I think Dan should consider changing the business name from "Sawatzky's Imagination Corporation" to just simply "Camelot"
Posted by Ellen Moser (Member # 6687) on :
That's great! :-)
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
Congrats, Dan. That is a great story that your own children are so interested in your work and your life, that he would want to continue and keep the legacy and your dreams alive, to support the work so that you can branch out and transition. And, a very special congrats on the "new love". Good wishes ahead.