Tablet or SmartPhone, what do you like? What Works? Whats junk?
I had a level, on my smart phone, and I forgot the level one day. It sort of worked...but there was always a little doubt left over in my mind.
Then I have a ScreenShot app on my tablet, very useful, using it along with DropBox I can search up some art work or logo when talking with the customer, and if its what he wants, I share it in DropBox and when I get to the shop computer I can start working with it.
Its your turn.... (other than the camera)
[ February 25, 2013, 09:34 AM: Message edited by: Dave Draper ]
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
My iPad has proved to be a great presentation device. Presenting my ideas via the iPad means there's no piece of paper for the customer to ask for.... hence I keep control of the artwork.
In December I also started using the iPad to make my presentations at the USSC conference. It worked flawlessly and was simple to hook up and use.
As a mobile portfolio there is no better device.
Traveling I use FaceTime (video app) to keep in touch with Janis. If I can find WIFI calling home is free plus I get to see her and not just hear...
-grampa dan
Posted by David Wright (Member # 111) on :
Notability on Ipad for Estimates. Onenote that is universal to IOS and Windows for daily notes and to dos.
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
Tablet... of paper!
OK, I had to make a site survey the other day and noticed the existing monument looked like it was leaning to the left, which would make OP happy, however, from the other side it would have pleased the Tea Partiers.
Like Dave, I didn't have a level with me and I quickly downloaded one to check things out. The only problem with that was that my Samsung Galaxy S3 has rounded sides and edges and I had to eyeball getting the phone in line with the sign before I could determine the amount of lean.
I'm still figuring out this phone and I sometimes succumb to 'Droid Rage when trying to make it work for me. I know I will use it more and more as a useful tool as time goes on.
Posted by Kevin Gaffney (Member # 4240) on :
Evernote for me for site surveys. Syncs flawlessly between mac, iPhone and iPad. Stores my photos and maesurements. I also use the app at trade shows for gathering info on suppliers coupled with photos of products that interest me
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
Padfolio for ipad is great for presentation.
Noteshelf for ipad, for meetings with customers and site surveys. It even lets you include pics, which you can then add dimensions and other notes.
The one I use the most is myPantone. It's an iPhone app, but works fine on ipad. Great for effortlessly putting together color combos. Impressive app for the money.
Posted by Bill Davidson (Member # 531) on :