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Posted by Pam Eddy (Member # 1858) on :
I have a Graphtec FC7000-75 and we have been working on getting it to read a bar code and then contour cut around logos that were digital printed. Maybe 1 out of 7 times it identifies the bar code and makes the contour cut. Try it again and it doesn't. Has anyone had this problem? We are using Onyx 10 software with the HP Latex printer and then cutting on the Graphtec.

Works sometimes, but not most the time.

Thanks for your help.

Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
I have that plotter and the rest of what you're trying to do sounds like another planet to me. What is this for? Is this the future type project coming to a sign shop? Hope you get it working.
Posted by Pam Eddy (Member # 1858) on :
I can print from one machine ( HP Printer ) and then take it to the Graphtec plotter to contour cut around the logo/lettering, whatever I assigned the contour cut to. I am having problems with the plotter cutting around the images. It will do it sometimes, but not every time.
Posted by William DeBekker (Member # 3848) on :
The Graphtecs seem to have Issues reading registration marks with Glossy Laminate. What I ended up doing was taking some Matte Laminate and putting a small piece over the registration marks to eliminate the reflection that seemed to help a lot
Posted by Pam Eddy (Member # 1858) on :
Hmmm,that is interesting Bill,I would never have thought of that. I will try it. I have been using a gloss vinyl. Thank you so much.

Posted by Brian Dish (Member # 10782) on :
Scotch tape also works.

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