I'm bookmarking this. Thanks David!
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Early in the article there were some good points made. The psychological connotations spoken in a sign are almost as loud as the text, yet seldom considered as having the power they have. Too bad the article turned into an advertisement for a specific company's vehicle wraps.
Posted by Michael Clanton (Member # 2419) on :
Like Sam Walton (wal-Mart) used to say: "50% of all advertising dollars is a complete waste of money... but nobody knows WHICH 50% that is!"
of course, I paraphrased it.
Posted by Alicia B. Jennings (Member # 1272) on :
Man, I'm gonna print that , make copies, and pass it on to every person that I can think of that it would serve them some good. Up here in the Northwest, I see most of the signs covered with green moss. I wonder why the business owers don't take the time to wash their signs.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
when i lived in sarasota pre 1998, i was doing some work on another section of a small strip mall. just 4-5 stores down from where i was working, was a DENTIST. i had a tooth that needed a filling replaced. this guy had a sign above his section, made of plywood cutout letters, stuck on another sheet of plywood. in sorta a "varsity" letter style. not only that, but HE..had painted it himself. nothing wrong with that BUT....the background was red with white letters...and it looked like he painted the letters with a MOP!!! all kinda white paint all over the background. i walked in and asked the check in girl..."who painted YOUR SIGN? she said the doctor did...i told her to ask the doc if his dentistry abilities.....was better then his SIGN PAINTING abilities......then asked her if i could have a minute of the docs time!!! he came out and i explained to him how i saw a reflection of work in his sign and that he was not doing his businees any good with that nasty looking sign. he said what can you do? i said 1st off you need you front window(5' x 5') properly lettered at eye sight level so when people walked past you office, they knew what you did. and the sign above, needed to be some other color combo then "blood red" & "teeth white." ge agreed with my views and then he said whats it gona cost me for the work? i opened my mouth, point to the missing filling.....he said wonderful, we can do this no problem. he did the tooth filling the next day, i did a couple window layouts, (other lettering then "varsity") he told which he liked so the next day i did his window, took down his over the door sign, had piece of MDO 18" x 4' painted it burgandy background with ivory letters same as what i did on the window. win win for both.
Posted by Dan Antonelli (Member # 86) on :
Good article placed by a content writer doing SEO for the sign company in question. That's smart.
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
That's was a great read for sure, and that was also a good Story Joe.
Posted by Nevman (Member # 332) on :