In 35 years, my customers were always happy with my work and paid what I asked.
My customer for the dragon and arboretum sign just picked them up. He said he ordered 2 signs and got two pieces of art.
He gave me a $200 tip!! Yeeesss!!!!
My first tip!!!!
Just had to share.....(the news, not the money )
Makin Chip$ and Havin Fun!
[ May 26, 2011, 12:37 PM: Message edited by: Joe Cieslowski ]
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
Well deserved I'd say... I have recieved quite a few tips over the years, Feels Great!
Posted by Rene Giroux (Member # 4980) on :
Good for you, but keep quiet...big brother has very big ears !
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Luckily ... most of my tips have been in ca$h!
Posted by Preston McCall (Member # 351) on :
My best tip was for a Chevy store client. Did a bunch of interior graphics and window work. Sent in the $5600 bill and he doubled it with a note on the stub,"Well Done!" It blew me away!
Posted by John Kurtzman (Member # 1736) on :
Joe; Receiving a "Tip" usually means that your price was to low. I told you several years ago to start selling your name as an artist because you are more than a vendor offering services to the mediocrity. As you think, so you become.
John PS did you ever carve that eagle you asked me for permission to carve from my plans.
Posted by Jim Moser (Member # 6526) on :
I worked at the Nethercutt Collection in the late seventies.... I did some painted canework on the '28 Minerva, but was not able to get the same amount of depth as the original canework on the 1930 Rolls Royce Brewster bodied town car. I have since seen the beautiful work you did on two of the other Rolls in the collection. Would you be willing to share a few secrets as to your methods and materials ? .... if not, I certainly understand.
While working at the Collection, I was responsible for pinstriping, fabrication, casting, preparing parts for chrome, woodwork, and a lot of the final assembly work of the body, trim and interior. Wonderful job which I hated to leave, but wanted to get away from Southern California smog and congestion....
I'm interested in seeing some of your other work.... do you have another website ?
Regards, Jim
Posted by Dan Beach (Member # 9850) on :
Just think what kind of tip you would have gotten if you put that little flower on it!
Posted by Joe Cieslowski (Member # 2429) on :
As soon as I catch up on all my other low-ball orders, I'll shake the dust off the plans (which are a work of art to begin with) and give it a shot....if I get-er done, what should I charge?
Next time you're in the hood, stop in!
Makin Chip$ and Havin Fun!
ps the tipping customer is from Fairfield.....pretty nice little town, I hear
Posted by Bob Sauls (Member # 11321) on :
Joe, Please forget my critique about those strong horizontal rhythems. Hahahah, well done indeed!