Hi guys. Hope everyone is doing well. Guys I have a client requesting using some flat screen TV's as a menu board. Is this as simple as feeding a slideshow of JPGs from a computer to the TV? Does anyone have any experience with this?
Thanks always, Felix
Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
Hiya Felix,
It can be done, but using traditional channels, can get quite expensive when you add everything up. I would try the local computer store first and if they can't help, try impact-pop.com.
Havin' fun,
Posted by Felix Marcano (Member # 1833) on :
Thanks Checkers!
Posted by Brian Stoddard (Member # 39) on :
Hey Felix, I did a bunch of these for Swedish a long time ago and they were connected to a PC which cycled through important information and a directory. We made frames for them with cherry and cleared aluminum and hung them on standard wall brackets for the flat screen. Wish I had more info on the software part but they handled that.