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Posted by Kevin Gaffney (Member # 4240) on :
Got an ipad a month back and have to say it's a terrific tool fro information consumption, emails, music, web browsing, watching home movies, viewing thousands of precious family pictures.
Curious to see if any of you have bought one and your views
Posted by Carl Wood (Member # 1223) on :
I think the jury is still out on that one, just glad I didn't buy the new i-phone....what a debacle!

[ July 21, 2010, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: Carl Wood ]
Posted by Sam Staffan (Member # 4552) on :
My son Sam received an I-pad for his 12th birthday last weekend. From what I have seen and the way that kid uses it, I am amazed at it and what it can do.
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
as long as the ipad cannot use flash or java,, then it will fall under attack by those who need that stuff.
Posted by Kevin Gaffney (Member # 4240) on :
The flas thing is so overrated. Dont think theres been one occasion yet where Ive tried accessing a site I couldn. Thats basically used by people who dont want to buy Apple but we wont go there
Posted by Mr Curtis Dalton (Member # 7547) on :
I'm not 100% sure yet, but I may pick one up in the near future. I'll install iWork and SketchBook on it and leave it at that. I think that would make a great compact working machine.
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
I don't have one, but I know that will be the device that will shape the computers of the future.
Posted by Michael Clanton (Member # 2419) on :
I've been looking at one of the knockoffs- the "APAD" - pretty much similar device, except it uses Anrdoid software as the OS, all linked up with Google Chrome browser, WiFI, GPS, Android Apps, Flash is no problem, etc.- it is getting some great reviews and everybody seems surprised that a knockoff can be such a great little device-- they seem to run about $120-$150 so they are cheap enough for me to get one for my son in a couple weeks for his birthday.
Posted by Michael Clanton (Member # 2419) on :
added-- my 14 year old uses an iPod Touch device (he got for his last birthday) so I will be curious how he will like this device - just a larger version.
Posted by Jon Peterman (Member # 528) on :
my son loves his knockoff, but it doesn't come with the latest version of the OS and the touchpad is not as sensitive as his sisters iPod and as yet does not auto rotate, I think a software upgrade may fix that when available. He's looking into learning the andriod OS which I believe is based on java
Posted by W. R. Pickett (Member # 3842) on :
...If the kid already has am Apple Ipod Touch, he is not going to be happy w. a "knock off' pad copy cat.
Posted by Michael Gene Adkins (Member # 882) on :
what I cannot understand is why all of my friends who are loaded down with their new i-toys keep showing up in my shop asking me to put together vectors and bitmap images and such for them on my "old school" desktops.

Either these toys they've bought aren't that good for that (which seems doubtful??? no idea here....) or these people were never the real competent users they fancied themselves to be to begin with.

They show me all of the fancy, scrolling screens and junk but seem to know nothing about how to put anything together that is useful.

Is the market really (and perhaps smartly) aimed at the delirously uninformed and untalented?

I'm not knocking any of these things, and I'm sure most of you on here who have bought them know how to push them to their extreme, useable, profitable end, but it seems all these years these people had regular computers, they were never really using them to their maximum potential and just fell into the trap of buying the next greatest gadget to entertain themselves and therefore convince themselves they were the world's greatest user.

Probably will never buy and ipad, but am thinking about a Kindle since I love to read. Maybe I'm falling into the trap too!!!!!!
Posted by Kevin Gaffney (Member # 4240) on :
Michael, the point a lot of people miss about the iPad is how you customize it to suit your individual needs, whether reading magazines, editing photos, listening to music, watching your film collection, the list is endless. You don't get that with a kindle, they just read books. They've sold four million in a couple of months and there probably isn't any two people using theirs for the exact same purposes
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
The flas thing is so overrated. Dont think theres been one occasion yet where Ive tried accessing a site I couldn. Thats basically used by people who dont want to buy Apple but we wont go there
Ya, flash is not mandatory,

However the JAVA is.. The people who use java powered sites for work such as airline flight crews, traveling sales reps, and the many others who must have java access are left out.
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
I'm certainly not against the iPad... looks great.

But I've decided to wait and see what the upcoming slew of windows clones has to offer.

Something about the iPad not having a usb connection just keeps me from buying one. I want to be able to plug my usb peripherals into the thing.

I'm probably talking out of ignorance here.... but how do you get your digital pictures into the iPad if you don't have a USB port to plug your digi camer into it?

Or... what if you want to print to a non-wireless printer?

Just askin....??
Posted by Ben Diaz (Member # 7319) on :
I wouldn't say that flash is used by people who don't want you to buy an ipad. Flash has been in use long before the ipad was ever in development. 9 times out of 10 people don't even realize that they are viewing a flash element on a site. It sucks that ipads don't support flash, but as a web designer you should build a site that has content available witout flash activated. We will have to see if the no flash support ends up being a problem for the ipad or not. My guess is eventually someone will add flash and java support to the ipad, but time will tell.
Posted by Scott Eckland (Member # 3036) on :
I think it could be a useful tool and of course a toy in some respects and have been on the Apple site and added it to my cart about 1/2 a dozen times, but without USB or a webcam built in I am holding off...hope the webcam makes it into the 2.0 version. I mean the Ipod Nano now has a camera built in and it's actually pretty good quality with audio too...why the ipad doesn't...not sure.
Posted by Kevin Gaffney (Member # 4240) on :
Todd therre is a seperate connector available for 29 dollars with usb slot and memory card slot all geared for transferring photos. You can also bluetooth photos from iphone to ipad or sync them through itunes. Each system works flawlessly
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
I don't have an iPad but I did have an iPatch after I ran into the goal post playing football a few years ago, resulting in eight stitches on my brow. I hung onto the ball and it was the winning touchdown pass, however, I decided the next time not to take "run a post pattern" quite so literally. The following week, my first catch was in the same end zone but I ran a corner route that time.

I didn't really need the iPatch, but my face and eye were so gross looking, I wore it for a while to keep from being such an iScare, or was that iSore?
Posted by Mr Curtis Dalton (Member # 7547) on :
Michael, you are absolutely correct. The iPad is geared towards the PLANET. Therefor built for all the Tweeders and Facebookers. This sad planet we live on is more interested in who Tweeded about their new shoes, what Kate and her 8 kids are doing and who the next "idol" is. The bonus is the fact that the iPad can also do much more then advertised.

Todd, yeah, I think the purpose of the iPad as a "work machine" is it's compact design. Easy to take out of town and store photos, books and with the help of some apps design quick ideas. However, it is created from the iPod set-up and thought of as a hard drive not a full functioning computer, so to print you would need an up-to-date computer with USB ports. The extra connector Kevin is talking about sound interesting.
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
Harding must not be taking his medication again.
Posted by Ben Diaz (Member # 7319) on :
What is the practical use of the ipad for a sign business? Has anyone on this board used them as a design or selling tool? Is it's main uses music, video and internet, or can it be used for business purposes?
Posted by Kelly Thorson (Member # 2958) on :
Can you order delivery from McDonald's with it?
Posted by Kevin Gaffney (Member # 4240) on :
Ben i have put together some portfolios of my work using keynote and put it on the ipad with backing music. Have shown this to a couple of clients so far and they were blown away. Selling tool most definately
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Ben/Kevin - - I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in the iPad for it's geeky gadgetry as well as using it as a portfolio for a selling tool... I think it could be pretty awesome that way. Thanks for the info on the adapter Kevin.... that would sure help.

I'll probably wait for several months and see what else pops up for sale and compare for my personal needs (and wants).

I don't have an iPad but I did have an iPatch
[Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor] Alright Mr Harding - you've got my vote for the consistently most witty Letterhead in L'Ville...hahaha.... that was good!!
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :

I'm on extra medication now. I had day surgery yesterday on my legs. I had a vein in my left calf that filled with blood and swelled up the size of a golf ball and got really painful, especially if I'd been exerting myself.

I've had blood clots in that leg a couple times and have needed to have the problem fixed for several years but couldn't afford the cost or the down time. I tried to get it done last October since I'd already killed off my deductible last year but Blue Cross/Blue Shield waited until the first week of January to approve it, no doubt to stick me with another deductible. Well, this year, I've massacred the deductible and all my out of pocket and I have plenty of down time right now so they're having to pay 100% instead of the 80%. They got caught in their own game. My heart (if not my leg) bleeds for them. I had a similar problem on my right calf and they did that one also.

When the grandkids heard about the upcoming surgery they exclaimed: "They're going to cut grandpa's legs off!" It got to be a running (or maybe a limping) joke and I told little David he would be as big as me when they finished cutting my legs off. When I got home, the grandkids were in the office so I got my Crocs out, knelt down on them and hobbled out like Dorf. The look on David's face was priceless!

I felt pretty good yesterday after the surgery but after all the drugs wore off, it became clear to me someone had been hacking on my legs. It took a couple of good doses of Vicodin to get through the night.

The iThread Destroyer is signing off...

...for now
Posted by Bruce Evans (Member # 44) on :
Amzazing how many opinions you get from people who don't even have one.
I've had mine since the first week (3G version). It's not going to be useful hardly at all to a designer except as a presentation tool. It's great for someone who travels and needs to stay connected such as a sales person or someone who wants to show their portfolio. It's not going to do much good in a shop situation. I use mine mostly at home while watching tv. I never go upstairs to turn on the pc and read email or browse the net anymore...simply do it while lounging and watching tv. It does work great for movies and games when your bored at work, but don't plan on "producing" with it. It really is just a overblown iphone without the abilty to make calls. I just can't get used to using the internet on that little damn iphone screen. I also subscribe to a couple of my favorite motocross magazines with it. $5 for 12 issues is a great bargain compared to the paper version i used to get. Not all magazines are a great bargain though, but they will eventually come around.
Posted by Michael Gene Adkins (Member # 882) on :
So why can't you install coreldraw/illustrator, a wireless keyboard and a mouse and use it like a real computer? Will it bluetooth to a $35 LG phone or only to an iphone?

My customers have more gizmos on hand than I do, so none of them would be impressed to see their sign layouts on an ipad. I honestly mean that seriously, not sarcastically.

One thing "i" have noted is that it is definitely easier to hold in your "lap" than a regular "lap"top. But the little netbooks are not bad either and have real keyboards.

the screen covered in thousands of app icons my sister-in-law had piled on was enough to drive me batty!!!
Posted by Bruce Evans (Member # 44) on :
Apple claims you can't "Tether" the ipad to the iphone, though it can be done with some hacking...i'd rather not. If you have a phone that has the ability to act as a wi-fi connection point for other devices, it should work. Being that they only run up to 64gb, i doubt corel or anyone is going to try and pack their program down and try and get it to function within apples operating system. Adobe does have a vector based program that will let you send back to the pc.

[ July 24, 2010, 11:02 PM: Message edited by: Bruce Evans ]
Posted by W. R. Pickett (Member # 3842) on :
...Just wait. Next years version of the Ipad will have many of these desired features, and will prpbably cost less too. And by then Adobe will have their Ipad versions of Illustrator and Photoshop available.
Posted by Michael Gene Adkins (Member # 882) on :
I have a feeling that soon all pc manufacturers will be adopting new ways of building computers, so it will be interesting to see if the ipad format is the next rage or will something else come along?
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
My son, who is a sucessful computer based businessman was visiting last week. He showed me his I-Pad...It looked impressive and I might have been impressed...IF he could have gotten internet/cell connection!!!

(He is based in Missouri and we live in Ontario)

My cell phones work in Canada, USA and Mexico..As do our laptops...

Why wouldn't his "hi-tech" I-pad work in Canada??? [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by David Wright (Member # 111) on :
It's probably a neat little gadget possibly worth having if no more than $200. More than that is hard to justify unless I am using Kevin's money.
Posted by Bruce Evans (Member # 44) on :
You must not have At&t Dave. The iphone is not much different than a cel phone, it even has a phone number assigned to it. If a at&t cel can get a signal, the ipad should. At&t service is a whole other argument in the iphone community though.
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
You actually can run pretty much any computer app on an iPad if you use the remote desktop/remote access feature and have a computer nearby with the software installed. [Smile] OK technically it's not running on the iPad but it opens up some handy capabilities.

At work we can go into the warehouse and get into our inventory control software on a PC back in the office, and key in inventory adjustments in real time instead of writing everything on paper then re-entering the data.

At home you can remote into a media PC if you have the setup and manage content. When you consider that a touchscreen remote control dedicated to home theater use is $300 and doesn't have any non-home theater capabilities an iPad offers, the iPad isn't such a bad deal.

If the stereo in your car supports Bluetooth, when you get into the car with an iPad they automatically sync and share content. Just placing the iPad in the car allows you to play its content through the stereo, without any wired connections.

As far as a tool in design work, I think it's great for concept sketches while talking to clients, and the software for that is available. When it comes to finished or detailed work however, well, there's a reason artists buy 27" and 30" monitors.
Posted by Kevin Gaffney (Member # 4240) on :
Have iPAd connected on vacation here in SPain using an unlocked miwi router and data card on SPanish network.
Cost 3 euros per day for 100mb downloads. Cheap alternative for any of you travelling out of states and requiring internet access. This miwi also runs up to five devices at a time so you can power you laptops phones etc
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Hehehehe......meanwhile from Wired Magazine......

iPad Owners Are ‘Selfish Elites.’ Critics Are ‘Independent Geeks.’


It’s not exactly official, but should also surprise no one: According to a new study the psychological profile of iPad owners can be summed up as “selfish elites” while have-not critics are “independent geeks.”

Of course the “haves” would probably call the “have nots” “cheap wannabes” to which the “have nots” would retort: “FANBOI!!”

Which is why we should stick to the science.

Consumer research firm MyType conducted the study, in which opinions of 20,000 people were analyzed between March and May. The firm’s conclusion was that iPad owners tend to be wealthy, sophisticated, highly educated and disproportionately interested in business and finance, while they scored terribly in the areas of altruism and kindness. In other words, “selfish elites.”

Posted by W. R. Pickett (Member # 3842) on :
I got a poll result for ya, Anybody hung up on hating Ipads and Ipad owners are total turkeys.
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Someday everyone will be using an Ipad equivelant in one way or another. This is just the foundation of things to come.
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Somewhere, Gene Roddenberry is smiling.
Posted by Michael Clanton (Member # 2419) on :
here is a post I ran across, thought it might be of some interest-
Posted by Kevin Gaffney (Member # 4240) on :
I just don't get it.. I start a tread about people who have ipads and what theybthink of them. I'm genuinely interested to see what fellow users are using them for in a creative environment like this community. Why do some people who haven't got one, don't intemd to get one or more importantly know nothing about them want to turn this into an anti APple thingy. It's a great portable device. Because of the thousands of apps available I'm curious to see what other users are doing that's it
Posted by David Wright (Member # 111) on :
There aren't that many that have them yet Kevin, you are going to have to wait a while for more to acquire them to have any real input.

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