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Posted by Alicia B. Jennings (Member # 1272) on :
So, at the Danville meet, will some of the murals be done with water based paints? And if so, would I use my fine fitches in the water based paints or should I use "The Plastic Hair, made out of cheap wigs,"
Posted by Steve Luck (Member # 5292) on :
Alicia, Last year in Pontiac, alot of the project leaders had materials available including brushes. Depending on who you are working with will determine what paint they are using. Contact the leaders of the murals that you think you might want to work on and ask them what they will be using. The wall I helped paint was all exterior acrylic latex but I did see some oil-based cans at other walls.

Good Luck and hope to see you there!

Sign-cerely, Steve
Posted by Sandy Baird (Member # 4773) on :
Good question Alicia. In talking with a couple of other first time wall pups, and we where wondering what things we would need to bring, brush wise to the meet. In another thread it mentioned some of the other things that are worth bringing (sunblock, hat, etc), but I don't want to show up empty handed and having no clue
as what is expected of us new pups?
Posted by Jane Diaz (Member # 595) on :
We didn't ask much of the walldogs attending Pontiac, but we did ask that they bring their own brushes. Many of the project leaders, having been there done that, brought extra brushes for those who forgot or just couldn't bring them on the plane.
If you are flying, keep it to the minimum. People who are driving usually bring extra. It all works out in the end. When we drive, we usually try to bring brushes, sunscreen, hat, aprons, lawn chairs, cooler for "refreshments", musical instruments, and this trip, a bottle of anti-monkey butt powder for our host, Scott.
We always bring a gift of some type for our host that we stay with. The people of Pontiac who offered their homes were not aware of this tradition and they were NICELY surprised by the wonderful stuff they recieved! It's a nice little perk for opening up your home to a stranger, I think!
Posted by david butler (Member # 591) on :
Our brick wall has now been turned into panels so we will be using enamels.(windbreaker project)

Posted by Dale Manor (Member # 4858) on :
I am using Nova Colors (water-based acrylics) on my Wall in danville. Traditionally, I have used a lot of oil-based paints in the past...don't intend to in the future if I can help it?

I have quite a few brushes and will try to pick up some extras for the event. Anything that works for water-based paints should work fine.

I'm still trying to train my brushes to paint with H2O type paints.
Posted by Brad Ferguson (Member # 33) on :
Gary Anderson on water based paints and brushes
Posted by Tim Barrow (Member # 576) on :
Back when I worked in the billboard shop painting walls and billboards full time the shop wouldn't supply us but with four brushes,..a 1" fitch, an inch and a half wide cutter, a two inch fill in house painting type brush and a four inch fill in. we had to wear one of those out and turn in the remains of a worn out tool before they would supply a replacement.Traditional wall work was treated as an outdoor advertisement and anything that needed a smaller brush was considered too small to be read from a distance and thus unsuitable for the ad.occasionally we would get a 1" or 1 1/2" flat for lettering snipes with poster color but that was it,...nothing smaller was allowed in order to keep production levels up and not have any of the painters wasting their time painting with a tool too small for the job at hand. Now as for the wall dog events you are probably gonna need some fairly large quills and flats but there shouldn't be much of a need for any small quills for wall work. The brushes should be suitable for water base and or oil based products depending on the projects you intend to help with. I know that there will more than likely be some brushes for sale there from a reliable source. I personally have found that the cheap dollar store latex brushes work fairly well in latex and they are so cheap you can toss them at the end of the project without cleanup worries due to their low cost. I plan to bring along a couple of two inch dollar tree cutters and another couple of three inch brushes say maybe four dollars worth, for the water based acrylics.
Posted by Scott Lindley (Member # 11386) on :
Just to give you a heads up John Parker is going to have brushes at the meet. I talked with him today on the phone. He said he will have brushes designed for oil base and the acrylic projects. His products will be on sell next to the Fisher Theater. We also trying to pick up brushes for the all the project walls but you should bring you brushes with you.
Posted by Judy Grossman (Member # 235) on :
A couple years ago Bill Diaz gave me a good tip. He dipped his brush handles in paint. All the sme color. So if he shared them, he knew which ones were his, so he culd get them ack. Very good plan. I did it last year and it really helped. People ar more conscious if they know who's brushes they are and that they need to be cared for as i they were your own. But on brick walls, they do get thrashed pretty quickly. Scott mentioned that a lot of the murals will be done with NovaColor acrylics. Yay, BTW...fitches are the way. Looks like a lot of the murals have a lot of small lettering too. I found a great set of boxes to carry my brushes and have them packable on the plane. The hardware stores sell those plastic boxes that have removable sections for little screws and stuff. I took out the cross sections and they held the brushes really well. Stuck in a couple rags for padding and the boxes snapped closed really well. There's my 2 cents.
And Jane, thanks for eminding about the hst gift. I almost forgot about that, in the process of getting ready. Those osts dserve something special, for sure!
Alicia...can't wait to see you, girlfriend!

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