I'd like to cut some prismatic letters and the Gerber "Auto Carve 3D" software that came with my sabre creates the letters with a variable depth.
Is it possible to use three dimensional routing software like Enrout or ArtCam on a Gerber Saber?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Al
Posted by Dennis Raap (Member # 3632) on :
Al they both work I happen to have Enroute. Posted by Allan Gane (Member # 1911) on :
Hello Dennis, thanks for the reply. That's a relief - I was starting to think I bought a 2d only machine! How do you like the Enroute software? Are you able to send the toolpaths directly from Enroute or do you have to bring them into the Gerber software?
Posted by Dennis Raap (Member # 3632) on :
I like it! The tool paths are sent directly to the machine. I haven't used the Gerber software since I got Enroute.
Posted by Rene Giroux (Member # 4980) on :
Sounds like the perfect time to attend a 3D workshop with people using both EnRoute and Gerber !
Check your e-mail.....
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
Posted by Blake Koehn (Member # 5984) on :
Check out Aspire it is what I use. I think you would like it, and it is quite a bit cheaper then the other two programs mentioned.
Here is a download link to a fully working 30 day free trial.
I am testing aspire as we type. I find it very functional. And, I will likely get it.
Posted by Allan Gane (Member # 1911) on :
I'll download free trial and give it a try.
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
Even though I have ArtCam Pro, Aspire is a great new program and much more user friendly than others.
Posted by Joe Crumley (Member # 2307) on :
I agree, Aspire is the program I'd purchase if I didn't have ArtCam. I may buy it anyway.
Noella C. and I were talking over 3D programs, a few weeks ago, and we both agreed it's much more fun carving and fabricating than programming and routing. But it all has to do with the kind of signs you are making and what makes you happy.
I still do lettering, a little vinyl, but the lions share is handwork. I couldn't exist without all of them.
O, I do everything says. No questions asked.
Posted by Joe Crumley (Member # 2307) on :
Last Line should say.
"O, I do everything Chapman says. No questions asked."
I gotta slow down.
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :