Looks like a mesa font. I'll do some digging....
Posted by Kathy Weeks (Member # 10828) on :
Mike - I tried to look up that style/font on WhatTheFont.com, but no luck. (I uploaded the jpeg image, and it could not identify it.) However, if you go to WhatTheFont.com, there are a couple options you can try - they have font experts you can chat with, and they'll try to help you out. There is a questionare area, where you can answer questions about the font and it will try to dig it up for you. Good luck!
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
Looks like an un-named font we used to see in the olf handwriting copybooks from school in the early 1970s. Personally, I'd call it an ornamental font with fishtail centres and ball-end serifs, if I had to describe it,but I've never heard of anything commmerically available as a TTF.