Where do I learn about this technology? How do they sell it? How much a square foot? Are there standard sizes? What extra computer or software do they require. I know the stuff is getting cheaper and am seeing so much more if it, so who knows the scoop on this new area?
Posted by Bill Cosharek (Member # 1274) on :
Try the trade magazines suchas Signs of the Times, Sign Business & Sign Builder, as a start. In each you should find something helpful. Daktronics is a biggy & there are others. Can't give you much other info except that you will have to check with each municipality where you may plan on installing as they may have restrictions on use (or not allow at all). Some places are now rescinding their allowable usage. Please check with zoning first! That would be the most important thing I could tell you. Good Luck!
Posted by Preston McCall (Member # 351) on :
My thoughts are that if we can find some supplier of these at some reasonable price and standard sizes, every new car dealer in the country will want them for the insides of their windows! They are all like sheep and once they start seeing these, everyone will follow....Then maybe the fast fooders and grocery stores??? This could be the biggest boom ever for the sign business, so we need to figure this one out, before someone else does.