This is topic He won't be at all happy that I revealed this but . . . in forum Letterhead/Pinstriper Talk at The Letterville BullBoard.

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Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
People, I know this isn't charity central. And I know times are really tough . . . but I'm going to compromise a Letterhead's openness with me and reveal some facts about a true 'brother' who helped out my friend Renata Guzman with a donation for her fundraiser . . . so it's my turn to help him . . .

I got this email today from Don Coplen - who is living at night at a Salvation Army shelter as he's been unable to find a job to keep his apartment in Huntsville, AL where he moved to be with his now former girlfriend . . .

"Jay, You're not going to believe this....some bastard stole my bike Sunday. I'm 6'8" and I'd paid $500 for it new. It was the cheapest bike in the bike shop that was big enough for me to ride, and that was three years ago. Heaven knows how much the same bike would cost today. I've got arthritis in my back, and my maximum walking range is about two miles...on a good day. It's a five mile walk in any direction from the Salvation Army to be out of the Huntsville's worse ghetto.

What do you wanna bet that some crackhead didn't sell it for $20? I know there's nothing anybody can do to help. Just past frustrated and needed to vent a little."

Here's another snippet from a personal message he sent to me that shows how hnoroable this man really is . . . when I asked him if he would consider some help or charity:
Jay: How receptive are you to a 'public' plea for a little help? Or are you a proud man who'd just as soon handle it with positivity and effort and determination?

Don: That would be a little too close to panhandling for my taste. I don't even ask family for help. Pride is pretty much all I have left now. One thing I will not lower myself to is asking others for money. It's sort of a Darwin's theory in action. If I can't carry my own weight, I don't belong on the planet.

PS. as for "demons", I don't smoke, drink or do drugs. Believe it or not, that's a bad thing in my situation. They have programs for homeless with those problems. Since I'm not into any of that, I don't fit into anything they might have to offer.

So I have $25.00 to start the pot . . . don't know how this might get handled . . . but a man to face this situation just for loving a girl and following her to her hometown . . . well, it just isn't deserved.

"Just past frustrated and needed to vent a little.""

People . . . Monte and Jimmy and their illnesses . . . where does the list stop? But Don is on the streets. No home. In the shelter at 6pm and out at 4:30am . . . But if we might be able to find Don a bike - or to buy one for him - well, he'd still be on the street - but he'd at least be mobile . . .

So if you are in that area . . . get him some work - or open your door to him for a meal . . . he won't even ask family for help he has such immense pride.

I'n going to do what I can . . . how about any of you??? God bless you even if it's only a prayer you can offer up . . .
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
P.S. - If anybody has one bad word to say here, please keep it to yourself.

Posted by Bobbie Rochow (Member # 3341) on :
How could anyone have a bad word to say? Don is a really sweet guy with a heart of GOLD!

Where do we send the money Jay? To you, & you take it from there?
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
We'll work that out, Bobbie . . . for now, your word here is gold. News to come . . . decide on an amount - emnail it to me at and I'll get to the next step.

My plan is to buy a bike over the phone and have Don go pick it up.

But he's a big guy at 6'-8" - so I hope a 27" wheel is adequate.

This will take about $500-$700 for a large enough bike. But 50 people at $10 gets us to the low figure . . . and a good feeling in your heart . . .
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
P.S. - And we'll also get a big strong bike lock too . . .
Posted by Jon Jantz (Member # 6137) on :
Jay, do you have a Paypal account we could send money to? If so, could you post the Email address to the account?
Posted by Duncan Wilkie (Member # 132) on :
Paypal will be perfect.
Edited to add...
Does Don still have royalty rites to his "Palms Collection"? If he does, I'd certainly purchase a copy of it, if I knew he would benefit from it.

[ January 29, 2009, 07:36 PM: Message edited by: Duncan Wilkie ]
Posted by Kristi Percell (Member # 255) on :
Sorry to hear about Don, its been a while since we spoke last.

Don receives the majority of the profits from the sale of any Palm's CD, beyond the cost of processing the order.

Don Coplen CDs Available:
Palms Trilogy
Ruby CD
Sapphire CD
Emerald CD
Palms Sampler
50 Ribbons
Click Here to View

Thanks for the heads up Jay,
Kristi & Ron
Posted by William DeBekker (Member # 3848) on :
Jay check email
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
I think that we can get enough to get him a car.
Posted by Dan Antonelli (Member # 86) on :
Jay - it's not the wheel size - its the frame size. Go by that - as the wheel sizes are all the same.

Let us know if there's a paypal thing we can send $ to.
Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
Sorry I can't do much more for Don from this distance.

Somebody here really needs to pick him up and use his incredible design talents with a full time job.

I tried years ago to hook him up with my brother in New Zealand doing Mac graphic illustration and design for International publisher via the internet ... but unfortunately nothing happened.
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Jay here is a suggestion.

I have done some calls but to no pervail.
If you have the time and because you live closer then I do,
Call some of the bike shops and explain the reson why you are calling!

Because of the outcome of Dons' job position. and living at Sally Ann.

See if they are willing to donate a bike to him and in return call the local paper for a free advertising add because of their charity.

You never know what may happen!
All they can do is say no to a great way of advertisement.
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
I am super busy today . . . so I won't be able to post until much later . . .

But, while we want to overshoot and get Don the help he needs, we have amassed an incredible amount of money so far . . . largely due to one incredible poster above who truly is an angel . . . awesome is the only word that comes to mind.

No gift is too large - no gift is too small . . . but once again, this profession shows what true brotherhood really means.

I am so proud to be a Letterhead - to be walking beside so many creative and compassionate people - to know that humanity is FAR more caring and self-aware than it thinks it is - and we as group are the examples many should follow. We all should continue to remain true to all that we are - and will be - and express our gratitude daily.

I am humbled by such gratitude for how much - or how little - we have. God's blessings to each and every one of you who've emailed me - or posted here - so far. What a classy bunch of people I am affiliated with.

I am truly blessed . . .

You get back twice what you give in life . . . and this story is far from over, I suspect.

Humbled. Appreciative. Proud of my profession.
Posted by William DeBekker (Member # 3848) on :
Follow up to last nights Email.

After Discussing it with my Wife and Son. We would be honored to have Don come out here, If he wants to.
My reasoning is a very personal one. I was in his shoes once and Someone lent me a Garage floor to sleep on, (Don will have a bed) while I built up this business with $20 and a prayer so its my turn to help someone I truly respect.
If he decides not to. let me know how you would like the money. Paypal check etc.
Posted by stein Saether (Member # 430) on :
You are a nice man Don and it is gonna be allright again!
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Wonderful offer Bill!
I was tempted to suggest Don coming to Maui. Losing property & a significant other, is never fun... but like they say, when one door closes, many more will open. Perhaps a gift certificate for a bike from a national chain (Sports Authority?) would allow Don to accept that gift, AND consider all the other opportunities that may open up for him.
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
I'll help, just email me and let me know where to send the funds. This is a great Idea, like you said, it does'nt matter how little or How much, it all helps.
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
I do believe Sally Ann will help as well.
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
After mucho serious thoughts and phone calls to several Letterheads after first seeing this post yesterday morning I have come to this conclusion. I cannot stand to see a person like Don whether or not we get along be in the position he is in. I feel that money to any homeless person is of no consequence and therefore what is needed is a space for this gentleman. As I've said, I have called several persons in regards to his situation and now must figure a way to get Don to my place in southern Oregon where he may be a bit happier than any shelter. The talent that this man holds is minimal when you consider no one belongs where he is at this moment and a bicycle cannot replace love. For crying out loud, I'd give him a friggin bicycle the day he lands in Medford.

Believe me, I'm not looking for anything from Don or even part of his talent but I'll be damned to hell if something happens to him while he's in some sh-thole of a town looking for his lost bike and possibly finding it which may be had by some gun tote'n junkie with a gun.

I'd type in the names of who I've called but that would just anger those who hadn't returned my phone phone for whatever excuse they may have.

Don is welcome at my home for an extended stay to get himself together as long as he needs and maybe some letterheads here can make that happen.

That's all I have to say
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
Joey . . . I haven't had time yet to listen to the message you left. Today was just nuts - and the weekend and next week will be the same . . . but I agree with you 100%.

But we HAVE raised some nice money - and we CAN get Don moving again . . . in whatever way he sees fit.

I'll be in touch, Joey . . . just not today or Saturday. Likely on Sunday . . .

It's all good, Joey. Good things happening behind the scenes here. And I agree with you - no Letterhead should suffer through this.

You're a good man, Joey . . . but Don's heart is in Florida it seems . . . so I don't know about him getting out there.

But that's Don's call - not mine. Thanks, Joey . . . we feel the same way. I'll be in touch.
Posted by Gonzalo (Peewee)Curiel (Member # 3837) on :
Been in his shoes before (1994)...somebody send me an email address
Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
Spoken with Joey & Si on the subject a lot on Skpye since this thread started.

All three of us thinking same way. Money is not the solution!
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
. . . Where Is Don's girlfriend? Is she living at the shelter too? Is she also out of work?

Just wondering. I'm really sorry to hear about Don's situation but can not personally contribute more than concern.

By the way, just as an aside, I take exception to Joey's comment about Hunstville being a 'sh--hole town. The fact is, the largest majority of Hunstville, Alabamba is a quite beautiful and clean city and is the home of the US space & rocket center, museum and school - check it out on-line. If there is a slum area in that city it is well hidden and off the beaten path.
Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
Sheila, nice talking to you tonight. Luv that southern belle accent ... sweeter than honey [Wink]

Think we straightened a few things out regarding this thread. Especially what part of town Don is in, and what he needs.

Jay, if you find the time and get enough money together from all of us here concerned about Don's plight .... use it get him further than new bike could take him to a new home and a job with one of us.

My brother in New Zealand could still use his work skills with a Mac via the internet! Damn, that's only free Skype phone call, and work by e-mail away!

[ January 31, 2009, 06:54 AM: Message edited by: Jon Butterworth ]
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
There is a software/website out there that is free for one month that he could use too. Its an online conferencing software that allows you to talk to up to 16 people at once in a conference. The benefit is that you can turn on a feature that allows anyone in the conference to see you monitor and see what you are designing (or whatever). I use it everyday, 7 days a week with my day trading group. The sound is so much better than talking thru in Yahoo Messenger. If I need to send a file, I use Yahoo Mesenger and its there in a few seconds.

Jon this might be something that your brother and Don can work together with designing stuff. Your brother can see what Don's designing at the same time and he can have input too.

If someone wants me to show them how this works, just let me know. I can start a conference anytime pretty much and we can have up to 16 people all in there talking.

Best place to find me online is at yahoo Messenger. Just send email or instant message to for email or ljbutler1951 for YMess.
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
Well, Laura and some others have already seen to it to send money to a PayPal account I have in my email name - . . . so here's the link:

So just log in to your PayPal acct. and run your debit card through that to me - or your credit card - or just mail the checks to my office (soon): ShawCraft Sign Co. - 7727 Burden Rd. - Machesney Park, IL c/o Jay Allen and I'll deposit them into my bank account and transfer it to PayPal. I can then PayPal the money to Don's account and he's golden . . . less than Western Union!!

Much more to say (what's new?) but too busy right now . . .

But quickly . . . you people are just unbelieveable. Way more than I imagined - and stories I can't tell - but God's work indeed . . . just unreal, yet again.

[ January 31, 2009, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: Jay Allen ]
Posted by Catharine C. Kennedy (Member # 4459) on :
The link won't play nice... or maybe it's my machine?
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
Cat . . . my bad, I was still logged in . . . I just linked a clean page that should work now. Some may have to sign up for PayPal first - but for those with existing accounts, the link should work now.

I'll be replying to each of the emails I got in the coming week . . .
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
there you go... another drop in the bucket.
Lunch on me Don!

Be well!
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Jay..I think that you are doing a good thing, trying to help Don out.

He is a very very talented guy, and does not really deserve what he is experiencing now. Nobody does.

I agree with Jon and Si's feeling however.

Spoken with Joey & Si on the subject a lot on Skpye since this thread started.

All three of us thinking same way. Money is not the solution!

Shirl and I have discussed, and agonised, what to do this time around and have decided that we have, over the years, already contributed enough, even monitarily, towards helping Don out.

Please do not think I am being negative here, We know Don, and have for many years. In fact it was me who introduced him to the Letterville website in the first place at the "Letterheads on Mainstreet" meet in Bloomington.

We echo Jon and Si's assessment...

"Money is not the solution!"

Sorry for your difficulties Don, we DO love you. But sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom to make one realise that he has to make changes, take life by the horns, and stand on his own two feet. All by himself.

Steve or Barb..if you think this is an inappropriate response feel free to delete it. But they are the thoughts of both Shirley and I.
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
If someone wants to contribute but doesn't have a paypal account, it is quicker to send them an invoice. Without that, when they sign up for paypal, they will have to wait about 3-4 days to have paypal verify their account. By sending an invoice, the money can be sent right away.
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
Laura . . . perfect. Good idea, dear . . .

If somebody would like to do that, let me know and send the pertinent info like address, email address, name/business, etc. (take it off on your taxes!!) and I'll have my bookkeeper PDF an invoice to you . . .

That will seal the deal. I have enough to work with now - and the balance will trickle in.

Again, especially on a Sunday morning, God's blessings to you all for your compassion and humanity. Enjoy whatever wonderful thing karma brings your way from this . . . 'cause that's how it works . . . ya' just don't do it for the karma. Do it from the purity of your own true heart . . .

Have a great Super Bowl Sunday!!
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Donations made for this cause are NOT tax deductible. In order to be deductible, the entity receiving the funds must be a non-profit with sufficient status with the IRS to be be so recognized.

All monies given constitute nothing more than a gift. All giving money to Don is going to give is a warm feeling not that feeling that way is a bad thing...
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
Bruce . . . yep, true. Legally, that's true . . .

An invoice would do no good except as a 'receipt' . . . but what about that spare change you drop in the Salvation Armies kettles at Christmas-time? Who really doesn't 'pad' that amount a lil' bit . . . ;-)

Do what your heart tells ya', right Bruce? (Thanks for the LinkedIn link - already passed it along to him)

Sign me,
Jay the Crooked Accountant ;-)
Posted by John Deaton (Member # 925) on :
Good thing you are doing here Jay. Money may not be the solution, but it helps when you're down and out.
Posted by Bobbie Rochow (Member # 3341) on :
Who defines when a person has hit rock bottom? Only the Lord knows. And to me, it doesn't matter whether I can write things off or not, it is the Lord Who sees it anyway.

The best time to to give to anyone is when you don't don't expect anything back from it.

oops. pressed edit button before I added...remember, Don never asked anyone for help, let alone criticism for his predicament.

[ February 02, 2009, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: Bobbie Rochow ]
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
So where are we at Jay? Are you in touch with Don?
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
Laura and others . . . I am in contact with Don. He's riding with the pastor of the homeless church to the bike shop today (that was the plan) and will pick one out. I will call and pay for it with my credit card - and then transfer the money to my account . . .

We're over (as you might imagine, Laura!!) the amount that is needed to get a good bike that'll fit Big Man . . . and he prefers to do the bike things for now. St. Pete is attractive - but he's heard they don't treat the homeless so well there - so for now - for now - he's staying in AL.

Bill Debekker's offer does sound good to Don - but he really wants to think on things for a short while longer. His gratitude to you all is unmeasurable. He is quite humbled by the generosity . . . ya' gotta like a guy with such courage in such a crappy siutation.

So that's the update - and I'll let you know what happens today. I told him to get a bright pink bike with lime green handgrips . . . keep somdbody from stealing it!!

I don't think they make pink bikes that size though . . . ;-)

I'll post more later. This has worked out great so far . . .
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
Ooops . . . Bobbie informed me that I failed to list my zip code for those mailing a check.

The Zip for Machesney Park is 61115

Sorry . . .
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
Hey!!! We just bought a new bike!!

Don got his bike - the guy gave him a great deal . . . replete with a luggage rack (so he deosn't abuse his back with a heavy backpack) a new headlight for night rides (in this case, early morning rides) - AND a super-strong-you-can't-steal-it bike lock . . .

Check that off the list . . . that also leaves Don some nice pocket money too. Temps supposed to get in the teens tomorrow - so even though warm days are ahead, there is still some 'unpleasantness' ahead.

So you all know how we did this, I just bought it with my debit card and will transfer the exact amount of the sale to my bank account. The balance of it I will probably get in a cashiers check and mail it to him - depending on the difficulty in doing that.

Karma reigns yet again . . . for those who are or have donated, just stop for one minute and put yourself in Don's situation. Think of walking along on that big ol' frame of his . . . sleeping on a cot . . . going out on the streets at 5 in the morning with the temps well below freezing.

God will surely reward you for helping ease that temporary suffering . . . I know I feel better for being the 'caretaker' of some amazing stories of understanding of Don's plight - that I won't ever be able to share with you . . . but suffice it to say, some here truly practice the whole concept of 'paying it forward' . . .

As for Don, I compromised his private conversations in emails by exposing this. I had to - but I will never do that again. He wanted to handle this alone. My big mouth just couldn't keep that quiet.

So I apologize publicly for my decision - but I, for one, feel it was well worth it.
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
No apology necessary, Jay. You did what was right. Whenever the chips are down, I want you on my side. You're a good man.
Posted by Jon Jantz (Member # 6137) on :
Jay, this might would be going a step too far.... but just an idea. Does Don have a Paypal account in his name? If not, maybe you could set him one up. Then you can request a Debit Card from Paypal that works exactly like a Visa card. It's free to use and you actually get a little cash back for using it....

That would make it easy for him to access his funds, and easy for more to be added at a later date if he gets in a pinch. Also, if he does design work for anyone, they could easily and quickly pay into the Paypal account, and the funds would be instantly available.

He can even go to an ATM and pull out cash from it, if he needs to...

Just an idea, and I think you did the right thing.....
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
I asked that too, Jon . . . he said you need a 'real' email account - not Gmail as he uses - to set up a PayPal account. No permanent address, no go, I guess.

If someone knows of a better, more efficient way, please post it . . . that would be easiest for everyone I think . . .

And thanks so much for the kind words, Ray . . . but it was a GROUP effort . . . not just one person. No credit just to me is deserved. All I did was type a post . . . and betray Don's confidence!! (OK, that last part wasn't cool - but it worked!!)

I am ONE of a group of truly compassionate people . . . and proud to be one of that group. In this world we tend to deify one person too often - even when it 'takes a village' as it did here. I like 'team play' much better than going solo . . . but I get your point, too, Ray . . .

And right back at ya' Ray - I'd prefer you be on my side too!!
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :

I re-read your post . . . I think I might have misunderstood the second part . . . maybe I could be the caretaker of that kind of account . . . I'd just have to mail Don the debit card . . .

Hmmm . . . I might have to go read the PayPal 'rules' to see what can be done . . .
Posted by Jon Jantz (Member # 6137) on :
Jay, I'm sure we could also come up with a 'real' email address for Don. My web hoster gives 2,500 free email addresses that I can assign with any of the 50 domains that I own.

He can then add his Gmail account as the secondary email address and still use it to log in, send or receive money, etc.

Another way would be for you to set up an account and list him as a secondary member, but I don't know if they'd send a debit card in HIS name then....
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
Pay pal charges outrageous fees to do this stuff.
Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
Jon set up a Domain etc for Don. Jay use the money to pay Don's ISP wireless ISP connection .... I will get him a job he can sit on a park bench doing off a frigging laptop!
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
OK, good friends . . . almost done - though I'll see a few straggler donations come in still I bet . . . I'll send a last check later when it's all here.

Don has his new bike - with saddle bags and a super-deluxe bike lock. He sent a picture he took with his laptop and DANG! is that seat up high!!

Don' is being watched over by Pastor Sherry - she took him to the bike shop, etc. - and is the mailing address I am sending a personal check to - so Don will have the balance of the funds . . . and the balance is pretty healthy even after buying a bike!!

So for those who contributed . . . no matter the amount, it was in your heart to reach out and help a brother in trouble. I find myself shaking my head at the sadness in the world - while simultaneously nodding my head for the good I see in people . . .

How can a world so full of horrendous behaviors be so full of compassion when needed? The big mystery . . .

All of us with homes or families who are close by us - take a moment to say a short prayer for Don and others who find themselves in dire straits . . . new opportunities are headed Don's way - but the good will from afar sure can't hurt.

Thanks for letting me be the 'caretaker' with this little fundraiser - and for trusting me with your donations . . . needless to say, all of the monies are going to Don . . . and all of you will be hearing from Don personally.

He's got da' list of y'all who gave . . .

Don . . . I know you'll read this . . . you sure have a pretty swell list of friends and supporters . . . please remember that.

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