I see Corel X4 on E-BAY for all kinds of different prices. I'm going to upgrade from Corel 10, but why is the price range so different. The upgrade direct from COREL is $199. . . . .E-BAY starts a about $80 to $179. . . . .what is the difference?
Posted by Jon Jantz (Member # 6137) on :
John, if you look up the profile pic of someone selling CorelDraw X4 for $80 - $120 it will look something like this....
Edited to Add: I do see where some guys on Ebay have the 'Student' version for sale for around $99... so I guess they might be legit as long as you're a teacher/student, etc.
[ October 20, 2008, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: Jon Jantz ]
Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
Hiya John, In addition to what Jon said, you might be buying a foreign language version too.
Do you subscribe to Corel's emails? If so, and you're paitient, you can get a pretty good deal when buying direct from them.
Havin' fun,
Posted by Patrick G. Smith (Member # 3707) on :
Hello John. Glad you made the trip back safe and sound. Good seeing you again. I upgraded from Corel 12 to x4 for 189.00. My new computer came with Vista and I had no choice, but I'm glad I did the upgrade.I bought direct from Corel Draw. Is it possible to upgrade from Corel 10 to x4? Good luck. Take care. Patrick Smith
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
You can probably upgrade from Draw 1 to X4.
I haven't tried it though, never heard of CorelDraw until version 2.
Saw ver 2, played with it, and fell in love!!!
Currently using X3 and not really impressed with the X4 changes.
Posted by Rich Stebbing (Member # 368) on :
I beleive those "student versions" are sans manuels etc. as well.
Posted by Dawud Shaheed (Member # 5719) on :
I still use corel 11 and it works on vista. I seem to like corel more than illustrator or photoshop for doing quick on the spot layouts. I haven't played with photoshop or illy enough yet to have an opinion on them.
Posted by Michael Clanton (Member # 2419) on :
Amazon.com has some good legit deals- Just buy the upgrade version (it is the full version, just cheaper) install and register
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
student version is minus the manuals and the VBA modules. You will need the VBA for some plugins..
Posted by Sonny Franks (Member # 588) on :
I bought a brand-new, in-the-box, full, non-student, non-upgrade, non-foreign, registerable version of Photoshop CS3 on ebay for $225 - absolutely no problems.(it's $699 direct from Adobe)
[ October 21, 2008, 01:54 AM: Message edited by: Sonny Franks ]
Posted by Dawud Shaheed (Member # 5719) on :
hmmm, really? that's pretty good. I want to know how I can get my hands on a few of those to put on ebay and sell for $225 as well! Maybe a few of them accidentally fell off the back of the adobe delivery truck.