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Posted by Tim Borden (Member # 853) on :
Hey Y'all,
Last time I was timed, I typed 3 words per minute. I'm not bragging, but I think I may be up to 3.5 by now.

Has anyone recently tried voice recognition software? Dragon Naturally Speaking seems to dominate the market. The newest version is 9. The preferred version allows you to attach other digital devices to your computer, and download the records you select. I have a pretty severe problem with Adult ADD. If any of you deal with ADD, you know your thoughts are fleeting, and the best idea you've ever had disappears within 2 seconds. I do my most creative, out of the box thinking, while I'm driving. More importantly, that's when I usually remember a customer's project that's lost in paper work. I have too much respect for human life to drive with a pen and notebook, trying to write down every thought I have. Regardless, I'm buying a digital voice recorder.

In 1974, I took two days of typing, and quickly realized I'd never need it. Everyone knew only secretaries typed. I'm still wiping the poo off my face. Here I am, making a living with a keyboard. Signs don't take that much time, but I find myself having to type more often. Today, my project is an answer to a divorce complaint. My wife has a very vivid imagination, but luckily, the complaint is still a little shorter than the Bible.

I'm sure there's good and bad experiences, but I need to find a solution. The average typist is 40wpm, but most people speak 120 wpm. I'm not around a calculator, but that's probably around 35X faster than I'm doing now. I'm going to edit, whether it's me or a software program.

Any experiences?

Tim Borden

[ August 12, 2007, 10:47 AM: Message edited by: Tim Borden ]
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
I've been curious about these programs too.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
I just bought it last week. Haven't opened it yet, but plan to test it out in my posts here.

Next I want to start my book, an auto-biography of what a nothing-to-write-home-about life would look like if it was written about by an embellishing, self delusional story teller type.

I post back after I check it out.
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
I spent a weekend playing around with the speech recognition that is included with Windows XP. I found it to work fairly well and the longer you use it the more accurate it becomes.

It is not activated by default, but a quick look in the Windows help file will explain how to activate and use it.
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Dave... THANKS!

Now there's a hint that will help!
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
Eight years ago I experimented for half a day with a similar program, and found I spent about as long editing it, than if I'd typed it to begin with- this was after spending time teaching it to work properly. Some of the things it invented were quite amusing!
Posted by Michael R. Bendel (Member # 5847) on :
I'm ewe sing mine righting now. Works hairy well don't chew think? Good lock & God's bed.

Translation... I'm using.... Works very... Good luck & God speed.

Just kidding... Never used it but expect worse than this.

It took me about one hour & 48 minutes to type this! I'm hoping it does work some day! [Big Grin]
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
in case you haven't noticed... those stupid voice prompt computer telephone operators are about 10 times better then a few years ago.

I still refuse to do business with them, but they seem to understand &^%!!*'g &*+(%$ and *^?!@#%'g *&$#@! way faster then before [Smile]

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