I just bought a couple books of Sepp aluminum leaf and copper leaf to experiment with. What is the trick to get it from the book to the substrate? It seems that it's too heavy for my gilders tip, as it won't lift it. I have read about the wax paper method, can I do that and still clear over it without any issues from the wax paper?
Posted by Curt Stenz (Member # 82) on :
I always size (fast dry) as usual, but lay the leaf with more tack than you need for gold, as it is heavier and thicker. As for getting it from the book to the substrate, I open the book carefully, and sort of roll it directly on to the size. As I roll it down I use my fingers to sort of squeege it from the back of the carrier sheets that are between the leaves in the book.
I can't say that this is the perfect way, and it may sound clumsy but it works or me.
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
I do copper the same way. The aluminum leaf will work with the gilder's tip...if you have the thin stuff.
If it is like the aluminum leaf from the crafts stores, you can even pick it up by a corner and flop it into place!
Posted by W. R. Pickett (Member # 3842) on :
...Before applying, dust you fingers with baby powder and you can transport the paper and leaf (from book to target) with considerable ease. You can chuck the tip.
Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :
I do it the same way as Curt. I use the same method on 23 kt, using glass gold. It takes a little practice but beats the hell out of struggling with patent. You loose more gold but get a better gild. The time saved more than makes up for the lost gold.
Posted by Mike Murray (Member # 840) on :
Thanks for the replies. I will give Curt's method a try. If it works for you all, hopefully I can make it work for me. Sounds easy enough anyway.
Si, the aluminum is pretty thick and I was just picking it up as you suggested and flopping it into place, it worked but was kind of a pain in the arse.