Hi guys. Anybody ever get the feeling that they are being sold dull blades ? Very rarely lately do I buy a blade (new) and see a big difference in the cut. I dont know much about blades if they are re-used/conditioned or what. Seems like my vinyl is "ripping" at some parts of the cut ..... Tried different down pressure and will only cut "decent" when the backing is ripping.Maybe its time for a new plotter ? I now have an IOLINE CLASSIC 24" which until 6 mnths ago has been flawless.
Other times I'll get a new blade and it works perfect ! I may try to buy them at a new place. Any body have any reccomendations as where to buy blades quality blades ?
Thanks in advance
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
Sometimes the teflon strip under the blade gets chewed up, and interferes with clean cutting.
Posted by Miles Cullinane (Member # 980) on :
sounds like that strip needs replacing as that description fits what happened to my Roland. As soon as I changed it there was a dramatic change, way less pressure needed and backing paper intact.
Feel to see in there is a track in the cutting strip and replace if there is.
Posted by Dave Sherby (Member # 698) on :
I too feel that you might have a cutting strip that's chewed up. But I also know your pain with blades. I tried my first clean cut blade a while back. New out of the box it cut so good I had to back off my pressure setting by 30 grams. Within 2 days I was up 10 then another ten, then another. After going back to my normal setting in a few days, it seemed to hold for quite a while