I just got asked to quote a job for our local fire department, the files they sent me were designed by one of the firemen in Microsoft Excel, is there any way of getting them into some other program. I have Corel 12, Photshop 7, Illustror 10, Flexi 7 Pro. I know enough about Excel to fit in 1/4 of a thimble and have to relearn that at tax time. I tried to copy and paste into flexi but the vectors where all whopperjawed (is that even a word?) I would post a pic of them here, but I don't even know how to do that and I'm so backed up I can't even see straight. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
Yes it is. We used it a lot in Daytona Beach too. Anyway dont know of a way to get stuff out of excell. I never heard of that one ever.. Getting svg graphics into a sign using XM* based code.. .. Maybe he can export/convert it to a PDF..
I think he will need to redesign it in software more favorable to his needs. Or have you do it.
[ February 23, 2007, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: Curtis hammond ]
Posted by Tracie Johnson (Member # 6117) on :
I've never heard of anyone "designing" in Excell either, but check out my posts on this thread about an eps generator. It works with a lot of Microsoft programs, so it's worth a try. My first post explains it; my second one has a link:
Hiya Kymi, I would think there's original art somewhere. How did it get into Excel? Since copy and paste didn't work, wouldn't it be easier just to redraw it (for a fee)? If it was "created" in Excel, how complicated can it be?
Havin' fun,
Posted by Tom Giampia (Member # 2007) on :
You can select the copy and images in Excell, copy them, and in Corel, use the "paste special" and there is a choice for Excell worksheet. I don't know for sure if it will work. I've never gotten an "ART" file in excell, just copy.
Good Luck!
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
PRINT IT, then trace it from the scanner????????
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
You can also bring it up in Excel, hit Print Screen and paste it into Corel. It will be a bitmap but you might then be able to use that as a template to recreate it.
Posted by Ron Helliar (Member # 398) on :
My first thought is to spread their sheet out and try to trace it.
But a more humorless way is to right click on the objects in Excell and save the object as a jpg or bmp. Import in Flexi, Corel and trace away!
Posted by Don Hulsey (Member # 128) on :
Is it actually "ART WORK" or is it just text in boxes? I can't imagine them having a lot of "ART" in an Excel file.
I receive files created in Excel (or Word) quite often. Remember that most of these people do not have sign programs or even desktop publishing programs. They are usually just trying to put something together the best they can to illustrate what they want.
I print from Excel, and then look at that printout to design the sign in Gerber. I make adjustments as I see fit, however, if they have one line of text larger than the others, I figure they have a reason. It may not be the same proportionally, but I do highlite that line.
I print a copy of my layout and ask if this will work for them. The common response is, "That's even better than I had expected, but I couldn't get my computer to do that!"
If you want to give them exactly what they have, print it out, scan it, and design right on top of the scanned image.
Posted by Dana Stanley (Member # 6786) on :
I have corel x3 I made a drawing in excel and was able to copy and paste into corel!From there you should be able to convert it so you can get it into flexy. I'm no master with corel or I would offer to have you send it and I could convert it. Maby a kindly reader is more expert AND WOULD DO THAT FOR YOU.
Posted by Dana Stanley (Member # 6786) on :
Posted by Dana Stanley (Member # 6786) on :
OK I just checked that out too. And when the protect sheet feature is on you can't copy the items in the cell, and all items are in cells in this program.You would need the pass word, go to tools on excel click protction then unlock sheet. Enter the pass word and you should be able to copy.
Posted by Joe Golden (Member # 6870) on :
If it is a file such as a .wmf or a .tif file for the art work, then you can open the Excel file and copy the art work into a Word program or even directly into Corel or Adobe. If the file is protected, depending on the version of Excel you are using, you can unprotect the file yourself, or just have the creator of the file send you only the graphics, any text would be easily reproduced providing you have the basic Windows font that was most likely used. Once yuo have the file into Corel or Adobe, just export it from there as a .wmf, or .eps or any form that would allow to you import it into Flexi or whatever program you may be using to create the signs needed.
If the file they are using is a jpg or a bmp, then you will have to trace it.
I get alot of stuff created in Word and Excel and that is how I do it.
Hope this helps.
Posted by Kymi Hum (Member # 2140) on :
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I tried what Tracie Johnson suggested (How do you work with a Power Point file?) and created an eps generator and then was able to import the file into Corel and Flexi, Thanks Tracie, not only did I learn a really cool trick, but most of the graphics imported great. The text and shadows will still need to be recreated, (that is the least of the design) but the rest of the stripes and graphics came in just fine. The "designer" had brought in pics of the fire engines and emergency vehicles and then designed on top of the jpeg with text and outlines, shadows, several emergency type logos, flags, detailed stripes with outlines, etc. it would have taken forever to redo. I really appreciate all of your input, this will save me a ton of time and redesign.