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Posted by Jamie Whitley (Member # 6371) on :
I am not to sure how this board works yet so im just going to introduce myself. Some boards reguire this.
I have been reading letterville since March but never have posted. Im 18 years old and i've been pinstriping and lettering for about 5 years now. Tomorrow I'm starting on my first BIG job. I have a "walldog" job thats about 40 foot long and 30 ft from the ground. So if anyone has any tips I sure could use them. thanks alot
Posted by Kelly Thorson (Member # 2958) on :
Don't fall..... [Wink]

Welcome Jamie, what are you painting and how are you transferring your pattern?
Posted by Jamie Whitley (Member # 6371) on :
Its an old Furnature store that has been turned into an antique store. Ill probaly draw it out on some BIG paper and pounce it.
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Jamie, you might find it easier to make a scale drawing of the wall and the lettering on a piece of paper and then draw a grid over it with each square representing a square foot on the wall. Then when you get to the wall you can just pull the measurements off the cartoon. You might see where a line crosses the grid and easily find it on the wall without large patterns and all the complications associated with tape and powdered charcoal and wind.
Posted by Dale Manor (Member # 4858) on :
Hello Jamie,

First off, Welcome to Letterville! I hope you hang around for a while and learn as much as I have from this little group of loonies! It's a great place.

I hope you have a good lift or the appropriate set-up to reach that high up.

Rick has mentioned above a pretty good way of transferring art to a full-sized wall mural. I have used this method myself as well as others. So I usually print out my art at some kind of scale...say 1/2" equals a 12". So if your finished mural size will be 15 ft x 20 ft your 1/2" scaled art would be 7.5" x 10".

Maybe some pics would work's the art with grid


transferring scaled art onto a full-size 12" x 12" grid (art in hand)


Then paint by numbers...


good luck...and if you have any questions that I might be able to answer, drop me an email....take care up there!
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
Welcome aboard the "board", Jamie.

I had the luck to walk into the World of Wheels show in Atlanta last February and spend a couple of days with Jamie. He's a great kid with a real thirst for knowledge and well on is way as a pinstriper.

Best of luck on the walldogging and let us know how you make out, my friend.
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Posted by Mike Faig (Member # 6104) on :
Hi Jamie. Welcome.
Posted by Ricky Jackson (Member # 5082) on :
Jamie I sure hope you are NOT going to do this job on a ladder!!! I have an electro pounce (and most anything else you might need) here. Do you have some fitches? I'll be here all day today but have some errands I need to run along with lunch so I'll be out from noon til about 2ish. Call me if you like, 478-923-7722.
Posted by Sonny Franks (Member # 588) on :
Hi Jamie,
I just did some walldoggin' on a parking deck and used a large 9' x 10' pattern that repeated on each level - because the pattern was so big, I used Tyvek material. It perforates nicely and is virtually indestructible.

If you have different elements you can break out, you might consider using patterns, although at 30 feet up, the grid might work better. It would be helpful if you could post the design and a pic of the building. Good luck, and feel free to call anytime if I can answer any questions.
Posted by Jamie Whitley (Member # 6371) on :
Thanks for all the Advice..I was supposed to start on the sign yesterday but I had to move it back a few days. I bought two extra quarts of on shot yesterday. ( I have been ordering my one shot from QH&F in South Carolina and just yesterday I found out that a local store carried it) I think that they only carried it for Ricky because they said only one other person buys it.

How warm does it need to be before I start lettering the wall? Yesterday the high was about 50 and this morning as im typing this its 24 degrees outside.

Dale- That is a very nice wall. How long did it take you to do that?

Ricky- Sorry I left so quick yesterday I had a small stomach Virus. But thanks for letting me borrow the electro-pounce I'll get it back to you as soon as possible.

Sonny- Where can I find this Tyvek Materiel?

Thanks Again Eeryone for the replies
Posted by Dale Manor (Member # 4858) on :

This was my first large scale "solo" exterior mural. I beilieve I painted the whole thing in one week (70 hours). Then again I did it for some friends of mine so I was under no pressure to finish.

I think it took a lot longer than it should because most of my day was spent going up and down ladders mixing colors. A good assistant really speeds up the process.

good luck
Posted by Judy Pate (Member # 237) on :
Welcome to Letterville,Jamie! I have done work in Reynolds in the past. I have done a few walls over the years but that's not my speciality. I letter a lot of trucks,trailers and all types of vehicles.
I order my materials from Aluma-Panel. They deliver twice a week her ein Albany. You should check them out. This is the only place I can get One Shot from without paying hazardous material shipping fee.
Good luck!

[ December 05, 2006, 08:06 AM: Message edited by: Judy Pate ]
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
Welcome to Letterville and the wonderful World Of Letterheads. How I wish there was a resource such as this when I was first learning.

There is nothing that can replace getting out to a live meet in person, but you just can't beat this Forum as a place to touch base and learn from people that are doing what you want to do.

Welcome aboard Jamie.
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :

That Tyvek idea for patterns is great!! Thanks for the info. Why is it that when you hear an idea like that you go, "DUH, why didn't I think of that?" So simple.

Hope to see you somewhere down the road again!

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