Hi, for those of you that don't know me, I am Jessie, Kelly's daughter. I have attended a couple meets with mom and have met a lot of wonderful Letterheads.
I am working for an organization called Saskatoon Community Youth Arts Programming (SCYAP) out of Saskatoon and we are looking to set up a sign business. We are a non-profit organization aiming to empower and improve the lives of young people through art. As all of our funding comes from grants and donations, we are hoping to generate income through sign production, to help become a self-sustaining organization. We have some funds to start, but have not purchased any equipment.
I have joined Letterville's BullBoard in search for much needed advice for how to get going. Anything you may have to offer would be very much appreciated.
For a better understanding of what we do, take a look at our website: www.scyapinc.org
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
As a non-profit oganization I'm sure you will scare some folks who are in the sign business.
I would advise you to make sure you charge a fair market value for your product to keep the playing field level. I'm sure your mom would have a pretty good idea of pricing in your area should you need this type of information as things get rolling.
Teaching the young people who get involved in your program about the value and true cost of production will help them too as they move out into the real world to start similar businesses of their own.
Good luck in your venture!
-grampa dan
Posted by John Jordan (Member # 2368) on :
Hi Jess,
Welcome to the family. I agree with Dan, you alone know the true value of your work and you should charge accordingly, the market price at least.
Nex Year prior to the "Living Sky" meet I will be at Moose Jaw for a week or so , if you want talk to your mum and see if we can arrange a day or so of Gilding lessons.
Again, welcome John
Posted by Dale Manor (Member # 4858) on :
Hey Jessie,
Good to "see" you on the board. Perhaps you could do a community based mural project. Grant money is available for these types of projects, you just have to go through the footwork of locating and applying for them. It would also be a project that several people could work on at the same time.
Mural projects don't require a lot of money for equipment, mostly just painting supplies, lift rental if needed, and mostly just painting labor.
If there is anything I can do to help out, give me a shout.
take care and good luck
Posted by Jessie Zoerb (Member # 6943) on :
Thanks for the advice so far. Dale, murals are amongst the many projects that we do at SCYAP, actually we are working on setting up a couple up at the moment.
It would be great if we could get involved with the Moose Jaw meet next year as well, but we will have to see where we are at.
As for now I am researching what kind of equipment I need, prices, and where to get it.
Posted by Susan Banasky (Member # 1164) on :
Jesse First off congratulations on your wedding... secondly welcome here, thirdly....With the talent you have already shown in so many areas (art, maturity, organization, caring and sharing....) I think we can all learn from you. Good luck in your new adventures. Nice to meet you in Moncton...Hope to see you in Moose Jaw.
My best advice to you is to make good/great products, charge enough, keep good books, pay your taxes, and learn from as many of these Letterheads that you can....they are a talented and 'open book' bunch....ask specific questions and they will respond. Oh ...one more thing....listen to your Mother!
Posted by Sonny Franks (Member # 588) on :
I met a high school Industrial Arts teacher who set up a plotter in his classroom to make signs for the various school organizations and teams. (for profit) If you're interested, I'll try to find his phone number for you.
Posted by Dusty Campbell (Member # 4601) on :
I'd say you're doing the first step, doing ALOT of research. There is a search button between "my profile" and "faq" at the top of the page. There have been alot of discussions here about equipment.
Trying to do everything can spread you so far out that you'll be wasting energy trying to keep up with it all. You should determine what area of the sign world you would like to focus on.
You can spend a bunch of money on stuff you may not need. You could spend a million dollars on equipment, or for a couple hundred have a great spread of paint brushes. You could spend thousands on design software alone, or you could use paper and pencil very effectively depending on what you're doing.
Your budget will be a determining factor. How much do you have to spend? What is your market like?
A safe and simple way to enter the business would be buy a plotter. It's a wonderful tool to have. Buy the best you can afford.
Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
Congratulations Mrs Zoerb,
on your new marraige and on the desires of your heart. I have no advice but will pray for your success. Faith is important...it's God's currency. We all love you and wish you the best!
Posted by Kelly Thorson (Member # 2958) on :
Hey I sent her to you guys - don't be sending her back.
Seriously, there are a couple of comments I feel need to be made.
As Jess mentioned, SKYAP is currently a non profit organization, but their goal is to change that and make it a self sustained program, they are looking at the sign program as a way to fund the whole entity. I think it is important that they realize the value of the market and I would suspect that because of their mission statement and what they do, that they may even have the ability to be competitive with prices that are higher than average. I'm hoping that they will receive support and encouragement as well as much needed advice to make this a success. I will be lending all the advice and support I can, because I believe in their dream and purpose, but it is going to be a big, big job. The misconception that they are a threat as a non profit organization needs to be removed.
The Urban Canvas Project is one that has received recognition in the province. Through their past programs they have proven themselves and have the respect of the community. They have a number of murals and exhibits in galleries and I think they are starting from a good vantage point.
That being said, the task of starting a sign business with very little experience is daunting. Ask me how I know. In addition there are a number of other programs that need attention as well. Those of you who met Jess in either Moncton or Lodi will know that she has the character to make it happen.
I know that as Jess returns here with more specific questions that there are some good people who will reach out and help.
PS - For the first while, they just might need someone to sub out their routing, large format printing, higher end logo designs etc too. Posted by Frank Magoo (Member # 3950) on :
Best of luck Jessie... Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Hey Jessie...
Your Mother has shown some "Great Talent" and Workmanship here..
So, I have to say.. "Welcome too! "With your skills in this field of Passion and Endeviours.""
Remember the mind is only a 'Vessel for others to View'.