Nice to know they look after you even when you're loaded...
Posted by Deri Russell (Member # 119) on :
Didn't you really want to paint something under that sign on the door Serge? Like "PSYQUE" (sp?)or "Hope its not a Fire!" or something?
Posted by Serge (Member # 3645) on :
Deri, when I saw this sign arrangement, all I wanted was to be a better half of a lawyer who'd sue Aladdin in case of something happens.
In the world where hot cup of coffee at McDonald may be worth $500,000 - the signs like that would mean billions in the hands of a good shyster!
Posted by Frank Magoo (Member # 3950) on :
AHEM !!!!! Enough bagging on Vegas, we probably lead the world on fire safe hotels, after the tragic MGM fire that killed so many, the rules changed and WE changed them... Now, in case the fact the arrows on signs almost out of veiw point in same direction as signs you can see has alluded you,they suggest that is way to exit, in case of fire, you can't see down hall to see if sign is correct or not, and sign on door lets you know, it's not this way...also, sign on floor is for when there is heavy smoke and crawling on floor to find exit, sign there, in bright red, lites the way!!!!!!!! Not so funny when veiwed from that angle is it? Not exactly lawyer bait, so to speak...
Posted by Serge (Member # 3645) on :
Frank, you missing one valuable point: in case of fire the EXIT sign will lit, "This is not an Exit" plaque won't. Best of luck to those who'd lose valuable time trying to open that "not an exit" door in the dark.