"It's unpredictable how long this talent will last, but ultimately his unique and exclusive creations will outlive him for generations to come, as national treasures like a priceless Rembrandt or Picasso."
Dude's mom is obviously writing his bio.
Posted by Karen Wunch (Member # 3577) on :
Ohh. Amazing. Signs can be, apparently, microscopic. Or at the least, based on the head of a pin (or sewing needle!)
And here I was, silly me, worrying about the future of Nano Technology. Sheesh. Swe hould be asking M.I.T. to be designing signs that can be INJECTED into a human's skin??? What about tunes with that?
Hmmmm. Now THAT is a leap into the Future: forGET LED's for changeable message boards that reach the masses that travel along highways and interstates ... should we bet on 'changeable tatoos w/audio' catering to each human's interests? THIS might be the ULTIMATE SPAM...
The co. motto could be, "...we really get under your skin...".
~~ kwunch
Posted by W. R. Pickett (Member # 3842) on :