I've come to the conclusion that here in my later years I find myself not very interesting because I've lost so much of my talent by letting others control my work load, so to speak. For the past ten or so years all I've done is straight line work unlike how I geared myself when travelling the U.S. and Canada throughout the 70's, 80's and doing my thing out of Haverstraw NY in the 90's. Guess some call it old age or better yet my age is catching up to me but I believe that this place has practically jailed me from doing anything out of the box because not many were either ready for it or just plain stubborn in regards to using someone new. When I first moved here, persons said that in order for anyone to make any money the people here want to get to know you. Well ten years later they now say, ummm you still in town. Where I came from persons who wanted to know you would call or stop by and speak with you, not wait until you've had enough and are up to here with their phony do what I say but not what I do way of life. I guess my upbringing is way different then most of anyone I come in contact with and my religious beliefs along with my education is far greater then most could imagine, you see I've read the book of Mormon, studied with the Jehova Witnesses, have gone to Sunday school, was a choir boy at St.Patricks Cathedral and also went to Hebrew school all this before I hit 30. I believe in God but don't believe people have the right to determine ones fate just because they have a different accent or drive a mopar in a chevy town. The county I live in is the richest couty in the state of Oregon, it is also the poorest as most people who work, work at minimum wage. They say the average imcome is twenty-eight thousand something but thats bogus because if Ken Roberts down the street makes twelve million a year and Roslyn makes nine thousand as a checkout at Wal-mart a year this is total bull**** but thats the way it's tallied. I'd move tomorrow if I didn't have three vehicles, a vintage trailer and a shop full of an-ta-q's and all my tools.
I know I get into crazy stuff but thats just me and the stuff I care about, you see I care about truth. I don't care about bogus bull**** which is done to make others look good or the place they live in to look like a paradise on earth. Most people I come in contact with here believe my accent is my attitude when in reality they cannot decipher the difference between something as simple as good and evil.
Being what I consider an artist or designer means nothing to those who have less talent but more money and so the story goes to another floor where street artists get more attention then someone who does say, cars, signage and what have we all done to deserve this?
Now where the hell did that come from?
Posted by Jon Jantz (Member # 6137) on :
Must be the nugs...
Posted by Karen Wunch (Member # 3577) on :
Believe it or not, I know whereof you speak.
I understand totally. AND it didn't take Rapid's opinion to make me understand that I wasn't being true, to MYSELF, here at A2Z.
But my 'salvation' is knowing that I, personally, do the best I can for the customer, within their budget. Got $250 to spend on a full color logo? We'll take care of ya. Got $50 to spend? I'll take care of ya...equally to the best of my ability.
I can do ya good, or I can do ya BETTER than you imagined. Where do YOU want YOUR business to be?
I mean, the fella that comes in with $50 bucks in his pocket and wants to go into business for himeself? I can help, and I will.
Guess it boils down to...WHY do we do what we do? For better or worse, for richer or poorer...OMG!
Because we LIKE IT.
I do.
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
You've done some soul searching there Joey, and are blaming yourself more than you perhaps should...
Public opinion is great for listening to, but not necessarily great for heeding- I think I've spent a lot of my life doing the opposite of what was recommended, and though bordering on broke, we're happy and own what we have, and the kids are admired in all fields they elect. That just means that the opposite of public opinion can also be OK at times.
As for thinking you're not interesting...well I've never met you, but that all just depends on the audience.
Losing your workshop is a real bummer though, as well as woring out how to treat the culprits in the future...
Posted by jack wills (Member # 521) on :
Joey, Sacramento, is just a larger version of Grass Valley. I see the crap flyin' non stop here and it ain't slowin' down none. I have done a slew of the religions including all you mentioned but now I study "The Teaching of Buddha" which has no directives, only simple suggestions. I stay in my sanity (insane) by offering my services to a select bunch that are of similar Ilk, like mine. Some are complete nazi's and so called bad ass'es and total dipsh#ts but they seem to understand that quality don't come cheap and know a pro when they see one. They also know how to pay for what they get. I live on a slim budget and have learned that lots of "Stuff" is uneeded. I usally say to those who try to sway me that they should come by for a cup of tea and some bar-B-que'd possum's a$$ and that shuts em up. As they say..."You can pick friends and you can pick yer nose, but you can't pick yer friends nose". Ben Franklin, said that!
P.S. I know that I make little sense here sometimes but so what!
Posted by Dusty Campbell (Member # 4601) on :
Chin up. Don't let them get you down. Come up with a plan and get the f out of Dodge. Some people enjoy making others squirm, twist and generally suffer and it sounds like you've got a town full of them.
Sounds like you've got plenty of sin there Joey, what are you complaining about? You're just getting the business end of it.
Shoot, come on down south. Every guy making 6 figures in Atl. goes out and buys a Harley or two, so I'm sure there's some striping work you could do.
Posted by Paul Bierce (Member # 5412) on :
quote:Got $250 to spend on a full color logo? We'll take care of ya. Got $50 to spend? I'll take care of ya...equally to the best of my ability.[/QB]
I sincerely hope you're not giving each the same level of service. Doing so wouldn't exactly be fair to the client paying five times as much.