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Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
Every now & then it happens:

Someone calls and tells you how much they love a certain sign you "did". They proceed to tell you that they want you to do their new sign too.

Oh yes, you know the sign they are refering to. Only thing had nothing to do with it. Worse yet, how well you remember, you lost that bid to a competitor.

Inside, you have to admit, it's an OK sign, but how do you break it to the lady on the phone that you had nothing to do with this "masterpiece"?

Even better, how do you be honest and still keep the potential client in your pocket? [Confused]

This could be interesting [Wink]

Posted by Blake Wright (Member # 6584) on :
I think you should ask her to come by. Then break it to her in your shop where maybe you will get a chance to show her some of your great work.
Posted by bruce ward (Member # 1289) on :
tell her you bid on and did not get it because you were busy at the time and that client would not wait
Posted by Stefanie Fox (Member # 6523) on :
um...the truth will set you free?

actually, that has happened to me. and yes, the other work was ghaastly, and I am glad I did not do it. unfortunately, the customer thought it was reallllly great! I simply told her I did not do that project, and also told her to go to the store that the work was on to get that contact info if she wanted that artist's work.

I believe it was the right thing to do. There is enough work out there for all of us, so I just trust that I will have enough for myself, even if I do give the other guy a plug...
Posted by John Deaton (Member # 925) on :
Id say, well ma'am, I didnt have the opportunity to do that job, but Id be glad to show you ones I have done. [Smile]
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
with up to a few dozen jobs a week, it's difficult to remember every job I've done, but I'm happy for your vote of confidence, so lets get started working up a layout that you will be even more excited about.

Actually... in your specific scenario, I guess the need to come clean is a little more evident then in my own similar past experiences. I've had folks say they remembered something I had done & when they tried to jog my memory... I couldn't remember. Once long ago I said I had not done something... & then later with a little more information, I remembered it. So, even though I think I have a pretty good memory... I've proven to myself that it is not as good as it sometimes needs to be, therefore, I no longer say "I didn't do that" simply because I don't remember. BUT... if I know for sure that I didn't do it, I might feel obligated to say something. On the other hand, if I can move things along to the discussion of what I can do for them, I may just do so, because I would consider my own marketing investment to be somewhat responsible for MY company name sticking in someones head enough for this prospect to find their way to me...

...& I do sell what they came to me wanting to buy... so that is the real topic for discussion in my book, so I could see myself sidestepping the old news & rushing right into the business at hand.
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
I had a call like that- they insisted I'd done a job for them in the past, and this time they wanted their shed lettered.
I decided it wasn't worth argueing with them, and I painted their shed as requested. There was no copyright issue with logos or designs or anything like that. They were happy with the result. So was I.

edited to add that I did try and bring up the subject of what & when I did what they thought I'd done,(ie "do you remember just when that was done..."?) but the bloke who knew was away, and I didn't want to seem like an idiot, so I kept my confusion to myself & just did the job.

[ August 17, 2006, 12:07 AM: Message edited by: Ian Stewart-Koster ]
Posted by Frank Smith (Member # 146) on :
Doesn't look like it takes much telepathy to know what this customer wants. She's not leaving us wondering about that. That's good, real good. Think how vague some customers can be...

That leaves this question...
CAN we do the sign to her satisfaction? IF we KNOW we can, let's fess up about not doing the one she admireed and invite her to see some of our work to decide for herself how well we can provide what she's looking for.
Posted by Dawud Shaheed (Member # 5719) on :
yeah, I would steer clear of that conversation and just find out what she wanted. I wouldn't lie and say I did the sign, I would just overlook it and then when the deal was set and we felt comfortable with eachother I would most likely slip it in casually that I don't think I did that sign she was referring to. (i might not even mention that I did'nt do the sign if it wasn't necessary) But, i DEFINATELY wouldnt lie to the customer and say outright that I did it.
Posted by Wayne Osborne (Member # 4569) on :
If she's realy hung up on that particular sign style or wants a similar logo/font adaptions are going to have to come clean ( but not till after you've had chance to show her your own work).

Other than that, it could be that she just wants a "way in" to approach her local signmaker,-maybe she's hoping if she comes across as a fan of your work -You'll go easy on her?

But definately don't be passing it off as your WILL come back to bite you on the bum.

[ August 17, 2006, 03:05 AM: Message edited by: Wayne Osborne ]
Posted by W. R. Pickett (Member # 3842) on :
...Tell them that the original sign maker RETIRED, LEFT TOWN, DIED, WENT TO PRISON, WENT BUST, or something... And that you bought all of their "equiptment". : ' ) ...(hehe)
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
Originally posted by Rick Beisiegel:
Every now & then it happens:

Someone calls and tells you how much they love a certain sign you "did". They proceed to tell you that they want you to do their new sign too.

Oh yes, you know the sign they are refering to. Only thing had nothing to do with it. Worse yet, how well you remember, you lost that bid to a competitor.

Inside, you have to admit, it's an OK sign, but how do you break it to the lady on the phone that you had nothing to do with this "masterpiece"?

Even better, how do you be honest and still keep the potential client in your pocket? [Confused]

This could be interesting [Wink]


Had it happen a few times. I first think to myself....."did I do this?"...especially if it's someone telling me this on the phone.
Then, if I can't remember doing it, I'll say "I don't remember doing that". Sometimes, if I did do it, it finally hits me...."Oh yeah...I remember now". I certainly don't deny it or make like I didn't do it.

And yes, I think some were ones I lost to a competitor.

If I KNOW that I didn't do it...I just tell them flat "No, I didn't do that sign".
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
play like polititians do...LET THE PEOPLE BELIVE WHAT THEY WANT TO......and get the new sign job....

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