Mark, what word do you need in that font? To me it looks like a homemade version that I'd hate to call a font, but the a, o & ns are the same. How big is it needed? It would be possible with a bit of creative resizing, to enlarge it in photoshop acceptably and retain all of its yukkiness, if that's important. Otherwise there'd be similar ones that look a bit like a scratch with a charcoal stick that could be found- I delete that kind of thing from the computer if I ever get it!
Let me know if you'd like some help with it!
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
I had a look at a couple of cds of yukky hand fonts, and this was the closest I could be patient enough to locate: Posted by Jill Marie Welsh (Member # 1912) on :
Mark, it looks very similar to National Archive, a $5 font from Harold's Fonts Look in the font gallery on the last page. love....Jill
Posted by Mark Stokes (Member # 5351) on :
thanks Jill I will check it out. Thanks Ian for your help and happy birthday for the other day