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Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
As folks here know I sometimes have risen to an occasional challenge thrown to me by one of my fellow Letterheads. After much prodding I've done my bit to have a little fun as I sometimes enjoy a little competition. [Smile] Steve Greer made that mistake as did Raymond recently. Jay also did the deed and challenged me at Lodi. He got humbled rather badly or so I thought. I've yet to see any real competition at any of these games.

Today I got a trash talkin email from Jay in regard to his regrets in NOT being able to attend our little Picnic at the Ranch shindig. That would have been fine, but he also got to talking BIG on how he would have THRASHED me at Adventure Golf at Giggle Ridge... yeah right.

... It would be a blast to 'play' together in your studio and come out for the 'picnic'. Of course, I would have to kick your butt in mini-putt - and even on your own 'home course'.... I'm good - and you like to compete . . . . what a match it'd be!! ...

While I have to admire Jay for his spunk I think it may be time to say uncle (or grampa.) [Smile]

In the next few replies I'm sure we'll hear from Raymond too... not being able to come but still sure he could beat me at my own game... bring it on.

And speaking of competitions... is that pea shooter assembled YET Raymond??

Me, Phoebe and the MultiCam are getting antsy here waiting, and waiting, and waiting....

-grampa dan

[ June 29, 2006, 08:06 PM: Message edited by: Dan Sawatzky ]
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
Talk, talk, talk. Go to work Sawatzky.

Not assembled yet. Had to write an article for Sign Business the last few days. You know about articles, right? Didn't you write one or two way back there somewhere?

By the way, I was mentioned in the 100th Anniversary summary of the Signs of the Times magazine. Funny, didn't see your name in there anywhere.

Have fun at your little party. I'm sure everyone will be impressed.
Posted by Doug Phillips (Member # 5708) on :
LOL, you guys are nutz!
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
As soon as one of them starts rap'n da trash, I'm gone!

Posted by Steve Thomas Greer (Member # 4566) on :
Oh Chapman and Danny boy back to square one again are we......OooooooooooChapman big talk about your sign articles......Danny boy I let you win pal I am to help guys like you and Chapman cross the street not beat you up!

keep trying guys!
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
Raymond... I'm not old enough to be in your league as far as articles regarding the long history of signs. I imagine your influence was felt while they still chewed the end of sticks and dipped them in colored mud. [Smile] Quite the legacy.

I'll still challenge you on the new fangled routers... whenever you get yours bolted together.

Oh and check the new issue of SignCraft coming in the next few days as I believe there's an article which I've written there.

Enough excuses already.... Me and Phoebe and the MultiCam are warmed up and waiting.

-grampa dan

[ June 29, 2006, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: Dan Sawatzky ]
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Yeah, whatever...

I don't need no stinking machine to do my work for me. I'd whip both your butts if I felt so inclined but I would hate to see the two of you reduced to quivering masses of unmanliness. I wouldn't want to have to hang around to view the aftermath. It wouldn't be pretty...

As far as that Mini Gold goes... I would give Allen a run for his money. Home course advantage or not, Sawatzawhooooooooovitz would be left in our dust.

Get back to work.
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
Hey Bruce

Good to see you feeling better and back on the BB! You can come on up here anytime you want and play me a round of adventure golf at Giggle Ridge. You call the odds... golf is on me! [Smile]

-grampa dan
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
That's it. That's the last straw. Trash talk and quoting me without my permission. Jeez - he just doesn't give up!!

Raymond, let's go up there to Sawatzk'eh's and I'll hold you upside down and use your head for my putter and we'll BOTH beat him at the same time. That should shut him up.

And Bruce, I do believe you're right - I'd have more trouble with you than Dan - home course or not. You play hockey and can hit any hole you please with enough curve in the blade.

But those putters are straight across the face.

Are you in, Ray? Bruce?

[ June 30, 2006, 01:21 AM: Message edited by: Jay Allen ]
Posted by Duncan Wilkie (Member # 132) on :
Guys...don't take Dan too lightly...anyone that participates in Full Contact Bowling is a force to be reckoned with...if you really want to get even just challenge him to a race where the winner needs to get somewhere and isn't allowed to ask for directions...all kidding aside...if it's a contest, I want Dan on my side. [Smile]
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
Since I own the golf course I get to make the rules ... right?? I AM the COURSE MARSHAL ya know. And I'm not biased either. [Smile]

Gotta use regulation Giggle Ridge putters. We got extra tall ones for Greer and real short ones for Raymond. Jay's and Bruce's will be somewhere in the middle. [Smile]

I insist on a neutral scorekeeper. Like maybe Phoebe??

And I don't need directions at Giggle Ridge... I know my way around.


-grampa dan
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
"if it's a contest, I want Dan on my side."

Duncan...I think it is more like you being on Dan's side.

At least Dan recognizes my long tenure in this business. Back when I started there was no color - everything was black and white. If you want proof, just look at the pictures.

Well, time to get to the MDO. Here in the real world there is work to be done. I'll check back later - I'm sure Sawatzky will have still another photo of Phoebe. No signs of course.

Oh, by the way, ONE of my grandsons just completed the regular season of Little League (9 year olds)and was undefeated - perfect record. The only team in town to not have a loss. Tonight they begin district play.

He will be 10 on Tuesday - the Fourth of July. All American boy.

[ June 30, 2006, 08:03 AM: Message edited by: Raymond Chapman ]
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
I'm canceling cable, this is much more entertaining, brb popcorn is done [Smile]
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
I'm off to EnRoute School today. THere are alw ays new things to learn it seems and I gotta keep on the cutting edge to stay ahead of those who might want to challenge me.

I took a look at my oldest magazine I have archived and there was color.... imagine that.... Raymond must be a LOT older than it!!

Were you doin' 3D work then... chiseling into stone tablets??? Now you got the router to do that job.... if it ever gets assembled. Your second payment is going to be due before it even runs.

Have a fun day... I'll be back later!

-grampa dan
Posted by Duncan Wilkie (Member # 132) on :
So Dan, who's teaching who at the Enroute school. You've pushed their software where no one has gone before. [Eek!]
Posted by Brian Diver (Member # 1552) on :
I'm with you Bob, I'm tossing the TV off the bridge. All this trash talk is better than the last comic standing. Where's the popcorn? [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :

Raymond didn't get started in 3D chiseling stone tablets. He worked with the mud before it became stone.

Also, I'd never bet against anyone on their home court. Twenty-five years ago, we had a basketball goal in our shop which only had 14' ceilings. I knew the bank shots off all the girders and couldn't be beaten in "HORSE" at that place.
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
Course designer - or course flunkie. I don't care what you do or what rules you make up.

Give me one practice round with you, Dan, and I'll beat you by at least two strokes over 18. I'd say more than that - but since I haven't played the 'course' yet I don't want to overpromise. I just need to see the way you play once.

You've met your match with me Grampa. Next time we work together we'll be competing in everything I can think of!! (How fast are you?)

My most used line for guys like you: "Put your teeth in old man - so I can knock 'em out".

Bring your 'A' game. If you ever had one that is.

Let the war of words begin, right Raymond??!!

Oh, it already has.
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
Better schedule a trip up this way Jay... I'll let you practice a WHOLE DAY before I take you on... and I'll spot you FIVE strokes when we go at it.

As far as being fast. Remember Lodi. [Smile]

Is the pea shooter assembled YET Raymond??

I learned a few new things in EnRoute today... then treated our instructor to a round of adventure golf up at Giggle Ridge. I took it easy on him cause we were playing just for fun.

Bring it on!

-grampa dan

[ June 30, 2006, 10:27 PM: Message edited by: Dan Sawatzky ]
Posted by Chris Elliott (Member # 1262) on :
Hmmmm....Danny boy, you're gonna give Jay a day to practice AND spot him 5 strokes?? I wonder how much you'd be willing to spot an elderly rank amateur like me? I think Harding's got a good point about not betting against someone on their home turf but i'm sure we could come up with a sporting proposition that might be interesting.

By the way, according to MapQuest (which can't seem to FIND Yarrow, BC) Chilliwack, BC is only 1,969.84 miles away from me (29 hours, 45 minutes driving time according to them). Just to get you started, I'd give ya 5-1 odds I can beat both those numbers for driving time & distance (gotta raise gas money somehow). It'd be worth the trip just to see how good a young whippersnapper like you really is! Especially IF Jay shows up (it's gotta be tough to keep a straight face when ya hear that line "Put yer teeth in old man - so I can knock 'em out" delivered by a guy wearin' pink shorts!) [Rolling On The Floor]

p.s. see what you can do about getting Yarrow put on the map, ok?
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
Technically there is no such place as Yarrow as it is 'officially part of Chilliwack and has been for quite some time. But I like being from somewhere that really isn't. Suits my style.

It would be great to see you up here Chris... and I know it wouldn't be out of character for you to show up... from first hand experience in Sterling, Illinois.

I promise you this would be even more fun!

And I'll bet you could pick up a few letterheads along the way if you wanted to... maybe even swing by Jay's way to pick him up or if you are in Scottsdale grab ol' Raymond... he could probably assemble the peashooter in the back of the van while you drive and we could have ROUTER WARS II here in Yarrow... FACE TO FACE - MANO A MANO!!!!!!! I'd LOVE to beat him twice in one weekend... on the router AND at adventure golf... if Jay came too I could make it a hat trick... three in a row! [Smile]

Hope you can make it... Phoebe would LOVE to meet ya!

-grampa dan

[ July 01, 2006, 12:27 AM: Message edited by: Dan Sawatzky ]
Posted by Kelly Thorson (Member # 2958) on :
Hey Dan,
Use some of that Hot Air of yours to fuel a Balloon over here to Saskatchewan. I need some help from that wiggly mind of yours, because mine hurts from being bent so much. That's what friends are for - they are there when you need them. It may take you a while, but by the time you get to this side of he Rockies that prairie wind will put you over Moose Jaw in no time. Besides Grant McLaughlin is my partner and he's been asking about you - in case you don't remember he hosted you back in Old 90.....
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
Say hello to grant for me Kelly. I remember well his wonderful hospitality. Your chalk work looks like fun... but my back starts hurting just thinking about it. And I gotta save it in case amy if these challengers actually show up.

Any chance you and Jim are coming to Yarrow for the picnic... mid-summer break?

-grampa dan.

[ July 01, 2006, 12:47 AM: Message edited by: Dan Sawatzky ]
Posted by Kelly Thorson (Member # 2958) on :
Well, I'll be in Vancouver on July 26th Dan, but only in the airport. Pat & Ruth and I are off to Larry White's. I'd love to make it otherwise. We'll make it someday. [Smile] Then you can beat us in mini-golf...easy touches. I'm glad the Shortreeds will have the opportunity to see some "Heads" while out there. You can give Susan a hug for me. [Wink]
Have a great time. Is the railroad up and running yet?
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
I got 60 feet of track in so far... possibly another 100 feet over the weekend. And the Phoebemobile is now rolling but not motorized... but soon.

-grampa dan
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
Thank you Kelly - for the comment about Dan's 'hot air'.


Elliott - yeah, you got a point. That line about the teeth WOULD sound pretty non-threatening from a guy wearing pink shorts. But I only wear them when I Walldog - because who cares if you spill paint on 'em? Never during golf. No course would have me.

And speaking of golf, Sawatzk'eh, let's play the real game (not the kids version) - 'cause I KNOW you can't beat me at that. Game on!!!
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
I'll stick to golfing up at Giggle Ridge Jay... its my kind of game... that, mural painting racing. and routering of course.

You can even wear your pink shorts Jay at Giggle Ridge. We may make a little fun of you while you golf but that is to be expected and we'd do it anyway... we'd give you a pink ball to match.

-grampa dan
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
I get it. You only play the games you know you have a chance at.

You know what Sigmund Freud would say about that?

Yo' momma!!

Some place - some time - we'll go head-to-head with actual competition. Not a race to make artwork take LESS time - and certainly not a Putt-Putt game at Giggle Ridge. Neutrality allows fairness - fairness generates truth. Truth = Dan losing to a guy wearing pink.

You've been served, good sir.

We'll even choose impartial judges (not Ray or Steve) - if they're even needed, that is.

Game on, Sawatzk'eh. Game on. [Smile]
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
My version of truth differs Jay... but time will tell.

When the time is right YOU ARE ON! Even if I DID beat you in Lodi and WOULD HAVE BEATEN YOU handily at Giggle Ridge.

-grampa dan
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
Last word.
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
This does mean you believe (like me) that I coulda whupped you handily at Giggle Ridge.... RIGHT?

-grampa dan

[ July 02, 2006, 06:38 PM: Message edited by: Dan Sawatzky ]
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
I am going to whup both yer arses, now shut the heck up. This mindless banter... sheesh.

I still don't don't need no compoooooterized nothing to do my work for me. I was brought up through the ranks to be a real sign man and I am damn proud of it.

Now, both of you'ns... back to work.
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Bob Rochon..pop some more popcorn and grab me a beer please!!! [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
Anybody for Chinese?
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
David - Dan won't let you get the last word on this, you know.

Just one question: Does everybody think we're serious - or only some?
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
Jay - I've never taken you serious.

One thing I've just noticed about all the "contests" that Sawatzky is in...he's always the judge.
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :
Easier to win - or bend the rules when you make yourself the judge, Raymond!!

Next time we're all together, let's gang up on him. What we do with him is open to discussion. Maybe we should make him paint straight lines!!
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
OK, chinese is on Harding. That cheap bugger better cough up some dough to pay for it, too.

Then we go to Jay's place and drink all his beer and booze, trash the joint, then we'll split. Spralding's place is just up the road.

When we go to Sawahathisname's digs, let's get Chapman to distract him and we'll swipe his MultiCamless cutter and auction it off at a private on line auction. We should be able to get a couple of bucks for it.

Now, all of you'ns... get back to work!

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