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Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
1) The Good Buddy Discount
2) "I'm one of your distant kin..."
3) "This will be good advertisin' for ya!"
4) "You could put YOUR NAME onit" (see #3)
5) "I've already spent all my money on..."
6) Guilt Trip "Why...that's just outrageous"
7) Sound Effects: "Sheeew" a subtle version of #6
8) "I'll be needing this and that later on...."
9) "It's for a church" etc.
10) "So and So sells it for $______"
11) "What if I bring my own plywood,T-shirts, etc.
12) Silent Treatment (Just stop talking...)

Can anyone add more?
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
12) Silent Treatment (Just stop talking...)
That should be on your list of replies. Along with..."And your point would be...?"
Posted by lolita leblanc (Member # 3453) on :
13) I'll think about it
Posted by Dana Blair (Member # 951) on :
14) Let me talk to the wife/girlfriend/etc about it.
Posted by Amy Brown (Member # 1963) on :
(14) I need to talk to my wife/husband

[ June 21, 2006, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: Amy Brown ]
Posted by Carl Wood (Member # 1223) on :
(15) It's easy to install - the dirts real soft.
(16) I don't need anything fancy - just play around with the design & see what you come up with.
Posted by Jill Marie Welsh (Member # 1912) on :
13) Kid Art! "My son did this on the computer, isn't it cute?
14) Nephew Art! "My nephew is going to art school, he drew this! Isn't it great?"
15) The recycler! "Can you repaint this a-frame sign that some Realtor left by my driveway?"
16) Charity starts at home! "Yeah, we are having this benefit...TOMORROW...can you donate a banner?
17) The Assumer! "Hey do you sell them changeable letter signs?"
18) The Presumer! "Since you donated that banner to the charity benefit, will you make one for us too?"
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
Line #19:

"I'm going to send you a LOT more work if you 'do me right' on the price'"

Reply: "Oh yeh? . . .are they as tight as you? 'cause don't do me no favours . . ."


"When I send you more customers, you're gonna cut me in a percentage on the deal right?"

Reply: "No."

Line #21:

"I'm VERY artistic, I could paint just like that if I had the time, and a steady hand, and the right paint . . ."

[Roll Eyes]

[ June 21, 2006, 06:25 PM: Message edited by: Sheila Ferrell ]
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
Why we DO NOT quote prices on the phone:

Line #22:
"It's a small, plain sign that just needs a little bit of work"

(Upon inspection, it's huge and has a massive number of complicated problems)

"I only want a small simple sign that JUST says the name of my company and the phone number."

(After discussing this initial request, they suddenly decide they 'forgot' to say it also needs a list of 8 services they offer, 3 phone numbers, the web-address, and a 'simple' graphic . . .)

[ June 21, 2006, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: Sheila Ferrell ]
Posted by Arthur Vanson (Member # 2855) on :
"How much would you charge to write my van? anyone there?"
Posted by Jill Marie Welsh (Member # 1912) on :
"But these are just short-term banners! How can that cost $250?"
Posted by Bobbie Rochow (Member # 3341) on :
"Can you give a ball park figure".....


Posted by james chrimes (Member # 5864) on :
That looks like fun.... I would like to do that for a living.
Posted by Jason Davie (Member # 2172) on :
"Ya, but the guy in Chipley Florida is way cheaper..."

Jason D
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Yeah, but not as cheap as those southern tier guys, eh? [Wink]

Yeah, deposit this... [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by Jason Davie (Member # 2172) on :
hehehe lol bruce

Yup, not much to "deposit" at the end of the week, just enought to buy some chineese..
Posted by Ken Henry (Member # 598) on :
24. "They tell me that you're just the person for this job." [Roll Eyes]

Translation: I'll flatter you a bit just before making a serious attempt at fleecing you. [Frown]

[ June 21, 2006, 10:23 PM: Message edited by: Ken Henry ]
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
Those are great!
Some I've heard before, and some are new ones. funny man.... [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by Alicia B. Jennings (Member # 1272) on :
'You should be done in just a couple of hours eh?' Customer talking about lettering,airbrushing and striping a big rig.
Posted by Alicia B. Jennings (Member # 1272) on :
Oh yeah I forgot,,,
"Are you married?"
"Are you still married?'
"Does your Husband do this kind of work too?"
Posted by bruce ward (Member # 1289) on :
oh yes here we go!!!

now if you do this one truck we have 300 more and we would like for you to do this one first.... (give me good deal on this and btw ill never use you again, and this is the only truck i have) (give me good deal on this and btw ill never use you again, and this is the only truck i have)

man i can get you so much business youll be sick of me.... (im sick of you now!) (im sick of you now!)

how much do you charge for lettering this truck?..... [I]($800)
well that sounds bout right first i have to get it repainted, new engine and all four tires and rims need to be replaced, and ill give you a call...... [I]( damn hes expensive but im not going to let him see im shocked)
Posted by Mark M. Kottwitz (Member # 1764) on :
Originally posted by Bobbie Rochow:
"Can you give a ball park figure".....



Sure... I can do it between $5 and $50,000.
Posted by KARYN BUSH (Member # 1948) on :
speaking of the ballpark line...don't forget to add..."i won't hold you to it."
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
Hey Wayne, regarding #12, there's an old saying in the car business that goes like this:

"First one to speak, looses" It's true! [Wink]

Posted by Jill Marie Welsh (Member # 1912) on :
"Can you give me a guesstimate-estimate?"
(I'm guessin' that no matter what price I tell you, it will be too rich for your blood, chump!)
Alicia, I love yours...I get that a lot too!
"Did your hubby letter your truck?"
Posted by Deri Russell (Member # 119) on :
I need two designs- totally different- because I really have no idea what I want- (and once you are done those he still has no idea what he wants and maybe a third will do the trick)

I need two designs because I don't really think the first one you give me is going to be anything like what I want- (why did you come to me in the first place?)

So you do 2 designs- first one has heart & soul and looks absolutely awesome- second one just a quickie that would absolutely not work- just to keep them happy- and they like the second one- now you have to fix it
Posted by KARYN BUSH (Member # 1948) on :
there's just no accountin' for good taste no more. i swear that happens all the spend a good amount of time on a design...but throw another quick below par one just cause you feel you need to...and they pick ugly! go figure!

somedays ya just can't win...thats when its time for a little FUN!
Posted by Russ McMullin (Member # 5617) on :
"This is the best artwork I can find. It should be ok, right?" - 'artwork' means old tattered business card, poorly printed with puff ink

"I love what you've done. I just want to make a few tiny changes."

"We wanted to use an elegant font, like Zapf Chancery." - Zapf Chancery Italic in all caps is just the ticket. Elegant???

"Ok, I want to get a sign, but I'm going to need your help with what it should say."
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
You guys are the greatest!
Posted by Blake Wright (Member # 6584) on :
It's not high. You can get to it off a step ladder. [I Don t Know]

[ June 22, 2006, 11:22 AM: Message edited by: Blake Wright ]
Posted by Greg DePauw (Member # 6604) on :
Wayne. The one I get is, "I'll be back later" I call those people "Be Backs"
Posted by William DeBekker (Member # 3848) on :
"Can I get a bid. And while you're at it could you design our new logo so we can compare."

[ June 22, 2006, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: William DeBekker ]
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
Love the one about the "play around with the design and see what you come up with!" Boy these are all good! No wonder a lot of "signpainters" drink,smoke, grumble, die or early heart attacks! etc!

I recently had to deal with: "Fix me up and I'll send you all the customers in the world" Ha, I told her I had enough cheap customers already and not looking to be in a popularity contest.
" let's talk about this over dinner;

(just came in this morning: "Do you have any scrap vinyl pieces...just want a phone no...well it's a 4 ft. by 8 ft. window, just center you have something bright?...the new owner just spent a lot opening and is broke...oh yeah, he'll need the hours too...(three separate lines)...he's agreed to throw you a pizza every now and then for much is a roll of vinyl and I can tell him....I'll get back to you.. I'm at the pepsi dealer for the free signs!
"oh you only work out of your home, so you can cut me a deal, right? I don't think I should have to pay someone with less overhead than the large sign shop with employees and blah,blah..."

[ June 22, 2006, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: Deb Fowler ]
Posted by Carl Wood (Member # 1223) on :
If you can just cut out them letters for me I can stick 'em on myself. . . .
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
Good ones!

I was primarily looking for ways they try to weasel the price down, but hey, alot of these are ringing a bell.

Anyone hear this one too?
"So....the computer just makes them?"
Posted by Dusty Campbell (Member # 4601) on :
"So....the computer just makes them?"

Sure it does, would you like to try it.
Posted by Peter Manzolillo (Member # 1062) on :
Originally posted by Dana Blair:
14) Let me talk to the wife/girlfriend/etc about it.

When you hear this one, that's your cue to tactfully steer the customer to your competition...otherwise you'll be pulling your hair out in clumps...

[ June 22, 2006, 02:43 PM: Message edited by: Peter Manzolillo ]
Posted by Ricky Jackson (Member # 5082) on :
"It's real simple artwork and I'll bring you camera ready art." Next day customer returns with a 4th generation photocopy of a faxed doodling on a stained bar napkin.

"Couldja work me up a few designs for it and give me a call?"

"Dang, I forgot my checkbook; I didn't know you required a deposit. If you'll go ahead and make these for me I'll bring the money when I come back."

"Our company is huge; we always pay our bills." (yeah, after 180 days and turning them over to a collection agency)

"That check was mailed out yesterday"

"I'll be right back with that deposit"

(customer approving design) "That looks great; since you've got these empty spots here can you put in a couple more phone numbers?"

"I need these YESTERDAY!" (you call them an hour later telling them their signs are done; they show up 3 weeks later to pick them up - and "forget" their checkbook)

"I didn't know you made them magnet signs"

"A pair... that's for two magnet signs?"
Posted by Lotti Prokott (Member # 2684) on :
The worst are those that start to haggle when they come to pick up the sign. I got these lines from a customer on one and the same job:

"It looks small" (just the size we agreed on)

"Too bad it didn't fit inside the lines" (design had lettering overlap part of a panel inline)

"Are you wanting to get rich fast?(sign cost 100 bucks)

"I can get that for half that much in the city"
(then why are you here?)

Did I mention he's not my customer anymore?

[Roll Eyes]
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
Here is what happens when you do not get a deposit..

"Thanks for coming in w/ the quote. We will contact you in a few months when we're ready to go ahead with it.
Posted by jake snow (Member # 5889) on :
"you know, my cuzin makes signs, but he don't use no brushes. Why you use brushes anyway?"

"I used to make signs years ago"

"Dang son, if I had yur money, I'd burn mine"

"That looks nice, but can we make everything bigger"

Well hell, ya got lines on the board to follow. how hard can it be?"

"I believe I could do that"

"Now we don't want any of that old painted stuff, we want something nice"

"where's your cooler boy, I thought all you sign painters were drunks"

"I took graphic arts in college, but decided to switch majors. So I now about design and my design is perfect!" (ya they were ****ed cause I asked to "tweak" there design a little.

"I had no idea signs were so expensive!"

"I bought a for sale sign at Lowes, can you put my phone number on it so it will look nice? I want it to look nice"

And the all time grand puba of stupid crap that a customer can say while standing your shop.....after walking in the door.....that says SIGNS....after they parked there car under your main id, that just so happens to say "SIGNS" also.....

And with all the intelligence of an inbred corn smoker asks....

"You make signs?"

And my standard reply has been for the past twenty years...."Nope, I'm a male exotic dancer. Will this be for you, your wife or your mom......." [Smile]
Posted by Mike Barnes (Member # 2277) on :
Jake, I'll hafta remember that last one!! LOL!! .....but you forgot about the customers parking under that same sign and walking thru that same door looking for furniture. LMAO!
Keep an eye out. I'll be rolling your way soon.
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
"Are you doing that free-hand?"

(only when I use my left hand is it free . . .this hand is 60 bux an hour . . .)

[Roll Eyes]

How 'bout this line:

"I used to know a guy who did'nt even draw it on there and did'nt use tape or anything . . . just free-hand. He had to be completely drunk to do it tho' . . . "

I've also had customers ask me:

"Do you drink? . . . How do you do that without drinkin'?"

It's amazing how many people really believe ALL sign painters are alcoholics, just because most of them are . . . LOLOL ;D
Interestingly enough, I quit drinkin' a while before I met sign-biz . . .
Mabey drinkin' again would improve my work??. . . LOLOL

[ June 23, 2006, 04:19 PM: Message edited by: Sheila Ferrell ]
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
"what kind of signs does your husband make?" is probably my favorite. I have answered that before with "if I give him a marker & piece of cardboard, he might be able to write something almost legible."
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
Bystander or client: "Hey, that is crooked" [Rolling On The Floor]

Me: Wow, I you're the first one who's ever said that to me. [I Don t Know]

When I washed windows in high school, "funny" people used to say "hey, you missed a spot" and then laugh like an idiot. [Confused]


[ June 23, 2006, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: Rick Beisiegel ]
Posted by Bill Modzel (Member # 22) on :
I just need plain block letters. Like this is cheaper???
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
I've heard most of those too.
Thanks guys
Maybe we should compile a referece book.

Originally posted by Sheila Ferrell:
"Are you doing that free-hand?"

(only when I use my left hand is it free . . .this hand is 60 bux an hour . . .)

[Roll Eyes]

How 'bout this line:

"I used to know a guy who did'nt even draw it on there and did'nt use tape or anything . . . just free-hand. He had to be completely drunk to do it tho' . . . "

I've also had customers ask me:

"Do you drink? . . . How do you do that without drinkin'?"

It's amazing how many people really believe ALL sign painters are alcoholics, just because most of them are . . . LOLOL ;D
Interestingly enough, I quit drinkin' a while before I met sign-biz . . .
Mabey drinkin' again would improve my work??. . . LOLOL

Hearing some of these lines day in and day out is enough to DRIVE somebody to drinkin'.

Just yesterday, this guy comes in and used the "this would be good advertising for ya" line.
I just stood there, hung my head, trying not to smirk or shake my head. I did tell him though..."if you only knew how many times I've heard that...."

Yeah Bill...
I hear the "block letters" one alot too. hehe

And I heard the "I had no idea signs were so expensive!" one today, Jake.

Thankfully there are enough good customers, who don't feel the need to feed me a line of baloney, to help keep me sane. sane as possible [Eek!]

[ June 23, 2006, 10:02 PM: Message edited by: Wayne Webb ]
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
and... I had a customer today that claimed she didn't have to pay sales tax on a menu sign for her business. Just because she gets all her equipment and food with no sales tax. But, I told her, look, lady, you are the end customer using this sign, and not reselling it. Yes, the sales tax must be paid. I don't want to get arrested for not charging and paying Uncle Sam (as she kept arguing- she didn't think I was educated since although I did beautiful signs for her and a very decent price.
Well, she decided that she would not have a final set of small signs made which only were totalling 30 bucks, and wanted me to take them off the order to make up for some of the sales tax. Hmmmm time to get my contracts out again. That usually gets them straightened out.
Posted by David Fisher (Member # 107) on :
Customer: It's only a teeny weeny little job so It shouldn't cost much.
Me: Nifty mobile phone/PDA/SatNav you've got, was it expensive?
Customer: It only cost me a thousand bucks but look at how small it is...
Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
"You got it crooked/spelled it wrong."

My reply, "That part's free."

"Do you do this for a living?"

"Do you work for your husband?"

and lately, as we get ready to camp for the summer...

"TWO MONTHS? YOU'RE TAKING TWO MONTHS OFF? (panic panic panic... then later, "It's ok, we'll resume on this again in Sept. Have a great summer!") LOL
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
Here I am ressurecting a dead-thread . . . doncha' love it . . .

(I GOTTA get my 'puter fixed)

ANYWAY . . . here's my reply to the 'ballpark figure' thing ONLY when I can really tell the person is just bargain-hunting:

"If we're talkin' baseball, my thing is, I wanna be the BEST ball player there is and make a grand slam home run, so count on me to knock it totally OUT of the park."

Then they kind'a laugh, and choke and go away because they know it will not be real cheap.

Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
I don't guess anyone has posted this one yet:

"What if I provide the plywood?"


Answer... (and I've told them this)...
"If you use that plywood, it's going to crack, the paint will peel, and it's going to be lookin' bad in a very short time."

"The substrate is the least expensive factor in the cost of producing a sign"
"We design an advertisement which will promote your business...not "letters on a board".

Then if they get testy I might be tempted to say....
"Put your plywood out by the highway and see how much business it brings you."

"Better you a doghouse out of it cuz yer gonna need a place to stay when yer o'lady's had enough of yer cheap skinflint ways" [Smile]

[ July 24, 2006, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: Wayne Webb ]
Posted by sue brown (Member # 6677) on :
lets see.. we always have customers trying to give us lines..
last week a owner of 3 pizza resturants came in wanting his sandwich board fixed and price changed... He needed a bit of paint touched up, a few vinyl letters that were scuffed replaced and the price changed for his buffet.. we quoted him what i thought was a good price 100.oo for all.. and boy o boy.. .. his responses were..

dont you guarantee your signs.. (he purchaced it from the old owner of our shop back in 2002,)
I buy all my signs here.. rof.. that was the last sign he had purchased .. ..... He did end up leaving it to be fixed but by the point he left.. neither i or the big guy wanted to do it lol..

Today we had a guy come in wanting a banner..
He kept saying.. but im only gonna use it once... why so much..
some peoples
Posted by Paul Bierce (Member # 5412) on :
My all time favorite is:
"Can't you just (insert stupid comment here)?"

It's usually uttered by the client with regard to something that's tedious, time consuming and outside the budget, in an attempt to make it seem soooooo easy.
Posted by Paul Bierce (Member # 5412) on :
Originally posted by sue brown:
Today we had a guy come in wanting a banner..
He kept saying.. but im only gonna use it once... why so much..
some peoples

I think I'll try that line at the local Ferrari dealership.

"But I'm only gonna drive it a few hundred miles a year! The rest of the time it's just gonna sit in my garage. Why is it so much?!"
Posted by Michael Clanton (Member # 2419) on :
"Can I borrow that roll of Orange Vinyl, I'm gettin' a sign made from "_____Signs, Window Tinting and Taxidermy" and they don't have any orange--- I promise I'll bring back what we don't use."

"I've got a REAL simple design I need you to work on-- shouldn't take but a couple of minutes to knock out." meaning: "I don't have a clue how to design this, but I don't want to pay very much for it."
Posted by Jon Jantz (Member # 6137) on :
"Can I just wait on it? I mean you just punch it in the computer and a machine spits it out... Right? I got about 10 minutes before I gotta pick my wife up at Bill's Dollar Store."
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
"Can ya paint up a Grand Opening on this here piece of plywood that i painted fer ya??

( 3/4" 4X8 CDX that the coat of cheapest latex that has raised the grain and left fuzzies fron the roller...and doesn't quite cover the marks from the wheel barrow's tire)
Posted by Jack Bass (Member # 6695) on :
"can i get a package price for wraping 8 vehicels?"

after the first vehicle is done....

"o, btw we want to space out the wraps about 5 months each"
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
"How come it's so much? The computer did all the work."
Posted by Jason Davie (Member # 2172) on :
Well Why Not? Its not like you were doing anything anyways
Posted by Michael R. Bendel (Member # 5847) on :
Wayne... #7! We call them "striped whistlers"!

It's the farmer in the striped coveralls that comes in... hears the price... hooks both thumbs under the top straps of their coveralls.. pushes them out & goes... sweeeeeeeeeewwwwww while shaking his head. hahahah

Striped Whistler!!!!
Posted by KARYN BUSH (Member # 1948) on :
i have a sign emergency!

hahaha there's hardly any sign emergencies that i can think of...maybe an ambulance.
Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :
Whenever I get a request for a ballpark price I ask them "Now is that for a sandlot with no backstop or Yankee Stadium?"
Posted by Dana Blair (Member # 951) on :
While standing next to my truck, which clearly states what I do, I've heard these:
"Did you do your truck?"
"Who does these?" (while pointing at the pinstriping)
"Who did your truck?"
"You do signs?"
"You do that yourself?"  -
Posted by bruce ward (Member # 1289) on :
well ive got 30 trucks waiting on you to letter but for today we gonna do this one, and Ill call you back
Posted by Rob Klyver (Member # 6626) on :
As a friend watched me work one day - in a hushed omnious tone "Don't EVER let any one see how EASY this is"
Several racers 24 hours or less before the first sessions of the San Jose Grand Prix tomorrow: " I just need one - well better make it four ...I'll pay you"
Reply " Yes ... yes you will"
ha ha love people - gotta go bargin coffee with the grocery store now and pop over to Exxon to cut a trade deal for some gas [Smile]
Posted by Bill Diaz (Member # 2549) on :
"It must be nice to not have to work for a livin'."

"We would rather have you guys do the job."

"We would like you to do all the stores we have in the world, if you could come down a little on your price."

I like it when they call me "Easy Money."

"Would it cost a lot more to add an extra color?"

"The other sign painter came up with this design before he went out of business. I was thinking it might cost less since I already had his design."

And numeral uno ...

"I want something really cheap that lasts a long time."

Back when I traveled to letter trucks, I got the story about the alcholic painter from the old timers and the dope smoking painter from the younger crowd. I always thought that was interesting that the different generations had a different take on what calms a person's nerves. Of course if you were in between generations you were expected to do both.
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
"How much discount do I get for the letters you take down to put my sign up?"

The same guy has called me twice in the last week with that question.
Posted by Bart Robinson (Member # 6678) on :
Who striped your truck?

Some old alcoholic.

Are you good at custom?

Compared to what?

How long is the warranty?

Life of the pinstriper.

Where do you get those brushes?


Do you make a lot of money?

Just enough to pay for the stuff I buy.

What if I want the stripes off, how do I do it?

Three pound mallet and a standard screwdriver.

How long have you been doing this?

What time is it?
Posted by Frank Magoo (Member # 3950) on :
"Have you done this all your life?"

"Not yet"

"How much will this cost?"

"How much you got?"

"Are you the pinstriper?"

"No, this brush is a birth defect"
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
"I really like your work, but..."
...followed by 450 reasons why they can't afford to pay you what it's worth.

Customer: "How much to sponsor my race car lettering?"
HUH??????????????? [I Don t Know]

Customer: "Give me a deal on this and I can get you a lot more work and you can bill the NEXT guy more."
Me: Have you seen my work before?
Customer : "Yes."
Me: I already did that deal. Congratulations. You're NEXT!"

Customer: "How much how much will you knock off the price of lettering my race car if I let you put your name on it somehwere?"
Me: Not a dime, but it costs an extra 50 bucks to have me NOT sign my work.

Customer: "I'm hiring you 'cause I wanna win the car show!"
Me: No problem. That'll be 1.5 million dollars. I'll buy the track, schedule the car show without telling anyone and when you're the only guy who shows up, you can have ALL the trophies!

I have finally found the answwer to the age old question....
Customer: "How much for a sign?"
Me: A million bucks, but if I come in under budget, I'll give ya a rebate.

"Did you do the graphic work on your truck."
Me: I hired a guy...he's self employed. Here's my card." Then they see the same logo on both the card and truck. If they still ask, I take the card back.

Posted by Denis de Leon (Member # 5844) on :
How much would it be if it were a foot shorter?
Posted by Jill Marie Welsh (Member # 1912) on :
"We've decided to wait till we have more money, but thanks for scheduling an appointment. Sorry we have to cancel but we'll get back to you."

Had that call three weeks ago. Just drove past their place....their new "sign" looks like hell!
Guess they like the Papyrus font....yeah that looks real "victorian", lady.
(she said she wanted a period-style sign)
I think I'll call and schedule a new cut, color, perm, manicure, and bikini wax....then call and cancel 15 minutes after the appointment time like she did!
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
I need a sign for this show in the park, and I need your name on the bottom half of it.
Oh yeah...?
Yeah, we need it in three weeks time, and we'd like your name to be on the bottom half of it.
Oh...yeah..., well do you know what sort of size you need it to be, roughly?
Well we want it to say ".......", and have your stuff on the bottom.
Let's just forget about my stuff, how big were you thinking it needed to be?
Well we wanted your name and stuff on it.
Why's that? (you could see this coming, from way back in the first sentence)
Well we don't want to pay you, we just want your name on it instead.
Let's see, how big were you hoping for, and what kind of material were you thinking of- corro maybe or a banner? (or butcher's paper I wondered?)
Well as big as you'll do it for us for having your name on the bottom.
Well I don't really want my name on the bottom like that.
Why, we want you to be able to get more work from it to pay for doing the sign for us as we are a small group which doesn't have any money yet.
Well, if my name is on the whole bottom half, and all those words are on the top, people will miss your message altogether, and my name will take up important space needed by your message.
Just make it all bigger then.
And secondly, having my name on that kind of sign doesn't bring extra work in.
I thought people would see your name and give you work.
Nooooo.....they see my name and think to themselves "there's someone who's obviously content to make a sign for no charge, let's ask him for a free one for us too...", so all I get from that is more people who want me to spend my time and my money on materials for no reimbursement of either, and I have no money then.
Oh. I thought you could do that for us...
Well, here's my email address. When you work out what size and what material you were thinking of, send me an email, as well as the exact wording your committee were considering, and I'll have a look and see if I have a piece of something in that size... and we can see what happens then...hint hint...go away please...if I'm lucky you won't reconvene till after the day you needed it.

(That was verbatim from a conversation three days ago)

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