If it shines like gold it REALLY IS GOLD in our shop today.
Our own shop projects have been languishing under a layer of dust the last while as other more pressing things took precidence. Today was at last the day to fix that!
And once we started GOLD FEVER set in for real!
With the summer tourist traffic soon to arrive its high time to get our new sign up by the road. We decided to pull out all the stops and do a bunch of gold leaf on the lettering. No point in just talking the talk.
I haven't done much gold leaf in my career but hopefully that will change over time. The new samples should help and the new black truck will soon sport more of the same on the doors.
We begin final assembly of the big sign tomorrow and then its time to put it out by the road. We also did up some smaller pieces for promotion inside the shop.
I'll post a pic of the big sign in all its glory soon (as an opening salvo in ROUTER WARS II)
Here's a pic of the fresh gold glittering on the table.
This work is all of 30 lb Precision Board and routed on our trusty MultiCam of course.
-grampa dan
[ June 13, 2006, 11:44 PM: Message edited by: Dan Sawatzky ]
Posted by Kelly Thorson (Member # 2958) on :
Oh Oh!
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Awesome stuff Dan
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Dan, remember:
Gold is gold, paint ain't! Posted by Dennis Raap (Member # 3632) on :
Dan, you have way to much fun!!!
Posted by bill riedel (Member # 607) on :
Now you are really cooking, there is and never will be anything as good as gold. Top of the line. The signs look outstanding.
Posted by captain ken (Member # 742) on :
yep, aint nothing as good as gold... looks great Dan!
Posted by Pat Welter (Member # 785) on :
G-man...as Bill said Top of the line Bro...Hot Damn they look good...Be ready to watch how the vehicles slow in front of your place...That says it all right there...Oh and happy B-Day Cap'n Ken.
Posted by TomDavis (Member # 6133) on :
Looks great, what type gold and paint did you use. I now have to design a new sign for the shop
Posted by Duncan Wilkie (Member # 132) on :
Customer = "Your sign says "Signs"...How much for two of them plastic cardboard ones and 1 of those magnetized truck signs?" Dan = "Well...first there's the Design Fee...then the rebar and structural steel...Sir, Sir...now where's he going...Sir, Sir...hmmmm...he's gone...???" "Well Phoeb's enough work, lets go mow the lawn..." Nice Gold work there Dan!
Posted by Kent Smith (Member # 251) on :
I knew you'd come around to my way of thinking sometime. Proof that real gold will fit in any style.
Posted by Guy H. J. Hilliard (Member # 2529) on :
Was the dragon head done on the router as well?
Posted by lolita leblanc (Member # 3453) on :
Those are really nice signs, wow
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
The entire projecct was done on the MultiCam... the dragon head created as a 3D file and then sliced before routing. We glued it back together and then did a little hand detailing with a dremmel tool before painting.
We also did a full 3D full bodied dragon on the router which I will post a picture of soon. Fianal touychups are all that needs to be done.
-grampa dan
Posted by Jonathan Androsky (Member # 2806) on :
Delightful work Dan! I've always liked that dragon.
A few quick questions if you don't mind? When doing the full 3D work, are you using the add-on slicer application in ArtCam? Or are you doing your modeling in something else like Rhino, then slicing it, then bringing each slice into Artcam? Or is it some mysterious combination of brightly coloured Sawatzkian (yeah, that has to be a word) mysticism?