An explosion in a local mine here in harlan county has taken the lives of five men. One man was rescued and is okay. Two of the men I knew pretty well, and I was familiar with four of them. Just hard working guys trying to make a living for them and their families. The mine was about a mile deep in the mountain, and they said the blast was so strong, it ruptured oil cans close to the mine opening. Its been a long time since something this bad has happened here. The community is devastated. I ask that you remember their families in your prayers and thoughts.
Posted by Catharine C. Kennedy (Member # 4459) on :
That's horrible, John- I'm so sorry. Prayers, of course. Cat
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
So sorry John.
Posted by Mike O'Neill (Member # 470) on :
So sorry. living in a mining town I can feel your pain ... drives right through the community.
Posted by Alicia B. Jennings (Member # 1272) on :
That's really tough to hear about. It makes me feel sad for people who have to takes risks to get a paycheck.
Posted by Stefanie Fox (Member # 6523) on :
I am keeping all involved in prayer...
Posted by Louie Pascuzzi (Member # 1373) on :
Our prayers are with you and their families.
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
Alas my friend...
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
john, i know the feelin, my father and whole family was miners.....and a lot of my freinds went "in". scab mine or union? or do i have to ask......
Posted by Suelynn Sedor (Member # 442) on :
That is terrible John. It must be devastating for your whole community.
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
John, so sad, so sorry. Our prayers are with you and the families, the community also.
Posted by Jill Marie Welsh (Member # 1912) on :
This has been a particularly bad year for mining accidents. I can't comprehend a lifestyle of going underground for a living, and how difficult it can be. My Pap was a 1950s miner here, who had his back broken in a cave-in and was hauled up to the surface on a coal car. That pales in comparison to losing a loved one. My heart goes out to these unfortunate families John. love....Jill
Posted by John Deaton (Member # 925) on :
The whole area is in a state of shock. One of my wifes friends lost her husband. She has two little girls that go to elementary school. Another person we know that ran a pet grooming service lost her husband. She has four children. Mining is such a hard job along with imminent danger every minute. One of my friends came by this evening and we talked about two hours about basically nothing. He works in a mine just one mile below the one where this happened. I think he just needed to talk. Posted by Dawn Ellis (Member # 3529) on :
So sorry to hear this John. My prayers are with the families and my thoughts with you and your sister. As you said the whole community feels the loss.
Posted by greg fairbrother (Member # 6522) on :
My condolences as well. A few years ago I was a miner in my local area for several years and I had my moments at times but never had anything like that happen. Damn near got it at one time. Today, you couldn't pay me to go under. Very sorry for the news.
Posted by Amy Brown (Member # 1963) on :
I saw this on the news and thought of you John. I knew it had to hit close to home. We'll keep you and your friends & neighbors in our thoughts. Hang in there buddy.