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Posted by James Donahue (Member # 3624) on :
This isn't about your shop being different than the one 'down the road', but it ends up including that.

Recently I asked "what does it mean to be a year older?" Man, the effects of these last couple years are showing. I mean what a space out, that very topic was to be in a book I was thinking of writing. Oh well.

I think the answer is: Unless you're perfect, and all knowing, you should BE DIFFERENT than you were a year ago. Imagine a life where you were no longer learning stuff.

So now, I change the question: how are YOU different? [I Don t Know]
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
1200+ miles away from where I was a year ago.

3 more meets under my belt...still learning.

2 less notches in aforementioned belt...down 20 lbs since last year this time.

Went from self employed in NH to a shop job in GA for 6 months doing installs an a ton of weeding. Seldom got a brush out.
3 weeks after leaving was approached to be a "consultant" for One Shot at a car show in Atlanta, worked on a special project with Dupont, and haven't touch a scrap of vinyl since. Slinging paint every day.

Ya never know...
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
Maybe a little slower--a little smarter. More fragile than I would care to admit...I'm different in a lot of ways, but I am the same in one important one: I never want to quit growing, adapting, and learning.

I am a better businessman--and more of an entrepreneur than ever. I am getting to a place of real personal peace--but not complacency.
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
I've learned a great deal this past year!

We bought a router and with lots of trial and error learned to use it effectively.

I also learned a ton in regards to design.

And businesswise I learned lots. I'm now looking more at passive and ongoing income sources in our business.

I got to do LOTS of research and travel this past year... always a good learning process!

-grampa dan.
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
Learned how to survive a disaster, Learned how to eat yankee food, Learned how to live in da snow,
Learned hwo to talk like a yankee, learned how to watch HOCKEY.. And the biggest lesson is how to live on no income..

well i think thiis is enuf ..
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
Posted by Alicia B. Jennings (Member # 1272) on :
Oh yeah, every year that goes by, I feel a little smarter and wiser and older than the year before. And I try to pay myself more for it, every year. And it seems that every year that goes by, I have to eat less and drink less to keep my weight down. Although, I am still learning how to say no to unprofitable jobs or doing "Donated Work for a Worthy Cause". My only worthy cause is hanging out with my Husband and enjoying life with him.
Posted by William DeBekker (Member # 3848) on :
Bought a New Building, expanded our shop with a Versacamm, Quick Print Shop and adding a Wholesale division to Our CO.. Incorporated and Hired an employee to start Taking over my postion.
Relized what the doctor ment When he said I would begin to lose the use of my Arm/Shoulder if I didn't take care of it. (So depressing no more using a Posthole Digger.)

And Turned Straight when I heard OP Was a Rainbow Boy. [Wink]
Posted by Catharine C. Kennedy (Member # 4459) on :
Been an interesting year: quit my job after 12 years with the museum, so now officially self-employed. Became a certified first responder for the fire company. Got a puppy. Got perceptibly better at painting, but will never get to where I want to be (isn't that the point of the adventure?!) Going to Lodi and the Zoo, and meeting Letterheads.
And my Mom died. THAT will be forever.
Posted by Bill Dirkes (Member # 1000) on :
I've become an orphan at 52. Mom died in October, 05 and Dad almost a month ago.
I think I'm getting a handle on Beginnings/Endings!?
My beautiful smart witty daughter is getting married in 2 week. To a great guy.
I'm adjusting to more competition in the biz.
Three new shops in the county(pop. 16,000)
Aiming to not work soooo much.
Really lookin forward to the Zoo, and really hopin to get to at least 1 other meet this year.
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
As I get older, time seems to fly by faster and faster. Christmas seems to arrive earlier and earlier.

I think I'm starting to pangs of middle age. I've had my eye on a 1969 Mustang fastback that looks like the one I foolishly sold 25 years ago. But, I can't afford it and I know it. Still.....

The death of my 14 year old nephew last year brought the realization of how little time I really have on this earth and regrets of not having done something more meaningful for my wife or myself.

As far as signs go, I feel like I'm doing all that I'm capable of at this point. I've never had the creativity or the natural talent that many have here. At the same time, part of me really doesn't want to make the effort to learn anything else.

My confidence in this business has grown a great deal these past few years. I've seen 3 competitors come and go in the last five years. Another is now doing most of the type of work we did the most of 10 and 20 years ago. The strange thing is that it doesn't bother me. I don't don't lose sleep over it because I quit caring. I'm doing all that I can do now so screw it.

My patience with employees, er...excuse members.....has been getting shorter. I've noticed that in myself. I'm not putting up with the attitudes of "if you paid me more, I'd work better and not goof off as much". I used to be afraid of losing a warm body to help with the work load. "Either you are here to work or get your butt out and waste someone else's time" is where I'm at right now.

I find myself tolerating BS less and less. Kinda like the female customer who came in Friday morning to pick up here decal order. She was told what the COD amount was and to bring a check. So naturally, she forgot her checkbook. Now, if there is one thing I know about women is that they don't leave to go anywhere without a checkbook. She was quite surprised when I wouldn't let her leave with the decals without paying for them. She went to her car and magically found her checkbook. I hear Gomer Pyle shouting out one of his trademark "surprise, surprise!"
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
Yes, I'm continually evolving. [Smile]

I'm more realistic with my expectations.

I'm more strategic and proactive with my destiny.

I stress things less.

Don't take things as personally.

Not as much of a push over.

Can see thru manipulative behaviors better, and don't feed into them.

Making better decisions.

Requiring more of people.

Taking better care of myself.

Discovering less physical ways to make a buck.

Following my instincts more.

Getting more efficient with my time.

Developing better daily habits and being disciplined in them.

All part of growing up I guess! [Smile]
Still a lot of room for improvement.
Posted by jack wills (Member # 521) on :
I used to be bad.
Now I'm nationwide.

(that was stupid)

Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :

I am different and Older from you!
Is that called competition!

[ May 14, 2006, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: Stephen Deveau ]
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
I think its inevatable that as you grow older you will get smarter some only in a couple areas others in all areas (guess they were really payin attention).

I have learned much in the last few years, mostly about my biz, my family, my Wife, myself.
Some lessons come easy, some don't, realising its time to quit a one way freindship, being irritated by someones lack of caring.

So, maybe I am a bit grumpier these days(sometimes justified), realising my spelling is probably as good as it will get !

Got the two kids married, two grandchildren now,
life IS GOOD !

Learning still, how to take some time ,relax and enjoy my forty years of effort,At 57 !


Only one go round ya know !

Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Oh yeah, and knowing that people don't like the photo of me in a pink "Rapid Tac shirt", and not givin a good ^*#* !

Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :
"Christmas seems to arrive earlier and earlier."

Glenn, that's an allusion due to the fact that most stores put the Christmas stuff out befeore Halloween. [Smile]
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
IVE TURNED now all you women are safe, but ricky besiegal is LOOOOOKIN GOOOOOODDDDD
I think the women were pretty safe before you turned gay OP...hahahahahahahahahaha.

And leave Rick alone....No means No!!! [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
Sorry Joe, I am not Gay. But, I can help you out. Here you go:


Old, gay, liberal, miserly, vegatarian, signmaker with a mullett seeks similar for fun in the Florida sun. Speedos are optional Please reply. Ask for Joe.

[Rolling On The Floor]


[ May 15, 2006, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: Rick Beisiegel ]
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
My sensitivity to BS is heightened, just can't put up with any of it. Seeing through more & more crap and people.

Shop wise: Business is incredible. I'm standing my ground more, not nearly as afraid to ask for money as I used to be, not afraid to self promote and pretty darn confident when talking with customers (trust me they can smell if you're not confident).

Personally, my oldest mutt was diagnosed with epilepsy, taking more time to give him my full attention because I know the meds shorten his lifespan.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
YOU WANT ME know you discriptive.....hahahahahahahahahahaand toddi, shave that hair under you nose.....and ill put you on my list...after rikie......
and seriously...
i got my shop pretty well organized, gona add the 12x24 office area this summer and then my whole operation will be out there.
i turn 61 in few days, changes are more noticable every year when you hit tat 55 and up age braket.
2 years ago i could still go up a ladder, this year seems like a 6 ft ladder wears me out as much as a 16-20' used to.
NO TOLERANCE FOR BOVINE EXCRETIONS!!! dont got time to waste...
SLEEP is more important then SEX!!!!

[ May 15, 2006, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: old paint ]
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
I don't know OP....there's still the question of where exactly is your left hand, and what is it doing in that motorcycle picture......It suspiciously appears to be buried deep in your pants....I'm hoping it's fishing for change in your pocket?! [Razz] [Razz]
Posted by Kelly Thorson (Member # 2958) on :
In terms of my work, I think I have grown significantly, I've discovered a medium I am very passionate about, started a new company Lost Mountain Glass Works, and although it is taking much longer than I had hoped I hope to make the transition over the next couple of years. I still have so much to learn and so little time to do it in. I stillplan to keep some of the sign work, but hope to find a market for some glass as well. I know it will have to be a more global market than I am in now.

In my life I have had some wonderful additions. I have a new grandaughter and a fine young fellow who will be my new son in September, courtesy of my daughter Jess. I couldn't be happier with her choice.

I've grown a lot as a person in the past year, change can be very scary, but I think in the long run it will be well worth it.

[ May 15, 2006, 04:11 PM: Message edited by: Kelly Thorson ]
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
TODDI, that just explains what youre thinkin when you see my picture....shave that moustach sweetie!!!!!!!hahahahahahaha
Posted by Rosemary (Member # 1926) on :
Cool! I get to post again. [Razz]
Things haven't really changed for me for a long time. If one of four neurosurgeons ever finds a cure for me then I could actually have a real life. I do learn all the time cuz I'm in the studio as much as I can be and I have fun with Dad riding the motorcycles and the dirt bikes with the whole family, but what I'm trying to say is that you really need to take care of your health and your kids' health, no? Its really really important.
ANYway, I'm happy enough and I do learn stuff still.

me [Smile]
Posted by William Holohan (Member # 2514) on :
Five years after falling into a quick little job of installing Photoshop on a computer at a local sign shop I am, forever different.
Couple of days of showing them the basics exposed me to a profession that took over my life. (the later years anyway)
No, I don't letter, gild, chip, blast or carve other than poorly and for my own pleasure. It's a little late for me (67 yrs old)to become a really fine handed sign man.
Up until the day that I walked into that sign shop, my life had been a very happy one. No it didn't become unhappy. Just strangely a little sad. Sad to discover so late what would have made it really superb. It was like going home...kind of like "all this fits me like a thousand dollar suit".
The last five years have been a joy and a pleasure. I am one of those anal types that really has to know all about anything that sparks my enthusiasm. Over three thousand pages printed off the internet on every area of traditional and modern sign crafting. (happily shared with some fine up and coming sign lads and ladies)
Way to many books on the profession going back to the 1850's. New and strange words like latharge, distemper paint, rock amonia and on and on.
A couple of meets to see what it's really all about. #3 coming up this week.
Meeting fantastic people who I would never have met, had I not known how to load software onto a computer.
Different, different? You can bet I am. A lot of that difference is thanks to the fine people here and at meets and other sites.
I try as many things as is possible to try in my apartment or at a couple of shops that I business coach. I have the comforting knowledge after five years of knowing..."Yes, I could have done that had I discovered it in my youth." That is the only sad part of this difference. I found you all too late...

Sorry for the ramble...
Posted by Bobbie Rochow (Member # 3341) on :
Irish, I will be 46 this year, & just found this place about 3 years ago. I know what you mean, but I am still having fun getting better at hand painting. I have only been to 2 meets, but I think I will try to make the Zoo & also Dixie.

I feel older than I did last year, that is for sure, for some reason!

But I am getting abit wiser, & finding out what is the most important in life. You cannot take it with you when you go, for one thing. these things we have to enjoy while we are here are only temporary. I have been focusing more on eternal things.
Posted by William Holohan (Member # 2514) on :
I cannot describe how zipped I am in regards to the sign writers profession. As I said before it is a little late for me to really get into the "real world" of the sign crafter. I imagine I am the oldest, grizzled, bent over "sign groupie" in the states. I am sure there are some guests in here that also fit the bill of "groupie" rather than practicicing sign writers.
The only comparison I can make is that of a died in the wool Red Sox fan who has the opportunity to travel with the team for as long as he/she wants. I'm just traveling with the team, enjoying the opportunity to rub shoulders with the "star players' at meets. It is making my later years some of the most enjoyable of them all.
Posted by bruce ward (Member # 1289) on :
kissy said it "my sesitivity to BS is heightened" so true. i fire more "problem customers" and tyr to accept the more profit less stress ones. i too am slower and smarter.

i would say i dont stress over the little stuff alot anymore.i dont do customers that need it tommorow. i dont work as much also

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