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Posted by Ricky Jackson (Member # 5082) on :
I'm moving on folks. It's been fun; it's been crazy; it's been profitable but it's time to move on and have a little fun in my life. Those that know me know that I am an Alaskan trapped in the body of a Georgian. I can't resist the urge any longer; I'm leaving this coming Monday. The wife is in Japan for a month and this will come as a real shocker to her when she gets back in a couple of weeks. Without going into details, suffice it to say I told her but she just wasn't listening. The store will be for sale at a *very* good price and if it doesn't sell, she will need someone very talented to make the signs. Our son works here helping out in production. We have an Edge, a large format printer. We are running Signlab for general vinyl and Omega for the Edge stuff, Photoshop CS for the LF digital. Our hours are 9-6 Mon-Fri. We've been in business here for over 10 years, very stable business, growing economy here. We don't need another sign company; we just need someone else to take this one and go with it. Trust me, you don't want to compete with what we've built here. Our sales have averaged about $200,000/yr. We have about $100,000 in assets. I'm sure she will not refuse any *reasonable* offer. If you're interested in buying it or running it/working here, drop me an email to my regular addy ( and if you just want to tell me how bad you'll miss me, leave a note here. Sometimes making a very good living isn't worth putting off your dreams til you're too old to live them. Bob Parsons I'll call you when I get to Los Anchorage and we can go eat a moose steak or something!

Adios ameatloafs
Posted by Catharine C. Kennedy (Member # 4459) on :
Travel well, Ricky!
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
Good Luck.
Posted by Tracie Johnson (Member # 6117) on :
Wow! That's quite shocking! All the best to you.
Posted by Kelsey Dum (Member # 6101) on :
Good luck, Ricky! If you meet a man named Dean Powell, say hi to him for me. He's my uncle, and I've only been able to meet him once. Have fun on your journey!!!
Posted by Amy Brown (Member # 1963) on :
Where is Warner Robins or your store front? How close to Florida?

Best of luck. Keep chasing your dreams!
Posted by Ricky Jackson (Member # 5082) on :
Hey Amy, WR is right in the center of the state.
Posted by jack wills (Member # 521) on :
GET OUT........!

Posted by Bill Diaz (Member # 2549) on :
Mercy! This post and your other post are sayin' you're goin' through a thing, Ricky. The planet's must be aligned for all this. I applaud giving that customer what he deserves (other post ... he needs proper punishment), but I don't know about the wife -- even if she does deserve it, but what the hey, Good Luck!

Alaska would be the adventure of a lifetime!
Posted by Rosemary (Member # 1926) on :
What a coincidence! There's a guy here looking for you and he says your wife sent him to find you. He says his name is Guido! And he's wearing Snow Paks! And he has a dog team with him! [Razz]

me [Smile]
Posted by Mark M. Kottwitz (Member # 1764) on :
You lucky son of a gun. I went to Alaska last year, and it was the most enjoyable 2 weeks of my life. Of course, getting used to sun light to 11 pm and not getting completely dark took some getting used to.

A little bit of travel advice. When you guys get up there, head up to Cantwell and head down the Denali Highway (and the term is used lightly, considering its a 135 mile dirt and gravel road), and head out to Roosevelt Lake. The lake trout start biting at about 10:30 pm, and they are an absolute blast to catch.
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Follow that dream, Brother!

Why the heck do you think I am here in Minnesota? I did the same thing as you. Shed myself of a big misstake and am chasing something I really want.

Pierre says it best... Life is SO good!
Posted by Ricky Jackson (Member # 5082) on :
Mark, you've never had a burger like the ones served at "Time to Eat" in Cantwell. One time we bought a blueberry pie there and they didn't have anything to put it in so they just lete us take their dish and told us to drop it off on our way back from Denali park a few days later. Thanks for the support guys; Bruce you have a new lease on life my friend; I'm not waiting til I get the big "wake up call" to follow mine. Your tagline is my mantra!
Posted by Mark M. Kottwitz (Member # 1764) on :
Originally posted by Ricky Jackson:
Mark, you've never had a burger like the ones served at "Time to Eat" in Cantwell.

OOOOHHHHHH, yeah... I had a burger there. That thing was huge.

My parents go just about every year to be the campground hosts at Brushkanna.

Edited to add that I wish I could remember that little diner (Steward, mayby) that served Raindeer Omlettes. I guess its a good thing it didn't have a red nose in the middle of the plate... [Rolling On The Floor]

[ May 10, 2006, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: Mark M. Kottwitz ]
Posted by Mike O'Neill (Member # 470) on :
Ricky ... leave some fish for the tourists and don't forget your longjohn's.

Hope it works for you ... keep us posted, even Alaska has internet.

Take Care ...

Posted by Dusty Campbell (Member # 4601) on :
When it's springtime in Alaska it's forty below.

Good luck, I'll miss your posts.
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Best of luck to you and your family, Rick.

Almost forgot..... Don't eat the yellow snow. Its not lemon flavored.


[ May 10, 2006, 07:18 PM: Message edited by: Glenn Taylor ]
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Isn't the mosquito Alaska's state bird? [Wink]
Posted by Tracie Johnson (Member # 6117) on :
Originally posted by Mike Pipes:
Isn't the mosquito Alaska's state bird? [Wink]

I always heard it was Minnesota's...
Posted by Ricky Jackson (Member # 5082) on :
you got that right Mike! I was up near Denali one day and it was like little darts being fired at me. I couldn't hardly breath they were so thick. I always thought Florida was bad but there are *at least* 50 times the amount per any given volumn of space and they are a LOT more agressive. You know it's gotta be bad to stampeed a heard of 500,000 caribou.

Rosemary: "And if she feels betrayed, would you tell her if she could ever come this way, she'd see just how I've been driven, when she sees how I am living. She'd find a way of forgiving." Hobo Jim
Posted by Jeff Ogden (Member # 3184) on :
I want to talk to you about next February, see how you're liking it then.............

I tried NH once...lived there for 4-5 years. Beautiful countryside, but those warm months sure seemed to get shorter and shorter.

Are you doing another signshop or what? Maybe you could start a tour guide service.
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
There are 27 different kinds of mosquitos in Alaska. Some are big enough to require numbers on the sides.
Posted by Rosemary (Member # 1926) on :
Ricky: There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men that moil for gold.
That arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.
The nothern lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see......
Was that night on the marge of lake LeBarge that I ............................. [Razz]

me [Smile]
Posted by Louie Pascuzzi (Member # 1373) on :
If you have the opportunity , chase your dreams. Life is too short.


Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :
Ricky, Way to go. Sometimes we have to do what our hearts tell us. Go for it!
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
"...cremated Sam McGee."

Robert Service was a poet.
Posted by Stefanie Fox (Member # 6523) on :

They are right: life is too short not to be happy. I found myself in the same situation 5 years ago and did what you are about to do-except for that "going to Alaska" part! People ask why I am so happy all the is because I am living my life's dream. Others only dream the dream...Enjoy!
Posted by Rosemary (Member # 1926) on :
Have you been in a mighty mouthed canyon..... that's plumb full of hush to the brim?

You're gonna love Alaska, Ricky! I have all of the writings of Robert W. Service. You should buy a book of his poems to read on the way, no?

me [Smile]
Posted by Ricky Jackson (Member # 5082) on :
I already have it sweetie and that line is from "The Spell of The Yukon". Nick Jans is my favorite Alaskan author tho; he stirs my very soul. Thank you all so much for your support.
Posted by Roy Frisby (Member # 736) on :
Don't let the door hit ya! [Wink]
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Love your wife more than you love yourself and the rewards will be greater than following your own dream. I realize that is a large challenge, but I truly believe it to be true my friend. I wish you all blessings and good turns.
Posted by Gene Golden (Member # 3934) on :
So strange to hear this just after that email I sent you.
I guess you were here just long enough to inspire me.

Good Luck!
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
I agree. Don't do it Ricky. Try to work it out.
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :

If I am reading your initial post correctly, following your dream will cost you your marriage? [I Don t Know] I don't want to reply if I am not understanding correctly. Sorry if I misunderstood.

Posted by Don Hulsey (Member # 128) on :
If I'm not mistaken, I think they have internet service in Alaska also. That means you can leave town without leaving Letterville. Keep us posted on life in the great white country.

Happy trails...
Posted by Dave Draper (Member # 102) on :
This kind of reminds me of that George Strait song:
She Let Herself Go" only in reverse I'm thinking?

We all make our choices, and then have to live with them (or without them.)

Posted by Ricky Jackson (Member # 5082) on :
OK guys, unless you know me and my wife and the "whys" I am doing this, you are not qualified to ask me not to do this. I understand that you don't want our marriage to break up and I appreciate that; it hurts more than you know. But you do not know what I've been putting up with for so long and how unhappy I have been. This is not the end of the world for me or her; we just simply can not live together anymore. The only thing she wants to talk about is "money". She has almost totally stopped helping me in the sign business. My son helps me but, years ago when I saw that he wouldn't work out, I wanted him to get another job where he could be in the real world. His mom "protected" him and he's still here. He comes in usually around 10:30 or 11, sometimes later. He spends every possible moment on My Space; I have to tell him to do each and every little chore. He takes off early almost every day. We pay him $400 a week for that. I bear the burden of sales, fielding almost all the phone calls, keeping up with the inventory, purchases, invoicing, design and production and go-sees. I wanted to sell the business years ago when we could have easily gotten $200,000 for it but she wanted to hold out for $225 and not use a broker. We also got some "Godly advice" that "God gave you that business; you can't sell it!" Needless to say we didn't sell it. I wanted to move to Alaska for 2-3 years and then, if she wanted to, come back here. I'm still here. Everything she does ties us here, putting down deeper and deeper roots. That's not exactly what I consider "honoring and obeying". Our own daughter almost moved to Austrailia just to get off the same continent as she. She is such a drama queen and keeps stuff stirred up continuously; she has a black cloud hanging over her head and forces everyone around her to get rained on. I have no friends because of her; everybody hates her and avoids her like the plague. My mother and both my brothers despises her, as all the rest of my family. Our own son can't stand to be around her and plans on finding another job when I leave. I'm leaving with almost nothing. I'm leaving her with 3 beautiful houses filled with expensive furnishings and a thriving business. When I married her she weighed 104 lbs. I left her when she hit 300, 3 years ago. She's down to about 260 now. I absolutely despise her for not losing the weight. I've paid for 2 years membership at Gold's Gym, every friggin' weight loss program on the market, bought her a top end treadmill, motivational tapes, etc. I've begged, threatened and bribed her with cruises but to no avail. So when you offer advice to me, just imagine what I think of and how that one bit of advice has affected me and cost me my marriage. This isn't an overnight decision and you don't have to live it; I'm the one stuck in this situation. I appreciate your concerns but this is not a debate.
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :

If I followed other people's advice, I never would have met Dana. After all, what kind of person can you meet on the Internet, eh? I never would have come here to chase my dream. Heck, I never would have even become a sign painter. What the heck does anyone else know that makes them more eminently qualified to know what is best for me? [I Don t Know]

You know what is best for you. I know people have the best intentions but only you can live your life for you. That is one compelling story you weave, Mr. Jackson.

Life is way too short to be unhappy. We, too, left a lot and came here with little more than our household stuff to chase our dream. We are going to come out ahead... somewhere... sometime... somehow.

If you travels dictate that you come through Minneapolis, PLEASE call me! I will drop what I am doing to enjoy your company.

Posted by KARYN BUSH (Member # 1948) on :
i dunno...i'd make sure you give yourself a fair share...i mean you help build it didn't ya...why should you leave with nothing? marriage is definitely a 2 way street...and it sucks if someone changed that much. they stopped caring about themselves and probably project negativity all around them...i feel for ya. i hope everything works out for you!
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
No judging here, Ricky. Just a little surprised. Sounds like the boil has festered to a dangerous level. I would never encourage or discourage anyone to leave their mate.

All I will say is I pray you can work it out.

[Group Hug]

Posted by Jon Aston (Member # 1725) on :
Life is too short to spend in misery...and it sounds to me like you have sacrificed enough. Besides, maybe this will be the wake-up call your wife needs to find her own happiness.

Good luck to you!
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
I'd listen to Karyn. Likely assets would get split down the middle. Doesn't Cicely, AK have a neat little bar for sale? [Wink]
Posted by Jay Allen (Member # 195) on :

I once made a change like the one you are contemplating. My first wife and I decided during our separation that since we share a son, we should remain what we were before we married - friends. And we have. She still consutls with me about business - she calls when she's bored and traveling to catch up - the lines of communication were NEVER like that during our marriage.

One year we coached my son's Little League team together after our divorce - my wife, Jody, and she exchange Christmas gifts now - we sat together at Church on Easter with my son, his Mother, my brother, my wife and myself - we put on his confirmation party together at her house and had a great time - whatever we do, we do as friends who CHOSE to make a bad situation good.

If you want to do that (remain friends), it's possible. If you don't, you should always do what your heart feels strongly about and make the break that saves at least one life.

In any marital discord, two hearts always suffer. If one is courageous enough to leave - at least one heart survives. It's a last resort - and all other methods and attempts should be made to reconcile differences - but in the end, sometimes breakups are best.

I personally dislike one thing about my life - my divorce. I made a pledge to my higher power to stay married. It just didn't work out - though we tried for almost 13 years together. But I have never been happier than I am now - and could never have loved as deeply with my first wife as I do with Jody. What Rick stated above is a beautiful sentiment - and I found it to be true also.

Don't let two hearts die - wherever the path to that end may lead.

Good luck my friend. Sound like I now I have two places to stay in Alaska - yours and Parsons!!
Posted by Jane Diaz (Member # 595) on :
Ricky, you have to do what is right for you! When your day to day existance is that negative and black, you deserve the chance to make changes so you can be happy. Since you didn't ASK for advice, I will give none.
No one likes to see a marriage end, but sometimes there just is no other alternative...ask me how I know....Bill & I both were married before and now feel we have found our soulmates. Neither of us would have had that opportunity if we had stayed where we were!
I feel your pain and hope the best for you.
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
Ricky, I'm going to miss you but Don is right... there is internet access in Alaska.

I'm not going to give you any advice other than to listen to what your gut tells you to do. Not your head, not your heart, not your buddies, your gut. I've never known anyone gut feelings to be wrong.
Posted by John Deaton (Member # 925) on :
Sometimes it is much worse to stay in a marriage than it is to leave it. From what you said above Ricky, I agree with you. Its time to split paths and find seperate roads. When you hit alaska, stop in somewhere and try one o them moosebutt burgers. I heard they were pretty good. [Wink]
Posted by Jeff Ogden (Member # 3184) on :
Wow...thats quite a story....I wish you the best. I agree though, that you deserve at least half of all your assets, if you can do that without giving some lawyer a big chunk of everything. Good luck, and please stay in touch ....we love ya man.
Posted by Deri Russell (Member # 119) on :
Good Luck Ricky. Sounds like you have worked too dog gone hard to leave her with everything though. Don't close doors behind you in that respect, by saying or signing anything, just in case you change your mind. (people do change their minds once in a while)Life is too short to work that long and not have something to enjoy yourself with. You do deserve it.
Posted by William DeBekker (Member # 3848) on :
Ricky, I'll Give you my Ex Wifes Phone Number they can go Shopping and eat Bon Bons Together.
Best of luck my Friend.. If your comming through Colorado on your way to the Yukon Stop by and say Hi & Bye
Posted by Mark Yearwood (Member # 2723) on :
Best of luck, Ricky. You are welcome to stop by the "short Okie's" place on your way through, too.

Take care.
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
Barb and I have known you guys for many, many years Ricky. Sometimes situations just change. We all know couples that choose to spend their lives in loveless partnerships out of fear of change and/or fear of what others might think. No matter how hard you try, it is not always possible to reignite that magic fire a marriage started out with.

I wish both of you nothing but the best. We don't see each other as often as I would like, but you will always be a friend. Our door and phone is always open to you. Like the song says....

Ricky Don't Lose That Number!
Posted by Harris Kohen (Member # 2139) on :
After reading the "reasons why" I have to say


I hate to see things end the way they do but hey you can only tighten the vise on your own head so much before your head pops. I think Ricky is at the point of exploding and knows what he needs to do to relieve the pressure.

what sux is seeing you lose everything you worked for, but hey they're just material things and can be replaced with a little work and much more happiness.

Good Luck Brother!!
Posted by jack wills (Member # 521) on :
Hey you old fool...
What I meant when I said "getout" was...
are you jokin'?
I'll tell you this,it may take a while to
put them synapse's together in a new location
but from my own experience.

Posted by Ricky Jackson (Member # 5082) on :
Geeezzz, you guys are great. Thank you so much for your support. I guess one of the things I've been looking for for so long was the "permission". I found that in both of our children and all of my friends. I hated to spill all of the personal stuff but I'm thinking of making a reality show out of it (just teasing!). I know that a lot of you have been where I am now and you have, not only survived but flourished. I fell in love with Alaska 15 years ago when I went up to *paint* signs for Guff Sherman. My only regret was leaving after 2 months. Did I mention that I caught a 63 lb king salmon on that first trip? Did I mention that it was my second king in an hour? I could just go on and on and on about that place. I just got my new Canon Eos digital Rebel XT today; can't go up there with a cheezy camera. Where I'll be starting out there isn't much for internet access and it's pricey too but I'll try to get back to Letterville whenever I can and let you guys know how I'm doing, what I'm doing and how big the fish are that I'm catching. I'm gonna miss you guys so much. I'll miss the constant banter between grandpa and Rainman and all the questions and the things that get under your skin. I wish I had time to post some pix of the jobs in the shop right now, some glass panels, 5', 4' and 3' with acid etched Air Force Emblems on them and a bunch of sandblasted HDU of the same ($9,000 job). Did a couple of nice digital jobs today too. Anyway, enough shop talk. Let me echo what most of you have spoken to me "go for your dreams". You don't get but one go round in life so do like the late, great Mike Stevens wrote in my 2 copies of Mastering Layout (thought I had lost one so I bought another) "Take a path of heart". I love you guys; you are family to me.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Don Juan - A Path with Heart
Therefore you must always keep in mind that a path is only a path; if you feel you should not follow it, you must not stay with it under any conditions....

Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn't, it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere; but one has a heart, the other doesn't. One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The other will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you.

don Juan

from The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge by Carlos Casteneda

Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
a good series of books doug..
Posted by jack wills (Member # 521) on :
Or as Buddha say, "the universe will guide you"
CrazyJack say, "Lord have mercy,mister Percy".
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
I read about 4 or 5 of Carlos castenada's books before my own path of heart took me out of reading about adventures & into living them.

That same basic quote "follow a path with heart"
was in the forward to another really inspiring book I read at the same time in my life.

Wizard of the upper amazon

I wish you all the adventure, fortune & serenity you can handle Ricky!

I also have to say, Rick Sack's comments were closest to what I felt needed to be said, ...along with (& certainly part of) all the other support.

You know what is best of course, but the "I told her but she just wasn't listening" part... leading up to the "real shocker" part... well lets just say I hope you & the mother of your son can find some common ground in the next chapter of your lives in much the same way as Jay had described.

I struggled for that through many years of joint custody, & wondered if a few different choices during the initial transition might have resulted in less disharmony for all concerned.
Posted by Carl Wood (Member # 1223) on :
wow . . . .what a buzz kill - uh -
best. . .Carl
Posted by Bruce Williams (Member # 691) on :
Some things you will either do or die wishing you had done. Don't need any re-enforcement or "permission."

I have not found that most other people are doing what they really want in life. And like the big apes in Paul Simon's song, they're "skeptical of changes in their cages." I followed a dream to an exotic place for a while when I was younger, and if I had it to do again, I would do it sooner. Most people I know thought it was a crazy thing to do, but then I would have been crazy to continue in an unpleasant life. So I didn't need other people's advice about WHETHER to do it or not; I needed advice about HOW to do it. You know what you're getting into, so best of luck to you.
Posted by Dave Draper (Member # 102) on :

I'd venture to say that a huge part of your business depends on your skills, and somone that steps into buy the shop or even work at the shop is not going to make the $200,000 per year goal because they just can't do what you do.

Digital prints and vinyl just don't add up to those numbers unless there are some very deep "surgar daddy deep pockets" supproting your shop.

I'd also venture to say the business is going to bankrupt in the first year to 15 months after you leave. What a shame.

Take care!
Posted by Ricky Jackson (Member # 5082) on :
Actually Dave, after being in the sign business for so long (33 yrs), I knew that having a product mix that depended solely on me was not a wise thing to do so we stuck with the everyday, easy to do things like vinyl, Edge work, and LF printing. My son has been working here for several years and we have a regional manager that is a tremendous resource. Our sales have been $18,000 to $30,000+ a month on those items alone. We don't have any investors (sugar daddy deep pockets) so there's no artificial props here. One of the reasons we went with the franchise is that if and when we sold the business, it would stand on it's own. When I sold my first sign business, everything was built around me. So I barely got paid for my assets and no bluesky whatsoever. I seriously doubt the business here will go bankrupt; there are just too many support systems in place for that to happen. Like they told me when I signed on with Signs Now, "You're in business for yourself but not by yourself".

Today is my last day here at the shop and it's balz to the walz; we have 64 sq ft of sandblasted HDU to paint, a 4' glass panel to acid etch and drill holes, a banner, some digital mags, some RTA's and three Edge jobs (so far). I really can't say that I'll miss it. Being taken advantage of sort of leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I wish them well. She's very sharp in business and capable of making good decisions.
Posted by Dave Draper (Member # 102) on :

I was unaware of the franchise, I mistakenly thought you were an independant shop. Your departure will impact the overall earnings to a certain percentage, but you are right, it won't crash the business.

But to keep it going, it looks like the "Free" ride off your back and hard work is over! [Smile]

"Ain't it amazing what you can see from the light of a burning bridge!" I love George Strait [Smile]
Posted by Michael R. Bendel (Member # 5847) on :
You've put your heart & soul into 2 things as I see it.

You can relocate & still benefit financially from one of them.

I wish you luck my friend.
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
I am so disapointed at what I am reading here. The overwealming support for someone who has publicly decided to leave their mate. "Follow your dreams" you say after only reading one side of the story .

This is NOT a personal attack Ricky. I don't do that. And, you never asked for opinoins, therefore, do what you will, Ricky. I hope you can find the peace you're seeking.

Take care [Smile]

Posted by Pierre St.Marie (Member # 1462) on :
If you're not going to judge him why do you think you need to hear "both sides of the story"?
His side is enough for me. If staying together is misery for both of them then his way is the right way. For him. Not you. Not God. For him.

Good luck, bro. You're going to love Alaska.

Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
We really don't need to know either side of the story as it is none of our business. The best any of us can do is keep him and his family in our prayers.
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
Exactly Glenn,

I didn't ask! I don't need or want to know, and I don't judge.

I consider Ricky a friend and if you read my previous post I said:
I would never encourage or discourage anyone to leave their mate.

So Pierre, (as politely as I can), ease off. [Smile]
Posted by Susan Daniel (Member # 6092) on :

I want to start off with saying I'm sorry. Divorce is never easy even when the love left the marriage long ago. Starting a new life isn't easy, but I wish you well.

This is none of my business, I realize that, but IMO I REALLY think you should reconsider leaving everything behind to your wife. Regardless of the reason why the marriage didn't work out, the things that the two of you accumulated during that time is AT LEAST half yours. Emotions, guilt, etc., aside, the court certainly considers it half yours and you deserve to have what you have worked for and put your heart into all these years.

take good care,
Posted by David Wright (Member # 111) on :
Wrong Pierre, Doug tells us Hawaii is the answer to all our problems.
Rick, friends don't try to help in that way. Just support them in whatever they do, no matter what.
At least for teenagers it's supposed to work.
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
I thought the answer to dealing with teenagers was to give them a loving boot up their backsides when needed. [I Don t Know]
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Well if Ricky is that unhappy with things, it really doesn't matter what the other side of the story is. He's unhappy, he's gotta take care of his own feelings. We're all responsible for our own happiness, it's as simple as that.

Something tells me she won't be too broken up over Ricky leaving, sounds like they've grown apart anyway.. and he leaves her with a thriving business? Oh boo-hoo for her.
Posted by David Wright (Member # 111) on :
Exactly Glenn.
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
Damn, I moved all the way to Georgia so I could meet Ricky and he moves!

Best of luck, Ricky.
Belive me when I say this from the bottom of my heart...
It's not always easy to do what your heart tells you to, but when it tells you for long enough, it's for a good reason. Listen and be well.
Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :
Get a good laywer and for goodness sakes, don't rush into this without taking some time to really think things over. Right now you're really pi$$ed...been there. If you go off and leave EVERYTHING behind, you'll never enjoy Alaska because sooner or later , reality will set in and instead of fishing for King Salmon, yo'll be spending all your time kicking yourself in the a$$, believe me it's no fun. [Frown]
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
From the point of view of two people who have been there and done that. Shirley and I both walked away from our respective marriages with just a couple of suitcases and a load of debt. At the time we were still fairly young (35ish).

When I mentioned your plan, Ricky, she suggested I throw in our two cent's worth and say. Walk away if you want...... but don't walk away empty handed.

We both agree that IF our relationship were to turn sour that neither one of us would lose everything that the two of us, together, have worked so hard to achieve in the last 26 years.

Long gone are the days when the husband always ended up with the short end of the stick in a divorce.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Originally posted by Ricky Jackson:
OK guys, unless you know me and my wife and the "whys" I am doing this, you are not qualified to ask me not to do this....

...I'm the one stuck in this situation. I appreciate your concerns but this is not a debate.

Ricky, I'm sure you are quite busy with your timetable, & may have "left the building" ...if not, allow me one more sincere wish for good fortune & godspeed on your journey. I agree that you are not looking to debate a personal decision that has already been made. I think it is a powerful enough discussion topic that it has, & will most likely continue to take on a life of it's own after you have gone. Your decision is not a debate, but the topic may become one without intention to pass judgement. Just one more thing receeding into the background as the call of the wilderness settles like a mist of deafening silence & unfathomable clarity,

As far as discussing the "general" topic of making the kind of heart-wrenching, life-changing decision Ricky has MADE already, this is not a private discussion in Ricky's living room... like any other thread, it is more like a ongoing free-for-all discussion in a coffee shop, with 50+ people coming & going. (& coming back again... for days & days) I don't know what topic could possibly be more like the union of politics & religion then the topic of marriage, so it is not surprising that there will be different views on this. Those that want to share their views while attempting to discredit the views of others are proving another similarity between this topic & the topics of politics or religion.

Originally posted by David Wright:
Wrong Pierre, Doug tells us Hawaii is the answer to all our problems...

David, I appreciate your sense of humor, & the dry, sarcastic, straight-faced delivery is usually intelligently masking some hidden meaning, but in your recent reply, I know you never read that into any comment I've made, so I am at a complete loss for what it is supposed to mean. [I Don t Know]
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Sheesh, Doug, I got Dave's joke... Alaska... Hawaii... total extremes... You got singled out because you live there...

[Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Hawaii... Alaska... Extremes!!??

... you obviously didn't check out my link to the Wizard of the upper amazon then.

You want to talk about "extremes"... I've been trying to tell you guys the answer to all your problems is to go deep into the amazon jungle, get kidnapped by a dying tribe of aborigines, & become initiated through shared use of the "vision vine" Ayahuasca! Doesn't anybody read anymore? [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
I just caught your thread. It's tough to see someone go through this. At least you have a dream and a plan. It's a waste of time to be miserable, and I am not going to give advice either. We all learn about life through experiences, good and bad. It's good that you came here to reflect, as I see so much wisdom and viewpoints from the folks here. What a sounding board.
Even when I was a small child, I remember the Eskimo folklore and my grandparents going traveling through Victoria and then up on the Alaskan cruises, and the beautiful slides they brought back. The land is so clean and full of character and excitement, and I think it would do you good to follow your dream. Many of us rarely do.
Whatever you decide, and however you do it, I hope you find good legal counsel as George and others say. Put your feelings into perspective so you have a clear head to have at least half of the business profit. You deserve it and you know it. An amicable settlement is the best way for you and especially for the children, as your happiness also affects everyone. I wish you the happiness for a lifetime, and, yes, there is internet access to letterville from there!
And it sounds like a good run with "man's best friend" would be wonderous for your soul!
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
FREEDOMS JUST ANOTHER WORD...FOR NOTHIN LEFT TO LOSE.....JANICE JOPLIN........been there dun that....and iam happier for doin it......

[ May 14, 2006, 02:09 AM: Message edited by: old paint ]
Posted by Jon Aston (Member # 1725) on :
Kris Kristofferson...but Janis did a fine job with it.
Posted by Tony Lucero (Member # 1470) on :
Ricky, Must be hard to share something this personal with anyone who visits this site. I know there are those who can read about a persons dilemnas and figure out what they think you want to hear and go for it. Sure you need support...but you also deserve the hard truth. Anyone who has been in your position as backbone of your operation can easily discern that you're suffering from stress and burnout. At $200K annual gross're days are obviously filled...however, in truth, that's not enough dollars to make enough of a return to justify the stress and demands you are dealing with. If you're loaded with even normal debt that most Americans have, and you're responsible for employees incomes, etc...I can also see that your wife likely has valid issues about Money.

When Money is a problem, it amplifies many other issues. You're not alone...we've all been there, are there or going there. Splitting to Alaska sounds good...and it may be the answer...or it might be just a mirage. Jumping from 200K sales to 350K sales is easier than you think...but Money problems and stress don't seem to ever go away. God Bless you, and your family. I bet if your son and wife acknowledged the efforts and stress you deal with everyday and worked our a way to take some of the would make a huge difference. If it is too late....that's a bummer...but learn from your experiences..because life has a way of not really being different despite the geography.
Posted by Doug Fielder (Member # 803) on :
Best of luck to ya Rick! I too am leaving the East! I left my gf just before Christmas because communication wasn't getting through. I know what you are going through and since I lost my job and closed my shop, I am back in NJ working with Harry Henkel for another month until I pack my ride for the long trip!
Good Luck, and keep in touch, I will visit Alaska one of these days. Stock up on Carharts though... they have the Carhart festival up there.... Pretty cool! Also pick yourself up a Ruger .480 or something... Bears don't like when you shop at their "grocery store".
Take er easy!
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
that makes 3...magoo, rick, and doug.....all movin on.....and yes jon kris k. worte it but JANICE made it famous.k.k. wrote many songs that made other singers famous. k.k. probably has wrote as much as dylan.....hes one on my favorites and his song JESUS WAS A CAPRICORN, will forever be in my head.....
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Everybody seems to moving somewhere, eh?

[ May 14, 2006, 06:50 PM: Message edited by: Bruce Bowers ]
Posted by J & N Signs (Member # 901) on :
Bruce, I think I got ADD.... [Eek!]
Posted by Gavin Chachere (Member # 1443) on :
not ADD,this post has A-S-S and it reeks like an unwashed one. This post should have been locked long ago before it became the idiotic trainwreck that driveled on almost 4 pages. This has about as much business here as the irrational paranoia over politics. No matter what opinion anyone wants to take here,besiegel is right,you have one side of the story here period. From that,predictably,a bunch of people have made it their usual point not to be able to stay the hell out of peoples personal business like 2 old ladies across the fence with coffe cups. I dont know ricky or his wife,dont give a damn in the great scheme of things,but if two people stay together as long as they have and one allows himself to be taken advantage of over said period then will willingly walk away from what he supposedly built singlehandedly,then it makes him just as much of an idiot as being a self centered materialistic bit*h allegedly makes her whether anyone likes it or not,and if said named idiot chooses to walk away form everything he supposedly has built single handedly without taking a dime,then it does not make him a hero living out his dream,it makes him stupid in addition to being an idiot. Takes no nuts to run from anyone when the other party isnt there to face you. Most ridiculous and assinine post of the first have of 2006.

[ May 14, 2006, 11:30 PM: Message edited by: Gavin Chachere ]
Posted by goddinfla (Member # 1502) on :
Great post Gavin. I have to wonder what you edited it for. Did it not have quite enough misspellings and grammatical errors? It's kind of hard to take it serious calling someone you obviously don't know stupid and an idiot in a post that looks like it was typed by a chimpanzee with a hammer. The New Orleans school system must be proud.
Posted by Gavin Chachere (Member # 1443) on :
i edited it to make you ask questions dennis and obviously it worked didnt it??

Funny,it was fine when everyone piled on after he insulted his wife and on of his kids when noone here knows them,but sinec youre obviously privvy to the entire story,please fill the class in. Thanks.
Posted by goddinfla (Member # 1502) on :
Thank you for proving my point. Will somebody please get J. Fred Muggs away from the computer?
Posted by Gavin Chachere (Member # 1443) on :
Chimpanzee is a little down the chain,i shoot for bonobo monkey when i post.
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Gavin has spoken. We are all idiots. We can all go home now. LOL! [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Good nite Bruce!

[Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Good night, Si... Sweet dreams!

[Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by Gavin Chachere (Member # 1443) on :
no you need to re-read.....i didnt say everyone,so stop lumping yourself in that category. I said ricky. period. 2 sides to this story,and all the busybodies hopped on one. Get his wife in here and you will probably soon find out the guy who started this post isnt next in line to be knighted. Gonna love what happens when her atty gets a copy of this post and takes it to depositions and court. Maybe next time ridiculous BS like this will get locked instead of waiting for the 3page trainwreck.
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
I have to wonder why those, like Gavin, who find this BB so ridiculous, spend so much time reading it and enjoying our live chat. Most would just change the channel.

And so ends another stirring episode in the life and times of the folks of Letterville. At the end of the day, we learn that all of us are no different than any other Community.

We all have various opinions on marriage and divorce. These feelings are often based on personal experience, or the experiences of those close to us. Some of us have known Ricky for 25 years, while others are just getting to know him. I'd like to think we all wish Ricky the Letterhead only the best for the future.

Now that Ricky has moved on, it's time to close, and probally delete this thread.

[ May 15, 2006, 11:55 AM: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]

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