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Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
I hate workin' with (some)women . . . . [Bash] and I are one . . .

Well here's the pattern of phone calls occuring over the last 2 weeks, into the ridiculous party it has became today:

Woman 1 calls.
'Please call woman 2 about sign changes. Here's the number. Call her next week.'

Sign woman delays call as directed.

Three days later. . .
Woman 1 calls back: Did you call woman 2 yet?

Sign woman rolls eyes, and calls woman 2, who's not in, of course. Sign woman leaves message with woman secretary.

Two days later:
Woman 1 calls AGAIN. This time says: "Call woman 3 about this job." Sign woman inquires, "Not woman TWO??? You told me to call woman 2 and I already did . . . "

Woman 1 says "NOT woman 2. Call woman 3"

MEANWHILE . . . back at the ranch . . .

Woman 2 calls . . .she leaves a message since sign woman is out, saying "Call me ASAP about the sign!"

[Roll Eyes]

Sign woman has already called woman 3 who is also cluless. Woman 3 says "Call a man -here's his name and number"

Sign woman sighs relief and returns call to woman 2 to share the good news.

Woman 2 is not in, again.
Woman secretary wants to know who's calling and why. Sign woman gives name and seretary says Hi! and makes small talk as Sign woman tries to explain a simple message to give woman 2.

Woman secretary THEN asks a lot of questions and is very confused by it all, THEN woman secretary takes it upon herself to call woman 1, who instigated this whole mess to begin with, while sign woman tries to eplain how un-neccesary it is to call HER at this point...

Finally, sign woman makes woman secretary understand to JUST leave a message for Woman 2 to call sign woman back PLEASE, who'll explain everything.

[Roll Eyes]

I hate women . . .

Oh yeh . . . the man??

His woman secretary says he's out to lunch and 'errands'.

[Roll Eyes]
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :

Time for YOU to appoint one of those women as the designated contact and project leader, refusing to speak to anyone about it unless they are that dedicated person.

I've dealt with architects that would circumvent the Project Manager on a job and call me directly with changes/directives, when I contracted to an engineering firm. I always had to get pretty stern with them about going through the proper channels. The PM has to be kept in the loop and when it comes right down to it, they go making changes to stuff the PM has to know for billing it.

One designated contact - that's it.
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
Sounds like a committee full of members with broken fingers...only 1 can dial a telephone & tell you to call the others. That's ridiculous. Tell woman #1 she has 2 choices....

have whoever your ONE contact on this sign is to call you (emphasize ONE)
if she wants you to continue to waste time talking to numerous people instead of working on jobs you have in the shop then your hourly rate is $xxx and that additional time will be billed to them.
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
Oh definitely. Y'all are absolutely right.

By the way, I just got back . . .

Woman 2 called and said unless I need her, leave her out of this and do whatever woman 1 said.
[Razz] [Big Grin]

How come SHE got out of this so easy??

Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Because woman 2 is smart, that's why!
Posted by Jill Marie Welsh (Member # 1912) on :
Maybe woman 2 used to be a guy....?
Nah, guys are just as bad but less sneaky.
Posted by Rene Giroux (Member # 4980) on :
Woman 1, woman 2, woman 3... sounds like my prom night...

Hhhhmmmmm, back to the main subject, can't they just drive up to your shop???

This reminds of people who mis-use the drive-thru and slow my days down. Drive-thru is for when you know what you want...I hate people who drive up to the window and then enquire about what on the racks !!!

Tell'em to show up at your shop and quit wasting your time...
Posted by Teresa Bostic (Member # 6214) on :
I have very few women friends.
Women are dangerous. Kind of makes me glad I AM one, though. If they're scary to me, I can imagine what men must think.
I DID notice they are a lot nicer to me since I dyed my hair red, though. Actually, everyone is a lot nicer.
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Tell Woman 1 to quit #1'ing around.

Tell Woman 2 to #2 or get off the pot.

Tell woman 3 you're not into that kind of thing.

Zero in on man "double 0 - 7" and get the skinny.

These women may make you shaken, but don't let them stir you.

Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
So is this what People call a... "CAT FIGHT?" [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor]
SORRY I meant..... [Confused] [Confused]
Posted by bruce ward (Member # 1289) on :
this aint nothing...wait till you do the job and try and get paid. several options you may hear then:

"girl that writes checks aint here"

"im sorry do you have a PO with all your insurance and a release form filled out?"

"im not showing who authorized this sign to be manufactured"

[Rolling On The Floor] " you need to be in touch with our corporate headquarters located in botswana"

"whats sign"

"have you put it up yet?"
Posted by jack wills (Member # 521) on :
Who's on first...
I dunno....
he's on second....
But, who's on first.....?

Posted by Harry Ellis (Member # 6353) on :
That's the type of customer I'd rather not have.

Maybe you should refer her to your favorite competitor. You could be doing both of them, not to mention yourself, a favor.

[ February 27, 2006, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: Harry Ellis ]
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
First thing I'd tell them is you chose to do business with them cause they have such great minds and have a like sense of humor that you do.
Then explain that you don't two-time the boss and let them figure it out!
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
hahaha... Sheila, that explains the "think like a man" part of your tag line. [Smile]

I say, like anything, it depends on the woman. (or man) I've had some great experiences working with gals.

I've worked with the "power woman" type of gal, and have not enjoyed it at all. It's like a woman trying to act like an arrogant man, and over compensating with a royal "bitch" factor.

I just don't like dealing with unorganized, condescending, and/or arrogant people. No matter the gender.

I think it all comes down to how you handle them. Some folks just need to have the reigns pulled abit tighter. Just don't let your customer's set the rules on you.

I've learned this lesson (with two men ... partners in a business). Either disignate one person ONLY, to deal with you on the signs, or set up a meeting where every person is present in the discussion about signs. And, whatever you do, put stuff in writing, and have it signed off by one authorized person, or all parties involved ... other wise you'll be in the he said/she said maze. (or in this case she said/she said [Smile]

Posted by Bruce Williams (Member # 691) on :
What? You play phone-tag? Well, this is what you get. It's a dumb client who'd expect such a thing. To explain why would be like explaining Four to someone who can only count to Three. Tell 'em it's company policy, or insurance regulations, or something. But in any event, We Don't Do Phone-Tag
Posted by W. R. Pickett (Member # 3842) on :
...and usually the cheaper the sign the more the goofs get "all in a bunch" over it!
Posted by jake snow (Member # 5889) on :
Women.....Gotta love em

women.... I meant people in general [Smile]
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
You know what to say . . .

Anyway . . .y'all know as well as I do. . .
this would'a NEVER happened with men . . .
at least, I can say not with any of the fellas I do business with.

. . . hmmmm . . .
mabey THAT'S why I like men so much . . . [Wink]

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