I'm looking for a vector for a circle of rope that could be used for a sandblasted border. Is there any of our merchants that have that included in their packages? If not and there is one available from a non merchant, please email me with the name. Please don't post non-merchants here and start a new fire Other than that I can make my own, but why reinvent the wheel? Actually I tried but the geometry is confusing me. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed today. Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
corel draw 6 has it, In the ocean area / boats stuff,, , i used it in fact
I cannot get it to u because my corel 6 is packed at the storage center.,.,
any body else?
Posted by Steve Purcell (Member # 1140) on :
Kelly, Rope borders are really a cinch:
1. Make a shape similar to the Bremen Bold letter "S". 2. Size it to the height that will be the border thickness. 3. Repeat it X times with a small space between. 4. Distort the entire line into a circle.
Probably a couple trial & error as you figure out the proper # of repeats, distortion etc. But it really goes quickly and you'll get the exact border you need.
Posted by Ken Holden (Member # 5653) on :
Do you have a Marine Corp emblem. Sometimes they are done in rope borders
Posted by Steve Purcell (Member # 1140) on :
P.S. When I say similar to Bremen Bold "S", I mean you have to tweak the pointed ends slightly so that the shapes will "spoon" together nicely, if ya know what I mean.
Posted by Kelly Thorson (Member # 2958) on :
Thanks! I'm home sick today and I have the Corel 6 clipart CD at the shop. I'll wait till tommorrow for it or maybe even try Steve's method. I've been trying to rotate a shape around a circle and it is proving to be a pain to get it figured right. Thanks both of you Posted by Bob Stephens (Member # 858) on :
Let me know if you don't locate it. I have one, somewhere in this box.
Posted by Susan Banasky (Member # 1164) on :
Get better Kelly.....
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
Illustrator has had that for several years, too. It's in the brushes pallette.
Posted by Mike O'Neill (Member # 470) on :
I don't think istockphoto will ever be an advertiser, they're more of a co-operative, but should be a great resource for all of us.
Posted by Kelly Thorson (Member # 2958) on :
Thanks everyone...I ended up making one, it was good practice and I learned some. Here's what I came up with. I'm making a mirror to experiment with the angel gilding chemicals. I plan on depth blasting the rope border and leaves in. Should be nice. Posted by Russ McMullin (Member # 5617) on :
Posted by Carl Wood (Member # 1223) on :
Hey Kelly I don't think you needed any help - that looks really cool. . . .reminds me of Monarch butterflys. . . .
Posted by Dan E. Kearfott (Member # 1286) on :
homesick? where have you been? ;-)
Posted by Dan E. Kearfott (Member # 1286) on :
homesick? where have you been? ;-) Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
Nice work Kelly!
I had to do a similar one a couple of years ago and remember having to pull out the (egad!) corel manual to figure it out. It WAS fiddly but I finally figured it out too. Do I remember how? No way. Good thing I saved the manual.