I have been asked at my job to take over a large project that we now contract out. I work for a gov't. agency and they want the revenues to start coming to us instead of to the contractor. I am starting to research flat bed printers that print directly on coroplast using eco-inks. I'm not familiar at all with either one of these...the printer or the inks. The current contractor uses this kind of machine and I understand that with this type of printer and these types of inks, they are UV protected and don't even need to be laminated. Anyone know what I should be looking for? Brand? Cost? Ease of use? I'm a graphic artist and now use an HP5500 Large Format printer but I'm not sure how much different a flat bed might be. I appreciate any advice you guys/gals can give me in making my decision. Thanks ahead of time! - John
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
Can we say??
Economies of scale???
The money spent getting thru the learning curve.. is goona far outweigh the profit.. for quite a while