I am so sick of this spam-mail, why do i get so many of them? I mean come on! how many rich princes died this week? their shtyck is that if you let them put the 10.5 mil in your U.S. bank, then your in for 10% or some crap like that... if this was real and i actually took advantage I would be up like 400 grand this week alone! It is an obvious ploy to get you to give out your bank info, but really, now... who in their right mind would actually fall for it? why do they keep sending it to me? I got 4 of them in my email just today.
Posted by Felix Marcano (Member # 1833) on :
This morning I sat down in front of the compooper, began to swim through the spam to later realize that I had no emails...
Posted by Randy Campbell (Member # 2675) on :
Captain at least your getting money,all I ever get is pills to make it grow and grow and grow.Pretty soon i'll be able to carry passengers with it.hahahahahahaha. get down boy.
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Sure Ken, my account number is OU812 and my bank is Bank of Cuba.
Ask for Ivana Robyu.
Posted by coop (Member # 504) on :
Ken, believe it or not, there are people gullible enough to do this stuff everyday. The reason is GREED.
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
According to Ebay, they call ir "Phishing" and it has a marginal amount of success, that's why they do it.
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
Set your filters to accept only email tha has your secrete code in th e"to" secion. Then tell all your friends that your email must have the secrete code in it to be accepted.
Something like rickbyseagul @yada.com..
then every thing else gets sent to the hopper..
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
...or just get a Mac.
Apple's mail program has two separate delete buttons. One regular and the other "junk delete". Deleting with the junk delete button automatically sets the filter to trash any future emails from that address. After a few weeks, I began noticing the volume of spam mails dwindling to near nothing.
Posted by Bruce Williams (Member # 691) on :
Soon as I got online and discovered spam, I found SpamCop.net and started reporting every single t*rd. That was not as easy as it sounds, at first. But that up-front effort--or something--paid off, because I don't get spam anymore. And on the average, my MailBlock has to stop fewer than 1 per day.
I once read that only 2 percent of e-mail users report spam. If that's true and if I'm right, then 3 or 5 percent would make a substantial difference.
Uh-oh. They're pulling their boots on and grabbing shovels; musta heard this before. So have I. Adiós y buena suerte.
Posted by captain ken (Member # 742) on :
3 more today.... guess its a bad week for Nigerian princes, glad i held out, todays prince was worth 35 million....now i just have to send them, my s.s. number, my bank account number and a check for 2 grand, and I am on my way to 35 mil... woohoo! jackpot! Oh yeah, and i gotta go to Africa to sign paperwork, small price to pay for 35 million.
Anybody know the exchange rate for US to Nigeria? I didnt think they had 35 million in the whole country???
Posted by Frank Magoo (Member # 3950) on :
They don't Ken; their waiting for it to work and intice an American knight in silver-plated armor to deliver them his $35 mil., you do have $35 mil., right? Don alluded to how most work and my server has same service included...when reported, future communications are blocked from that point on...also, Catalin installed a something or other, and ours is down to 2-3, everyday or so...it also recoginizes addy, or a variation of it, then when found, it kicks it... But I'm not sure what all the fuss is? I received my $24 mil. last year, and have been living the life of Riley since, thought you'd heard........ And one has to appreciate the proper spelling of, and use of English...... Posted by Bruce Williams (Member # 691) on :
Received MailBlock's bi-weekly report today: 14 days, 5 spams blocked, none received.
Posted by captain ken (Member # 742) on :
I am on a roll, just today I got an email, staing I won a secret lottery, so secret I didnt even know I was in it, so highly secretive that i am not to tell anyone i have won, I might not even collect the cash until I get back from Africa. i am going to have so much money, I dont know what i will do with it.... hey if anyone wants some just send me: a copy of your social security number a copy of both sides of your passport or license your bank account number and how much you want, I will deposit in your bank right after I get my Nigerian fortune