The Fillet/Scallop/Chamfer feature is a hidden gem!! It should have been on the top of the new features list!! Go into the Window drop down menu and check under dockers it's buried there!
Other new or enhanced features I tried so far.
The real time fit text to path is a great improvement!
Contouring is better only in that it is not as node heavy, but it tends to create a lot of random "node hairs" that you have to clean up. Converting outlines to object creates the same "hairs". They really need to fix this one.
The bevel feature is nice but real entry level.
The smart fill tool is a real time saver!
The create boundary feature is the same as convert to curves as far as I can tell. It just places a duplicate on top of the original.
The extrude function is much improved, but still needs node reduction on curves!
A simple Step and Repeat function (in the edit menu)is something we have needed for a long time - finally!
I haven't really dug into the trace feature yet (next day or two) but it seems to be an improvement.
OK anyone else have any comments or hidden features??
Posted by Doug Downey (Member # 829) on :
You need to check your fonts that you are contouring when you get the fly aways. If you leave the contour attached next time and node edit the font you will see what is causing your problem.
keep digging there is lots of improvements. Photopaint has some nice changes. Image adjustment lab is fantastic for digital picture editing. Also the cutout tool is Corel knockout built into the program.
Posted by Robin Sharrard (Member # 388) on :
Here is one I'd like to know if they have changed? Not sure if I'm explaining it wright, but I'll try. When you convert text to an object, and want to perform modifications to each leter as an individual object, ya got to unlock the string of objects, ie...converted text (or seperate the objects, don't remember the exact command) As soon as you do that, any letters that contain center cut outs, such as R,O,P...etc, disapear. Yes they are still there, its just an extra step in the process to weld them together with the main letter before doing anything else with it. I own SignLab and when you convert text to Graphic, its one step...boom your done, everthing is an individual object and ya don't have to go find the centers and seperatly weld then together. For this reason alone, I might completely give up SignLab...NA, in my opinun, nothing beats SignLab for node editing. Robin
Posted by Doug Downey (Member # 829) on :
In Corel you can break the text apart right down to the letter without even having to convert it to a curve. Once you are done your editing you can convert it if you like or just export it to cut. In the new program you will see a hint docker that works well.
Posted by Doug Phillips (Member # 5708) on :
Doug, The "node hairs" on the contour and convert outline to object isn't just happening on text it happens on other shapes as well.
Contour results
Convert outlines to object results Posted by Steve Eisenreich (Member # 1444) on :
Robin I have used Signlab version 5 and it was out around the sametime as CorelDraw version 7 I think. Well you must be living in a different world if you really think Signlab has better node editing than CorelDraw. Dose anyone think Signlab is better for node editing?
As for your example try it this way first remove the fill and then maybe put on an outline then you will be able to see the centre parts of the letters or work in wireframe mode. I put a button on a tool bar to change from normal view to wireframe mode. Also what Doug said will help you out.
Posted by KARYN BUSH (Member # 1948) on :
that's weird...i have never noticed those node hairs. Posted by Robin Sharrard (Member # 388) on :
Thanks, Guys...its like is said over and over on this forum, it's what you started with that is the most comfortible to use. I spent 3 years with SignLab before I got serious with Corel Draw. I always find myself going back to SignLab, cause thats what I'm most comfortible with. The text thing, for me, just seems like an extra step in the process that is not necessary, and very frustrating at certain times. Guess that is the price you pay for having options with text manipulation in Corel, that are more difficult to perform in other programs. Robin
Posted by Doug Phillips (Member # 5708) on :
Karyn, I never had these "node hairs" in prior versions it must be a new feature in X3 (at least the trial version). Posted by Doug Phillips (Member # 5708) on :
Here is the feature I like the best so far!
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
Has anyone had a hard time getting it to install? I did. I tried on two different computers.
Posted by Robin Sharrard (Member # 388) on :
Can it be installed and run without removing your curent version?
Posted by Steve Racz (Member # 4376) on :
Laura - No. Luckily it installed OK for me.
Robin - Yes. You can install it without removing your current version. The installation uses a completely different set of directories. Also, i started with SignLab and moved to Corel and initially i liked the node editing in SignLab. But if you spend some time with Corel node editing i think you will find it is very intuitive and (IMHO) better than SignLab. Corel can be a bit daunting because it does so much but it is very consistent in the way features work so once you get used to the "mindset" of the program things work exactly like you think they should.
Also, i suggest you watch the training videos on I revisit them periodically and always learn (or relearn) something new.
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
I crashed it three times in three minutes and went back to Corel 12 for the project I'm working on. I had hoped it would save me some time on this job.
I'm designing a complicated sign package for a major corporation's training center. Among all the other elements, I have plenty of paragraph text, with different sizes of text in the paragraphs, that I have to rescale since this customer's preferences have been a moving target. I haven't found out an easy way to rescale paragraph text when I rescale the object--I always have to manually resize the text in each paragraph.
It sounds like there's some nice enhancements in X3 but it's too buggy for my use at this point.
Posted by Amy Brown (Member # 1963) on :
I crashed it twice just trying the new features out. Still a little leary from this end!
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
I had to re-down load it ,, to get it to install,, Thats nothing to sweat.. So far it runs good for me.. I like it ..
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
I ended up having to download again and then I was able to install it fine.
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
I luv the Font previews.. and the perfect shapes. and the autofill.. the font list options..
Posted by Bob Stephens (Member # 858) on :
Photopaint Knockout really kicks butt! Also, there is now a "reduce" nodes option now that works very well!
[ January 21, 2006, 11:12 AM: Message edited by: Bob Stephens ]
Posted by Scott Baker (Member # 12) on :
Any idea on how long it will take Roland to figure out a way to create a cut line?
Posted by Denis de Leon (Member # 5844) on :
I had problems with an illustrator file. Once I imported the illustrator file it stopped working. I could work on other files illustrator files though so I figured it had problems with specific features or versions of illustrator.
I was just testing Corel Draw 12 when I downloaded X3 by mistake. Figured i'd try it anyway. It saved me on one file and then I had the illustrator problem on another.
- denis
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
quote:Any idea on how long it will take Roland to figure out a way to create a cut line?
Scott...I'm not sure what you mean specifically, but Being able to cut with a Roland cutter from CorelDraw has nothing to do with the version of CorelCraw, but rather, the operating system you are using.
At this point, drivers are available for virtually every Windows operating system.
If you are using Windows, you can cut from any version of Draw, including this newest version.
Posted by Doug Phillips (Member # 5708) on :
Lets hear more hidden gems! I've only got 9 more days left!
[ January 24, 2006, 10:55 PM: Message edited by: Doug Phillips ]
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
The very best news we could all hear is that Corel is finally recognizing how many sign shops use their program. We are hoping they will see the benefits of having a paid rep here in Letterville to answer questions.
Posted by Steve Eisenreich (Member # 1444) on :
If you use the Corel Newsgroups and you should that is where you will hear about all of the issues that are popping up. One that bugs me is the export to swf filter is not right and needs fixing. I think the vector hairs I can deal with right now I am sure my plotter would just ignore them.
Posted by Mike O'Neill (Member # 470) on :
The vector 'hairs' that you are referring to are simply a tool. When two nodes are in very close proximity, corel x3 will create a false control node separated by a short 'hair' that makes it easier to select or manipulate the nodes individually. If you zoom (maximum zoom) in on the hairs in wireframe mode you'll see what I mean.
Posted by Bob Stephens (Member # 858) on :
Mike is right. I wasn't able to see where the nose hairs had any effect on the geometry of the shape or font.
Posted by Steve Eisenreich (Member # 1444) on :
I have not had time to check yet do they print out with an inkjet printer or a laser as spikes?
If they do not then they are not an issue. But that being said Corel Draw does not NEED to put 2 nodes so close together.
Posted by Mike O'Neill (Member # 470) on :
They don't print or cut, they're not even visible on screen unless the node editing tool is selected, and as far as needing 2 nodes so close together I can see the necessity if one is a cusp and one is smooth, that's part of the algorithm in the software to work out. It's not like X3 is creating a whole lot of nodes, ther're way fewer than any previous version. All in all it's a non-issue.
Posted by Kelly Thorson (Member # 2958) on :
Thanks for clearing that up Mike. That would explain why the same file would have them in X3 and not in 12. They are probably handy, but they will take some getting used to. I find them distracting when I am tring to guage the overall flow of the lines. It seemed like far too big a thing to have slipped through.