Can anyone ID this font? The "R" is what is really stumping me.
Posted by Dave Sherby (Member # 698) on :
I just did a search in "what the font" and came up with nothing. Maybe the R was changed. You might have to do that yourself.
Posted by Lotti Prokott (Member # 2684) on :
The "Atkinson" collection Vol.1 from The Fontry has several fonts where the "R" stroke is bent like that (Western Roman, Round Block, jsut to mention two) but none is an exact match. I don't know if this helps, but I would check out their other fonts.
Posted by Dale Feicke (Member # 767) on :
You've got to be extremely wary of many fonts now, Coop; especially if you're dealing with large corporations. Many have "artists" who get paid exorbitant amounts of money to do a lousy job of what we do for little or nothing (designing logos or lettering for their business).
Many of these people take an existing font, like Souvenir or some basic style, mutilate one or two of the letters in the company name (by extending a tail of an 'R', twisting the bottom stroke of a 'y', or changing the way a 't' is crossed, etc.) and calling it an original lettering style. In fact, that's why we have so many fonts (way too many); many are just variations on others.
You may have to find a font that fits most or all of the other letters; then "manipulate" the 'R' or whatever to work for you.
Posted by Bill Lynch (Member # 3815) on :
Gerber has a font like that, Monument Roman
Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :