"your fly's unzipped"
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
Guy in orange vest: "Say mam', I been wantin' one of those personal pump handles myself . . .where'dja find that? . . ."
~Guy on far left, a gung-ho type: "I'm callin' back-up . . . somethin's not right here . . .there's a gas pump handle hanging out of this truck. This can not be tolerated. We may need the reserves . . ." Guy on right:
~Guy in orange vest: "Yes, I see you have great legs m'am, but I'm afraid I still have to see your license . . ."
~Cindy, in typical dumb-blonde fashion, had no idea she was the cause of yet another huge road-block . . .
Posted by Frank Magoo (Member # 3950) on :
It's mine!!! I bought it at Quicky Mart!!!
Posted by John Deaton (Member # 925) on :
"Ohhhhh, that! It belongs to my wife."
Posted by The Moon (Member # 452) on :
"Is there a problem officer?" says the BLONDE driving. LOL
I'm blonde, and even I think THAT is funny schit! Thanks Si!
I've seen that happen at a gas station once... funny when it happens, funny when they get pulled over, even funnier when they get home and the spouse finds it.
Saw a guy TEAR UP a drive thru car wash once too! He was driving a big ol lifted truck with a RACK on the bed and, well he didn't quiet FIT in the car wash.... at first. He drug half the insides of the thing with him around the back of the station then drove off squealin' tires comin' out from the other direction... sans the car wash parts. LOL Crazy!
The hangin' at Sacramento, California, Gas Stations side of the Moon
Posted by Kelly Thorson (Member # 2958) on :
Here in Saskatchewan we have block heaters that we plug in so our cars will start in sub zero temps. My oldest son drove to school without unplugging a 25 foot extension cord. What was incredibly amazing was the fact that numerous corners and 6 miles of highway did not unplug the cord. His yearbook caption read "keeps his truck on a leash".....
Posted by Bobbie Rochow (Member # 3341) on :
"Honest, Officer, the pump caught fire & I had to make a break for it!"
Posted by dave parr (Member # 3868) on :
Talk about being hosed!
Posted by coop (Member # 504) on :
" Yes my mother does drive a silver SUV. Why do you ask? " v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v Posted by Russ McMullin (Member # 5617) on :
"It isn't mine. It belongs to a friend of mine who asked me to keep an eye on it."
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
"WHAT?!?! Dammit, that means the whole pump came loose from the hose again."
Posted by Camille Norvaisas (Member # 501) on :
Hey officer - is that a gas nozzle in your pants or are you happy to see me?
Posted by John Lennig (Member # 2455) on :
"It's mine, so's I can quickly take advantage of the Best Prices, when I see's um" uh huh
Posted by Carl Wood (Member # 1223) on :
Say there . . are you aware . . .oh, never mind
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
Officer on the left is sending report in via the latest mini laptop....
"4:15 PM...wannabe SUV on 144...hose in tank...lol...brb...coffee. Nick changed to "Chatcop_AFK"
Officer in vest/truck owner...
"This really embarrasing. All because I was worried I'd be late for traffic duty. No way I'm gonna live this one down back at the station."
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
Coop, that's priceless . . . Posted by Kelly Chatham (Member # 5664) on :
That was the 6th Place winner of the "World's worst drivers. If you think thats good you should see the other 5! If I could figure out how to post a pic I'd show you!????? Hey Si, did you get the rest of those too?
Posted by William DeBekker (Member # 3848) on :
"Oh My.. Where's Sparky. He was on the end of that Leash"
"But Officer I saved $.04 a gallon by bringing my own hose to fill up."
[ October 08, 2005, 02:26 PM: Message edited by: William DeBekker ]
Posted by Jeff Ogden (Member # 3184) on :
Always alert, the mayberry sheriff department conducts their investigation of possible terrorist activity. Officer Ledbetter takes pictures for evidence as officer Cordell interrogates suspect. Police acted on a tip from local truckers, who boxed in suspects after seeing a car with fuse attached to gas tank.
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
Well yes officer I was filling the truck when I got the emergency call that you guys were out of donuts. Why do you ask? (as she opens the box of krispy kremes so he can pick out his favorite one)
Posted by coop (Member # 504) on :
" ....as a matter of fact, my brother Billy does drive a red Dodge! How do you guys know so much about my family?!!!!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
Man, Coop . . . this must be a pretty common sight with you Okies . . .
(HEY. My sweet-darlin' son-in-law is an Okie so I feel I can poke a lil' fun . . . )
Posted by Jill Marie Welsh (Member # 1912) on :
"Honey, why did you take the Dodge to Walmart today? I'll never live this down!" PS This was her lawyer rushing to the scene of the arrest:
[ October 09, 2005, 07:58 PM: Message edited by: Jill Marie Welsh ]