If you want to make a tax deductible donation... cool!!
If not, that's ok too. Just hug your lil fuzzy guys at home tonite, ok?
Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
Hey, I just wanted to add how much we appreciated the wonderful gesture by Kimberly, back when we lost him.
Posted by Pam Eddy (Member # 1858) on :
What a cute little guy. He was lucky to have you caring for him through his illnesses. Makes me sad to think of all the helpless animals that cannot care for themselves, nor have anyone to help them.
My cousin (who is in a wheelchair) volunteered at his local shelter as a teenager since no one would hire him for a job. He had such compassion for the animals brought in. Yes, it is emotionally hard to see these animals and what they have been through. Takes a special person and a lot of money to feed and care for these animals until they find a home. Some do have health issues and some emotional issues. Levi was always great with the dogs that needed the extra time to deal with "trust issues".
I just adopted a little Maltese. She would just sit and shake when I first got her. She wouldn't let me out of her sight. I guess she was afraid she might be left again. She wouldn't eat much, but now she is putting on a little weight and showing her true personality. How anyone could not care for her amazes me.
Dana, it sounds like you were a great Mom to little Bert in his time of need and he repaid you with love and happiness. I have adopted a cat from the Pet Refuge and another cat who had a questionable future in another situation. They are great company.
Let me know the name to send a check to for a donation. I know Levi's shelter always needed food, toys, blankets etc. for these little guys and girls.
Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
If you would like to donate for Paws in the Park, just follow this link:
Go to where it says "Support Dana" and click on MAKE A GIFT. You can donate as little as $1.
If you would rather mail it in, send me a quick email, and I will get you the info. I just don't have it in front of me right now... and I gotta head off to work!
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
Dana, That's very sweet of you - you're welcome.
Posted by Pam Eddy (Member # 1858) on :
I sent a check out yesterday.
Glad to see others have been contributing.
I have been thinking about the animals, as well as people, who have no place to go since the hurrican.
I hope your September fund raiser goes well.
Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
Thanks TONS!!!
I have reached my online goal... and am very close to my "off-line" goal!
I'm not very good at asking people for money... but now with the hurricane aftermath, it's even harder. I very much appreciate what our local SPCA does... but the rescue organizations down south have MORE than their hands full.
So many pets are being left behind when their owners are rescued because the rescue workers need to focus on human life.
How heartwrenching it would be to have to make that choice to save yourself and your human family, and leave your pets behind to fend for themselves... without a very good outlook.
Actually... I don't wanna even think about it...
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
Dana, you're a sweetheart, and I just almost cry when I see the pic of Bert. We have a shelter called Noah's Ark. It's not the humane society or pound, but my granddaughters and their mom get their van filled up every month from the local pet food stores and carpet shops, grocery shops, and Target, etc. and donate to them. I recently made some signs for them, and when I went to bring newspapers, I couldn't help but go in and offer my services. My stupid rotator cuff didn't get in the way, except that I took forever to clean the kitty cages cause I had to pet and talk to them. A couple smarties escaped and had a hey day chasing around from room to room. God, it was so hard to leave. I think I'll be going in on Sundays since they are short on help; it would do me good. Now I know how you can't stay away from there, Dana.
One day I want to open a sanctuary, where no animal is turned away. I would love to have senior citizens, shut-in's or lonely folks (any animal lovers) to come work there to pet and comfort the animals, also, have a huge garden to offer them food in exchange for their wonderful help. It doesn't hurt to dream, does it? My small check's in the mail, Dana. You're a good lady.
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
bump; Dana, you are a real role model for us. Thanks for your commitment to those sweet, helpless animals. They really depend on us, don't they? It takes a lot of guts to hold up working there.
Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
Thanks for the bump.
I was able to reach my online goal, and am almost at my total goal (including donations I've received in person).
I have a tough time asking for money, especially now with the hurricane aftermath, and what they need there.
But the SPCA here runs on their own income/donations... NO government money at all. So fund raisers are very important to them.
They have also just sent 2 employees with a van full of donations down south, to help out however they can. Then when they are done, another set will go. There are also a couple volunteers on their way with needed supplies. You can read about it here: SPCA Serving Erie Co - Katrina Rescue News