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Posted by Robert Cole (Member # 477) on :
I know this will probably set of a fire storm of protest......... [Bash] BUT!
Why is it that there are some here, that never seem to check their spelling, or don't seem to know the use of proper grammar?

I read post after post with miss spelled words and grammatical errors that make you want to ask?
Where these folks absent when they taught spelling and basic English grammer in school?
For heavens sakes we are supposed to be professional sign painters and graphic artists [Bash]
If you can't spell on here, what do your signs look like?
Sorry for the rant, just having "one of those mornings" [Bash]

Please excuse ANY spelling errors, they where provided for the assistance of the typing impaired. [Rolling On The Floor]

Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Robert...What I do is look at the letters that are incorrect. Usually they are letters that are right beside the correct one on the keyboard.

I did learn spelling and grammatical construction in school. I just didn't learn how to type!!!!!!!!! [Bash] [Bash]
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
"Where these folks absent when...." - - you mean Were right?

"Miss spell" - - you mean misspell right?

[Razz] [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by Jill Marie Welsh (Member # 1912) on :
It bugs me too.
I cringe when I hit "Add Reply" and then see a boo-boo in my spelling.
But I rarely edit because I don't want to seem wishy-washy. You have to realize that there is a subculture of certain people here that seem to hate each other. Sometimes they say mean things and edit them back out after they've simmered awhile. I don't care to come across in that manner. (Did you ever notice when someone adds "edited for spelling"?)
As for signmakers who can't spell, heck, you don't need to know proper spelling to make signs! Layout? Kerning? Colors? They don't matter either anymore. All you need is a plotter and you're good to go.
Dave has a point about typing as well. I am a one-finger "hunt and peck" typist. I never took typing in school....I wanted to be a famous artist! [Rolling On The Floor]
Thank God for the nuns at St. Catherine's school. I can spell fairly well. Just don't ask me any math questions.
Posted by Steve Luck (Member # 5292) on :
I took typing class in high school and never regreted it since I've been using a computer since
1990 to make a living. My former partner (retired) used to give me any menu board job that came into the shop that required a lot of typing!

I also consider myself a good speller, but I too have slipped up and had to fix a mistake now and then. Proof reading and checking the job before it goes out is a high priority for me.

It doesn't hurt if you can play the piano! Typing
comes easier for some reason. If you use the computer, I recommend taking a typing class at night school at the junior college. You will be amazed at how fast your productivity will increase with just typing speed.
Sign-cerely, Steve
Posted by KARYN BUSH (Member # 1948) on :
my mind works much faster than my fingers type...i hate typing...i know proper english but this is a casual board...i'm a slang kinda gal...that's why i never use upper/lower case. so please excuse my rudeness as it doesn't bother me as much as it does others.

my signs are a different story though.

have a great day and don't sweat the small stuff!
Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
Here's my take...
Misspelled words are free. So, you get what you pay for.
Correct spelling, punctuation and grammar is worth at least $65 an hour.
Since you are not paying me to reply to this post, or any other, there will will be typos.

get over it [Smile]

Havin' fun,


P.S. here's a link to those of us that need help
Posted by Robert Root (Member # 758) on :
After two years of typing in high school, I had 48% and a personal note on my report card from the principal to never take it again. Without backspace and delete and spell check, I would be lost. All my messages are edited before hitting send as the chance of an error is almost a sure thing.
Posted by Robert Cole (Member # 477) on :
I also type with one or two fingers at a time [Rolling On The Floor] so I can relate to the post.

Todd: I used spell check on this crazy post [I Don t Know]
But there doesn't seem to be any grammatical verification available to those of us who may { or may not } be challenged in that area. [Rolling On The Floor]
Great responces so far, and on topic as well.

Posted by Karman Fairless (Member # 2330) on :
Hi, You all,

Sad to say, My English ain't so good. But my American is great... Thank God for spell check.

Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
[Wink] I remember learning to type on "manual" typewriters in high-school....I was PO'd because the next class/room over had the new-fangled "selectrics"....

We really had to pound those keys to make contact. I never would have imagined at that time that there would be word processors and computers like we have today...crazy, huh? And I'm not t-h-a-t old!

We've come a long way baby. [Smile]
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
You're entitled to 'have one of those days' occasionally (was there a full moon too ? [Smile] )

I can agree with all above statements, but I cringe when I hear spoken errors on national news etc, as well as seeing 'your' when 'you're' was required, their for they're, or the word 'that' used to refer to people when 'who' (or whom) is what it should be,
quote" Why is it that there are some here, that never seem to check their spelling"

it should read.......some here, WHO never seem to check their spelling... !!! ['that' is for animals & inanimate objects, we were taught,while 'who' is for people]

but Checkers' free advice & Appy's misplaced fingers and Jilly's search & destroy system are the result of hastily trying to help one's friends here, rather than ignorance... [Smile]

but you're still welcome to have another rant anyway!!!-
Posted by Robert Cole (Member # 477) on :
Todd: P.S. I used the words "miss spelled" correctly, both spelling wise and grammatically, {it was past tense}. [Razz]

Jill: I haven't figured out how to make corrections on my posts after posting them, SOOOOOOOO! I just add comments. [I Don t Know]

Karen: I do not take offense at your' typing, or your thoughts. The pictures of your work speak volumes as to your capabilities.

This post originally was just my rant, wondering if the misspelling and poor grammar was a reflection of "some" of the work that we all see in our daily travels.
I think Jill got the main gist of the thread. [Applause]
As usual you have gotten to the gist of the thread, "havin fun"
Also thank you for the succinct way you seem to always point us to those wonderful places in cyberspace that no one else { me} even realizes exist. [Thanks]
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
I think the typing thing applies to everyone but OP. Now there I dont know what's going on. [I Don t Know] [Big Grin] [Wink] [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Frank Magoo (Member # 3950) on :
I have to agree, though, I would've used a different tack.

(it ain't rite 2 critersize lessn' ya's cun hulp...) [Cool] ya havn' sum misssteaks 2 !!! [For Your Information] [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
I cringe when I hit "Add Reply" and then see a boo-boo in my spelling.
But I rarely edit because I don't want to seem wishy-washy. You have to realize that there is a subculture of certain people here that seem to hate each other. Sometimes they say mean things and edit them back out after they've simmered awhile. I don't care to come across in that manner. (Did you ever notice when someone adds "edited for spelling"?)

ah yes..I know that cringe well... the few seconds it takes the board to process that click of the "add reply" button is just long enough to find a typo [Frown]

I edit my typos all the time (must be my OCD)... but, I never write "edited for spelling" because I think when the edit time stamp is around 60 seconds after the post... it probably won't come off looking like a wishy washy retraction of commentary.

I don't rush to judge that typos here imply any sloppiness or ignorance... but I personally like to correct my spelling because I often find myself using words I'm unsure of & my BB time is ideal time to invest a few extra seconds to learn proper spelling at

I saw a their/they're error the other day... made the hair on my neck stand on end... but coming from a good speller... I kept my mouth shut knowing I'd really feel like I gotta watch my back if I start throwing stones [Smile] (I pointed one out before... man I used a lot that week [Rolling On The Floor] )
Posted by Hugh Potter (Member # 5748) on :
I'm with Dave!!!!

My English grammer and speeling is near perfect (97% in english language !),

but, i am very guilty of being too lazy to sort out my mistakes, which are usually beacuse, like Dave says, i've not been teached to type proper like, i can type around 60 words a minute using four fingers, occasionally 5ive fingers

[edit.... another thing i have noticed, being serious for a moment, is that since getting this laptop, my spelling.... errr... 'miss hitting of keys'....i dont misspell, has got alot worserer, i'm not sure if it's because of having to be so gentle with the keys or some other reason, but, hey ho !! ]

i occasionally get letters muxed ip too, but it usually either cos i want too, cos i'm too tired at 4am to be bothered about editing what i've written, or because i'm typing too fast, and buzzing on cafféiné and falling off the seat !

that said, i often end up editing posts, especially if there's more than a couple of mishtakes !!

dont worry about it, Dude. Life's too short !

[ June 28, 2005, 11:16 AM: Message edited by: Hugh Potter ]
Posted by John Lennig (Member # 2455) on :
Well, I've had a spell of bad luck ever since my grammer passed on. It was typoid fever that did it.

mourning in the morning,

Posted by Frank Magoo (Member # 3950) on :
[Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by Rovelle W. Gratz (Member # 4404) on :
When I went to work at a Military Base near here, someone told me that half ot the typists there were "huntin' peckers".

Sounds like it is pretty common.
Posted by Randy Campbell (Member # 2675) on :
John that was great. [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor] [Thanks]
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Why is it that there are some here,...
I suffer from the same overuse of the word "that"...that ( [Wink] ) John apparently does.

I am always editing the word "that" out of my writing. There is simply no reason to add *that* word in most circumstances.

The sentence quoted above should probably be....

"Why is it there are some here.....(deleted *that*)

Then again...I'm no Mark Twain when it comes to composition. [I Don t Know] [Rolling On The Floor]

Interesting topic....the english language is very complex....and few of us have mastered it.

The other thing that is a real bummer to fall victim to is the "run-on" sentence. I was cautioned against this in an english composition course in college. You know, the sentence that goes on for the entire page without the benefit of periods, comma's, paragraphs...hmmmmm....who does that remind me of? [Razz]

[ June 28, 2005, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: Todd Gill ]
Posted by Dave Sherby (Member # 698) on :
I doun't think mie sppeling is sew baad. And spel chek is a waste of tyme. I tipe at a meedy yum spede becuz I had a broken fingr when I was yung and the docter set it cruked so insted of resting on the "s" my ring feenger hits the "a" and my litle feenger hits the kaps lok. [Bash] Sew I'll nevver bee fast at tieping [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
My case
I simply do not see well as others. Some of you remember at the meet when I wore two layers of glasses while doing some striping.

Plus some nerve damage to my poundign fingers makes for more mistakes.

So, being visually impaired (old) I don't care if someone judges me because of a typed spelling error. Anyway, some believe that doing so brings bad karma such as something worse than what is judged.

And then, if you wanna know how you will be traeted when old, watch how you treat old people.

i'm havin fun...
Posted by Robert Cole (Member # 477) on :
Originally posted by Robert Cole:
I know this will probably set of a fire storm of protest......... [Bash] BUT!
Why is it there are some here, who never seem to check their spelling, or don't seem to know the use of proper grammar?

I read post after post with miss spelled words and grammatical errors that make you want to ask?
Where these folks absent when they taught spelling and basic English grammer in school?
For heavens sakes we are supposed to be professional sign painters and graphic artists [Bash]
If you can't spell on here, what do your signs look like?
Sorry for the rant, just having "one of those mornings" [Bash]

Please excuse ANY spelling errors, they where provided for the assistance of the typing impaired. [Rolling On The Floor]


Posted by Robert Cole (Member # 477) on :
I know this will probably set of a fire storm of protest......... [Bash] BUT!
Why is it there are some here, who never seem to check their spelling, or don't seem to know the use of proper grammar?

I read post after post with miss spelled words and grammatical errors that make you want to ask?
Where these folks absent when they taught spelling and basic English grammar in school?
For heavens sakes we are supposed to be professional sign painters and graphic artists [Bash]
If you can't spell on here, what do your signs look like?
Sorry for the rant, just having "one of those mornings" [Bash]

Please excuse ANY spelling errors, they where provided for the assistance of the typing impaired. [Rolling On The Floor]
Corrections have been applied to appease those who rightfully found mistakes that I made in the original post.
that being said, my reason for the original post WAS NOT to embarrass anyone, just my frustration with poor spelling and grammar in general. Some of which we see displayed on this board. I understand that some of the typo errors are do to the desire to "help" or respond to someone's question or request quickly. I can, and have ,been faulted for that myself. And rightfully so. Perhaps some here have misunderstood my intention in posting this thread. For that I apologize.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Corrections have been applied to appease those who rightfully found mistakes that I made in the original post.

know their knot!
wear our yore corrections?
eye dew knot sea them.
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
And he performs this death defying stunt without Annette!

Is she on vacation! [I Don t Know]

Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
I misspelled Dick Cheney's name on a campaign sign once. It read: "Chenney". The customer never noticed and it remained for the duration of the campaign. Didn't see any need to change it as it was by a busy highway with most folks doing about 60(faster than 60 kph)and the sign had so much junk on it, it's doubtful anyone saw it anyway. Another was a grammatical error: I misplaced an apostrophe. I hope and pray that I never do that on a sandblasted sign. [Eek!]

The most frequent errors I notice on this board are the improper switching of the homonyms: "to" and "too", "your" and "you're", "there" with "their" and "they're" and......,if your a backwoods southerner(did you catch that one?), "were", and "where". [Rolling On The Floor] But, I would think these words are rarely used on signs anyway.

Sorry we are murdering the King's English. [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by Bill Preston (Member # 1314) on :
The King is dead, long live the Queen.

bill preston
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Which brings us back to the "gay" rainbow thread...hehehehe
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
Yeh Robert . . . cain'chu be more toler'nt?

Incidently, while I have a firm grasp of the written word, both in spelling and usage, (though admittedly somewhat weaker with regard to punctuation) I only use the formal language when wanting to appear as if I fully understand a concept, actually do understand a concept, or to mockingly intellectualize a concept.

In addition to those skills, I also possess the good grace and manners to over-look spelling errors by the huge majority of people, fully understanding that most typing/writing skills are not necessarily a sign of ignorance, prefering instead to look at WHAT is said rather than HOW it is written, and would only dare to deride someone for some poor word spelling in total jest.

Finally, so as not to become rigid, and to put more 'me' in my writing, I often simply write exactly as I talk, since I am not ashamed of my thick southern accent, although with respect to your comments, since you question some of the typing on here, I'm sure you're appalled by thick, southern, hill-billy-like accents and slang of which I am not ashamed to say I speak...

To summarize?

My statement is a fire-storm of protest in which I conclude with the opinion that you might 'get over it' and ultimately find a way to read the comments of others more objectively... [Razz] [Big Grin]

How'sat fer spellin' an' proper gramm'er? not to eve-in menchin sentunce struk-sher and them hi werds . . . [Wink] [Big Grin]
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
Sorry....yes, of course, the Queen.
"The King's English" is only an expression.
Rainbows, yes.
I love Skittles too.
G'nite all.
Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
Skittles, I can relate! [Smile]
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Yeah, but what's with those white M & M's???? I got a pack of those a while back and it just didn't seem right...
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
WHITE m&m's . . .?

Wow...are they white chocolate???
Posted by Robert Cole (Member # 477) on :
I'm over it!

And your' INTOLERANT remarks.
I tried {unsuccessfully evidently} to clarify my first post be adding comments to my last post before this one. Perhaps....... ahh forget it!
I'll just leave this board to you.
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :

I only use the formal language . . . . . . .to mockingly intellectualize a concept.

I was only playin' babydoll (thought smileys helped ID that as well . . .)
. . . I apologize if it seemed as if I was really chastizin'. . .

But it does prove another point . . .that even with perfectly correct grammer and spelling, the real meaning can get lost . . .
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
People get finger dyslexic when they type here, especially if they're hurriedly trying to help someone. That doesn't bother me.

When people intentionally spell stuff wrong because they think it's cute or whatever, I find it annoying and hard to read and usually don't read it.

When I see misspellings or poor grammar in a magazine article or on a website, I find myself discrediting the writer or questioning the intelligence of the editor. Subconsciously I wonder if their English skills are poor, are their products or service poor too?

Personally, I always type loose when I want lose and vice versa. I'm trying to work on that because it bothers me.
Posted by Don Lopez (Member # 131) on :
Try this one on the Spell and Grammar checker:

Owed two a Spell Chequer

Eye halve a spelling chequer;
It came with my pea sea;
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word
End weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong our write -
It shows me straight a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long,
And eye kin put the arrow rite
It's rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it;
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh,
My chequer tolled me sew.

- Sores unknown
Ohm other hovered
vendue dunk covered
together burdock ebon
wench ego dare
duck othered fuzz bear
unsewed abhor docket nun.

Author unknown.
Posted by Jean-Claude Theriault (Member # 966) on :
Is it possible that the lack of attention that many have when typing on a computer is due to the fact that you no longer have to retype and entire page like you had to on the old manual or electric typewriters so you can get away with feeling a bit more 'careless' and actually get away with it most of the time.

The exception being when you are lettering someone's sign.

I'm feeling quite old now as I remember typing on my moms old Royal typewriter that had a carrying case, then loved the old Smith-Corona (SCM?) elctrics with the balls for different typestyles.

My first computer was a VIC-20 from Commodore and I remember the dot matrix printers in school hooked to Commodore 64s and Tandy computers from Radio Shack. Spellcheck was still unknown at that time and it meant we had to look at what we were typing.

And now I'm starting to wonder where my old Atari game console and cartridges are in the basement at the family home.

Posted by Lotti Prokott (Member # 2684) on :
You do realize (or is it now realise?) that some of us have other language backgrounds and make mistakes not out of stupidity or laziness, but because we just don't know better?

I have at times been treated by people (not here) as if I'm deaf (when asking to repeat something for the third time because they speak high speed)
or as if I'm dump (for saying something the wrong way).

I'm not a "tolerance over everything" advocate, but in this case you should cut everybody some slack.

Is this now a proper expression? Cutting some slack? See, I don't know for sure. Just hoping I hit it right. Is it correct to say, I hit it right? Maybe I'm subconsciously translating from german and no one here uses this expression? Maybe it has some other meaning that I don't know about because I don't watch the right kind of movies?
See what some of us have to deal with?
Posted by Peter Koriath (Member # 5410) on :
We all make mistakes, due to rush jobs, long hours and just having a bad day..... but....
I just accepted a Resume with 15 spelling mistakes on the Cover letter.

Hard to take someone on if they cann't even use "Spell check"
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
Can you raed tihs? Olny srmat poelpe can?

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers
in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you
can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh? . . . And I aywlas tghuhot slelipng was iptmonart too!
Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :
Lotti - I know what you mean.
Spelling is not a real problem for me. But with English being my second language, sentence structure is a bear, and I have to keep re-arranging things.
I struggle with it. Often I simply can't tell when it's "off", or Germanic, or stilted, or weird.

I for one would rather be a bit imperfect and have two languages at my command, than to be perfect like the rest of the people on the board, who simply can't type.......
[Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor]

And you, Lotti, as far as I can tell, don't have a problem at all, only the benefits..
I was really impressed when you spat out that Latin phrase so perfectly a while back !!!!
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
Lotti, I know you & a few others come to the board with English as your second language. I applaud how well you do with it. There are some others who have spoken English their entire lives and could learn a lot from you.
Posted by Hugh Potter (Member # 5748) on :
english is my first language, but i know alot of people who write worse english than those to whom it's a second language !

my second language should really be Welsh, as i'm half Welsh, but i know extremely little of it !

i also use makaton sign (for adults with learning difficulties / communication difficulties), and used to know basic deaf sign, some 15/20 years ago,

i dont generally worry about others written work, if i do say something its usually only in jest, and only then if i know they should know better !
Posted by Lotti Prokott (Member # 2684) on :
Yeah, that was cool, Myra, wasn't it?

I looked it up on the Internet [Rolling On The Floor]

Ok, I happen to know italian which makes understanding latin a whole lot easier.

Languages are cool. I like them a lot, but I'm a perfectionist and hate making mistakes. [Roll Eyes] Other people's mistakes don't bother me most of the time. They make me feel superior [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor]

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