I searched the archives didn't quite find the answer to my question, so now I'll ask.
I have two replacement panels (56-3/4" x 8-1/4") to produce for a church. These panels only have the pastor's name on them. They only want the name to be lit. The name is to be white and the rest of the panel in a dark green. Is it possible to put white translucent on the entire back side of a clear leaxan panel and reverse weed a cast dark green for the front to get this effect? Will the cast last? Is it too opaque? A little bit of lighting of the green will be acceptable.
Posted by Bill Lynch (Member # 3815) on :
Yes. Or just use reverse weed green on white lexan.
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
I would lay the green vinyl over black and then cut. I would also keep some kind of border or panel around the preacher's name to facilitate a name change at a later date.
Posted by Dave Sherby (Member # 698) on :
When I've seen standard HP cast vinyl backlit, it was very blotchy. I'd devinatly stick with translucent vinyl. That's what it's made for.
Posted by Belinda Palmer (Member # 4628) on :
thin layer of krylon white on back of clear poly-carb green vinyl reverse weeded on front.