I've noticed that Roger on here reccomended rapidtac to someone in another thread,
being quite new to this game, i've asked several sign makers / fitters what they use when applying vinyl 'wet', all four of them said a few drops of fairy liquid in 1 pint of water, mix and spray, now these guys arent 'little' people within the industry, one of them wont even look at a job of less than 10 shops/vehicles !
so far this fairy method has worked ok for me (with the exception of a couple of plastics)
my questions is this,
what do you use and why ? what advantages are there to spending lots of $$$$'s on a application solution, compared to a $1 bottle of fairy liquid which will last for years !!
(if you do not have fairy, its the leading brand of washing up liquid here in uk)
ta !
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
I've been doing more & more dry. But if I use fluid, it's Rapid Tac. The few cents it costs per job is nothing when compared to the value of my reputation.
My job is to make signs, do vehicle lettering etc. It is not to make application fluid.
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
I agree with Chris...I do most of my applications dry but when a wet application is called for I wouldn't use anything else but Rapid Tac.
Think of it this way...would you use oil to coat two surfaces before you applied contact cement, just so you could be sure you got the two pieces aligned correctly before the glue grabbed?
In my mind coating the adhesive side of vinyl and the surface to which it is going to be applied to with dish soap is much the same thing.
I won't risk having to re-do a $100 job let alone a $1000 job because I wanted to save $1 by using dish soap instead of a product that is formulated for the purpose.
BUT..use what you want...the first failure will soon change your mind!
OK Roger..you can sent us that check now!!!!!!!! LOL
(aside from the remark to Roger, which is just a joke, all of the above is serious)
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Hugh...you just answerwed you own question!
[QUOTE} so far this fairy method has worked ok for me (with the exception of a couple of plastics) [/QUOTE]
Rapid Prep and Rapid Tac are made to clean and prepare the surface and to promote quick adhesion!
Like Kissy says...why take a chance on a job, when all it costs is a few pennies per job?
Posted by Ken Holden (Member # 5653) on :
rapid tac--got a free sample in the mail and was sold on it. Ken
Posted by Kathy Joiner (Member # 1814) on :
Ken, great to see you posting on here. Now you need to join us on chat one night.
I can't help but suspect that some brands of app. fluid is nothing but soap and water. My favorite brand is Rapid Tac.
Posted by Ken Holden (Member # 5653) on :
Kathy, sorry I haven't called. I'm off the weekend for my first letterhead meet and it's at your place. I can't wait. Ken
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
Basic H. www.shaklee.com one quart concentrate will last you FOREVER. Seriously.
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Thank You to everyone for the "fair report" I'm happy to hear your confidence in my products (thats exactally why we make them) we like to think of our products as insurence, when you need the confidence to do a job and the insurence or guarantee that it will come out right !
Some folks are gonna use it, some won't, thats the way the world works, but I feel confident that if someone gives it a try, they will understand its benefits, thats why we give the free sample pak of all 5 of our products,confidence!
Thanks again, Roger
Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
Roger! When are you going to get your products on the Australian Market?
I've used them (samples picked up on USA Visit) and like them.
In the mean time, all my "wet" applications are plain distilled water. Seen to many failures adding soap.
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Jon,I wish I had a definate date/answer to share with you, hopefully someone from "downthere" will change they're mind and put forth the effort to distribute our products. We have them in several other countries with great acceptance.
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
Some people will use a cresent wrench as a hammer. Some will use a screw driver as a chisel. Both will work in a pinch. Neither will do the job as great as the right tool will do.
Likewise, I wouldn't use shaklee soap on my $130 translucent layer. I don't care if its the exact same formula as RT. Shaklee doesn't give me free samples just for asking. Shaklee doesn't support my local supplier. Shaklee doesn't help provide a job for my delivery man. Buying something like this is just as bad as buying a chinese cutter built from stolen designs.
Besides, Some jobs must be done wet. If so, then I'll use a product sold by sign suppliers to help keep them in business. Im not goona risk just one bubble that turns into just one wrinkle and the job turns into second rate nonprofessional piece of junk. Throw away one expensive sheet. Spend time peeling it up. wait for a new sheet. Cut teh new sheet. Tape it up and try again. What a waste.
It's just false economy. Its stupid. And its just as ignorant as using calandered instead of trans vinyl on a backlit panel.
Posted by Stephen Broughton (Member # 2237) on :
Hugh I've used Rogers products before and they are excellent BUT (and its a big un) they are just too expensive in the UK, a bottle at 1 US Gallon (a measley 3.6 litres, typical the rest of the world that uses gallons its 5 litres to a gallon) last time I bought some, which I must admit was about 5 or 6 years ago it was £25 a bottle (for you folks in the US thats nearly $50)I can't afford to spend that much on app fluid so I'll kepp making my own and Hugh don't waste your money on Fairy Liquid use the real cheap stuff from places like Tesco and ASDA, the stuff that gets your dishes all nice and clean contains lots of chemicals for breaking down fats and doesn't help vinyl adhesion either and along the washing up liquid I add 5% meths to 1 litre of water, this acts as a wetting agent.
To Roger, maybe if you licensed companies to produce Rapid-Tac etc. in the UK and Aus you might have a bit more success?????
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
If you want to really know what the difference is between soap and water and Rapid Tac do a side by side comparison using each on a letter, and see how long you have to wait for the saop and water to evaporate enough to remove the liner.
It's called rapid tac for a reason.
and Barry wtf was THAT can we say amway????? Run forest runnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
[ June 11, 2005, 08:41 AM: Message edited by: Bob Rochon ]
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Here's another test to add on to Bob's.
Apply some vinyl samples using both Rapid Tac and soap mix.
Come back 24 hours later and remove both and see which one has a more substantial bond to the surface. Try another sample after a week, month, 2 hours, whatever you want.
Posted by Dave Sherby (Member # 698) on :
Exactly what Bob & Mike & Chris and a few others said! I had confidence in RT products just from the testimonials on this board, but found out exactly why they call it RAPID Tac first hand. I had a double layer graphic for a job last year. We put the first layer down dry. The top layer was put on wet for registration purposes. When we were done I realized that my color choice was a result of a brain fart.
We started to remove the top layer which was on for only about 10 minutes. Well I was shocked at how tight the vinyl was already. It was actually very tough to remove.
Then I decide to remove the bottom layer cuz I decided to resize the whole thing and change both colors. The dry portion came off much easier than the wet applied top. So later I did a side by side test thinking that maybe vinyl sticks to itself better than paint. Two test pieces were applied to a piece of Alumalite, one wet, one dry. Again the wet application with Rapid Tac was much more difficult to remove after a few minutes.
Rapid Tac is made to be compatible with vinyl adhesive and PROMOTE adhesion. The cleaning ability and postionablity of the product are added bonuses.
I use stuff MADE for sign making. I feel it's just a cost of the manufacturing process. My reputation is worth it. I don't care if it's $50 a gallon. The cost per sign is pennies.
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
BOB ---I am not a member of Shaklee, but I am sold on that particular product. I have tested basic H SIDE by SIDE with...other app solutions, and it holds it's own or outperforms.
Just last night I was sticking some panels with it, and I was able to apply them wet with basic H, and remove the TAPE immediately! NO WAIT. It's also a great multipurpose/function cleaner.
A quart of the concentrate, at around TEN bucks will last you literally FOREVER, making close to 1800 QUARTS of cleaner suitable for applying vinyl.
I have used it for nearly 10 years, and HAVE NEVER had a failure or a problem with it.
No Bob, it's a FAR CRY from AMWAY.
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
Barry, why talk about another product not related to sign amking when there is a merchant here who:
supports our community. Offers his experience and advice without fail. knows what he is talking about. sells a good product. is well known to all of us. helps support our meets with a generous amounts supplies without fail.
When was the last time has Shakly did anything for anyone here? When was the last time shakly done anything complimentary for anyone for that matter..
[ June 11, 2005, 02:13 PM: Message edited by: Curtis hammond ]
Posted by Hugh Potter (Member # 5748) on :
thanks for the advice, i think i need some time to weigh up the options after reading some literature,
Curtis, with respect, i dont nkow Roger, or shaklee, so i appreciate Barrys mention of an alternative product, any and all info at this time, whislt my business is still in its infancy, is greatly appreciated, so thanks to all,
Roger, do you supply samples to the UK ? i would be happy to at least try it,
my main concern is regards how much time i have to reposition the vinyl should i need to, brace yerselves for some more questioning soon !!!
thankyou again. H
Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :
Amen to that Curtis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Roger is an enormous help to the industry plus he's easilly accesible. He listens to feedback and offers help with problems. If only all manufacturers were so involved. We have used his products for years. We wipe down an awful lot of cars a year with Rapid Prep, I doubt we spend $50 a year......man, one night on the town will blow way more than that. Plus, my wife loves Rapid Prep for cleaning things around the house. We have a wooden dining room table that had a lot of crud on it, wax build up and what not. Nothing was doing much good. Rapid Prep worked magic on it, she swears by it
[ June 11, 2005, 04:17 PM: Message edited by: George Perkins ]
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Rapid Remover makes a ... killer.... bug killer too It kills stuff FAST.
It's a pretty darn good adhesive remover too In fact it's the only remover I've used that works equally well on all types of adhesives. It really does do its job in 30 seconds or less.
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
Great analogy Curtis. You can dig post holes with a spoon too, but why would you want to?
January 2004, I bought a gallon of Rapid Tac. I still have over 1/2 of it left. Do the math.
And now some amway knock-off is in the sign supply business? Just what we need. Maybe that's where the idiot here working for $25/hour shop rate is getting his supplies.
Posted by Tim (Member # 1699) on :
quote:Originally posted by Curtis hammond: why talk about another product not related to sign amking when there is a merchant here who: ....(blah, blah, blah....)
Probably because Barry feels this forum's main purpose is to help out each other with our experiences as signmakers, and that we all may have a differing solutions to products, techniques, and applications used in producing our wares.
quote:Originally posted by Hugh Potter: my questions is this,
what do you use and why ?
A pretty simple question, and an excellent reply from Barry I thought, as well as the replies from the others.
Yes, Roger makes an awesome product, but just because he is a merchant here doesn't neccessarily mean you have to buy only his product, or that all other similar products or means to produce the end result are wrong .
We better shutdown the those old messages about making our own transfer tape dispensers/tools from wood dowelling and a few c-clamps, I just didn't realise we were robbing Mr. Weber too from his well deserved income for just being a merchant here.
And btw, I do use a few gallons of various rapid products throughout each year, so there's no slight against Roger here.
Now, I gotta run cause I'm still using a sock for a pouncer, and I noticed several merchants here carry that newfangled Hansee pounce pad thing, and I suppose I'm doing them wrong if I don't buy one. Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
tim...i found a "baby diper" works better then a sock and also i dont buy the expensive POWDERED CHARCOAL ..i buy the cheap black TEMPRA PAINT POWDER.
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Well...I am definitely an advocate of Roger's products. Although we have disagreed in the past about using it for EVERY application.
I don't buy Rapid Tac or Rapid Prep or Rapid Remover because Roger is a merchant here. I buy them because they work!
Like Chris, again, I bet I only spend a couple of hundred bux a year on the products. It is NOTHING compared to the amount of other products I buy to do what I do.
Posted by Hugh Potter (Member # 5748) on :
hmmmm, some great advice, and a few comments that i feel deserve to be ignored,
forgive me if i'm being un-neccessarily defensive here.... but....
i'm new to this forum, so do not know the ins and outs of the community, who's who etc, and i'm only a few months into learning a trade the hard way, until now i've used either what had been suggested to me, or what i've found to work thru trial and error, did we all not start somewhere ??!!
i think the general consencus is that rapid tac / prep are good products, thats great, if i get the opportunity to try them out, i will do that, but i would be interested to know more !
and for the record, i have built my own application tape dispenser, made from various chrome wardrobe poles / fittings, a couple of bolts and wing nuts, and my dining table was also sacrificed at one end for the dual purposes now required of it :-)
ta. H
Posted by Joe Crumley (Member # 2307) on :
Rapid Tac is a fine product and we use it sometimes, but not always.
I attended a 3M course on vinyl application a few years ago, which gave me some other options.
The soap or wetting agent allows for air and water removal. There is also a small amount of Denatured Alchohol, one table spoon per gallon, which activates the acrylic adhesive and speeds up the drying. You can also drop in a little of your favorite perfume. We mix ours up in a five gallon pressurized coke despencer and go to town.
We will be applying a full color architectural graphics to a 10'X 20' on Monday. I would feel comfortable using either product.
Posted by Rich Stebbing (Member # 368) on :
I do use the most of the "Rapid" products, but for applications I use Basic H from Shaklee. I like all of Roger's products but prefer Basic H for applications. My sign suppliers get plenty of business from me as I do spread my money around and do support many products here as well.But I do use Shaklee products as well not only for the Basic H but also for some of their personal products.
They do have a test where you pour water into a paper bag, and then in another paper bag you pour water with a "smidgeon" of Basic H and you'll see how much "wetter" the second bag becomes. They claim with Basic H your solution becomes something like 10 or 100 times wetter! I can't remember what figure it was, but I tested it and seen that it was dramatically wetter. Just as Rapid-Tac has many use, Basic H has hundreds of uses, and that is another reason I use it.
The question here was what I use and why. There you have it.
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
Boy am I glad somebody else said that.
Posted by Jon Aston (Member # 1725) on :
Don't the baby diapers make your shoes too tight? Posted by Hugh Potter (Member # 5748) on :
phew, thankyou for some additional information,
i'm all for supporting local / known suppliers, but it has to be respective, i mean, there's no point wanting to buy a dodge ram truck, and asking the local chev dealer what he thinks of them !
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
jon...the diaper keeps me from poopin in my SHOES!!! i wasnt gona add anything to the rapid prep vs anything else.....but if you out in the field workin and happen to need something to wet vinyl try WINDEX NO-DRIP....like i said before i use rogers products...but before roger there was WINDEX NO DRIP.
[ June 12, 2005, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: old paint ]
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Hey yeah, windex with amonia and silicon, thats good for your vinyl jobs OP.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
hey for intermedite vinyl....that aint gona last more then 3 years....some times i pee on the vinyl......works real good if you got got drunk the nite before.....HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHE
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
I ain't shakin' hands wit you no mo!
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
[ June 13, 2005, 04:01 AM: Message edited by: Curtis hammond ]
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
After seeing a demo by Butch Anton some years ago, I bought some "Splash" app fluid. I've still got 1/3 of the bottle left & it works fine, except it seems to b able to discolour fresh enamel sometimes if streaks dry (too much metho in it?)
Roger, what does it take to become a distributor down under?!
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
So seeing as at least TWO people use Shakey products, tells us a little more about it.
Do you just use it and hope it works or is there any kinda research that has been done here.
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
All I can tell ya Bob is that i have been using it, both as a cleaner and application solution for everything for the past 10 or 11 years. I have tried it alongside other app solutions and found very similar results.
I have never had a failure as a result of using the product.
[ June 13, 2005, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: Barry Branscum ]
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Ian, we have a very easy program for distribution, there is a min. purchase of 3 cases (in any combination of product).
The freight to you makes it difficult to justify on small orders, our "out of country" distributors order aprox. 2 months at a time (25 to 200 cases) depending on the turnover. Our distributor in U.K. orders aprox.300 cases on average of 2 months.
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
The way I look at it, we all get aggravated and mad when customers go out and get the cheapest sign they can find, or make one up of their own. In this instance, why in the world would you cut corners and make up your own application fluid when a tried, proven product is out there just for that purpose. The cost is not high when you use the right amount, only pennies per job, and even if you do think it is high, add it into the price. If you make your own, its basically "bootleg" application fluid, the same as bootleg fonts, etc. We should apply the thinking we have of cheap customers to ourselves, and not think like them.
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Good point John, the other thing is this, if the Rapid Tac or TacII is being used correctly it will be an obvious difference from "soap&water".
Amway,Shaklee,etc. are not going to give you a "bonding benefit" especially in cold weather applications down to 20degrees F. Some folks are using Rapid Tac products but don't actually use them the right way, they misunderstand the fact of cleaning ONLY with the application fluid, or they just use them to "mist" on the substrate(whick causes bubbles and never KICKS OFF the adhesive), we talk with many people weekly who encounter problems of this nature.
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
I beg to differ on that point Roger. I have personally used this product in varying temperature extremes and had, as I mentioned great results...although I question the sensibility of applying ANY vinyl at temperatures lower than what the manufacturer reccomends.
And nobody here is advocating anything from Amway. Like I said I have been using this stuff since before I ever even HEARD of Rapid Tac.
Roger I know you have a product to sell, and I understand you sticking by your guns, but that doesn't mean that yours is the only, best solution (pun intended).
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Barry, I am not upset that some folks use other solutions, Im glad you have something your happy with. I'm just trying to point out the reasons to use my product over soap&water, now you mention (in one breath) having great results in varying temp. extremes yet go on to say you question the sensibility of wet application in temperatures lower then the manufacturers stated limits (thats usually no less then 45degreesF.). We would all be in trouble if we had to follow those guidelines, heck the soap&water will freeze a temperatures (20 to 30 degreesF.),period. I'm sure your solution works for you, but not at those temperatures.
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
With respect Roger, on the rare occasions when I have HAD to stick vinyl in temps below freezing Basic H did work, with a lil alcohol added.
BTW, how many vinyl manufacturers endorse rapid tac?
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Avery, Arlon, Oracal, pracitally everyone but 3-M. Why not 3-M ? well, they're funny about advocating products that don't have they're name on the label.
Barry, would you like free samples of the Rapid Products ? Rapid Tac Rapid TacII Rapid Remover Rapid Prep Rapid Clear If so, just e-mail your street address to; mail@rapidtac.com I have been giving out free samples since 1987
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
I don't but dang if ya didn't getta plug it anywhoo.
Shaklee offers free samples of basic H too. Just go to the website and look for a distributor near you!
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Hey Roger, Rapid Clear? now whats that do for us?
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Barry,I detect a bit of resentment from your last statement, whats up ? I plug the free sample offer quite frequently here and other sites, does that bother you ?
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Bob, the Rapid Clear is a great cleaner and polish for Plixiglass (and just about any other type of hard smooth surfase), its VERY simple to use and VERY inexpencive. I like to use it on my glasses,convertable windows, monitor screens, it makes vinyl shine very nicely.
DO NOT use Rapid Clear BEFORE applying vinyl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is just the slighteset amount of a product like silicon, it will cause bonding problems.
Posted by Peter Koriath (Member # 5410) on :
Have allways used Rapid Tac and allways will!
My customers Love the Smell when they come in! Some have compared it to the smell of a McDonalds Vinilla Milkshake - sometimes they come just for the Smell!
Rapid Remover is also very good. A little goes along way!
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Thanks Peter, appreciate the biz.
Posted by Hugh Potter (Member # 5748) on :
i think this thread has kinda taken a wrong turn somewhere !
i did a van today, using all i had to hand, which was soap and water, i washed down the van with a similar solution, dried it off, left it feeling sticky to rub your finger over, ie, no residue etc, and applied it wet, this gave me a good 15 mins to play with it, and even raise one letter that had got creased on a curve, and re-lay it before going down with the squeegie. the end rsult was a very happy customer, and a job (albeit a simple one) that has a great finished result that i was happy with,
i was almost tempted to try applying dry, i'm glad i didnt, just after i'd removed the release paper and turned to dump it behnd me, a breeze picked up the design and flipped it back on the van, i know i could have taken precautions to prevent this, but i hadn't, has i not lready soaked the area i'd have been left with a waster decal stuck all over the place, that about my usual luck, so i think i'll be sticking with wet,
to date, i've usd neither rapid or basic H, i'm open to both, basic H has been explained very well to me, but i still feel some reluctance to try rapid, i know many of you endorse it, so i'll not say i wont try it, but how long does it give you to work with the vinyl, if as you say, it speeds up the process of adhesion, my main concern is to not have time to rectify any possible mistakes that are sometimes missed when the vinyl is first layed down,
btw, after application on the said design today, it simply soaked the appl' paper and removed it within a few minutes with virtually no need to have to run over any thing again, the only exception was on a couple of very fine lines that had not initially bonded, ten seconds to lay the paper back across it and apply the squeegie again, and it was stuck,
convert me !!
Posted by Jill Marie Welsh (Member # 1912) on :
I've not tried any other brands but home-brew (3 drops non-lotion dish soap & 1 capful of rubbing alcohol to a spray bottle of water) and Rapid Tacs 1 & 2. I usually do apply wet and love RT. Two requests would be to please improve the smell of RT2 and to make Rapid Prep a more distinguishable color from RT.
That clear is GREAT for cleaning scratched CDs and eyeglasses too! But not as a prep for painting panels.
Good luck Hugh, sorry you got stuck in a quarrel just by asking an innocent question. Please don't let it leave a sour taste in your mouth. Love....Jill
Posted by Jerry Starpoli (Member # 1559) on :
Seems to me the man asked a simple question. I remember doing that here also and being jumped all over because I had the audacity to question some of the answers. It must be nice to be a know it all. I have been in the sign business for 53 years. I am 64 years old and think I am still learning. Why not lighten it up a little or better yet...lighten up a lot.
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
No worries Hugh or Jerry . . .
but have you ever noticed things like this ALWAYS seem to happen where ever people are . . .
I cain't figger it out neether . . .
Just my two cents but, I ALMOST never apply vinyl wet . . .but feel free to do so since I could care less if you do or don't, or what you use to do it . . . just as long as we all do it MAN . . .
(insert 60's flower-child-flowers, peace symbols and musical tunes)
I would say: I NEVER do, but I never say never . . . besides, I HAVE done some big peices on glass where I had to wet-apply . . .I can't even recall WHAT I used, but if I have another one like those?
Mabey I'll order somethin' . . . .
or mabey I'll make due.
I also use an ol' sock to pounce . . . (gasp)
And since we're 'fessin' up . . . .
there are a number of things I make and use around the shop . . .
And sometimes I use a butter knife for a screw driver . . . and I use a screwdriver for a scraper... I use construction chalk for pounce powder . . .I use charcoal for drawing . . .
And I admit that I use typing paper for copier paper and I use copier paper for drawing on . . . and ...*gulp* I sometimes use my fingers to paint with . . .
. . . and . . . and . . .I have used things other than 'shampoo' to wash my hair with . . . (*breaks down crying*) OMG, this feels SO good to get this out . . .
And I use a large number of off-the-wall things within my immediate reach to kill bugs with . . .
and now . . . the BIGGIE . . . .
I buy a lot of my sign supplies from people who are NOT letterville merchants . . . .
. . . so now what?
Are they gonna take us outside Letterville and stone us or what? Posted by Jon Aston (Member # 1725) on :
Smiley, you crack me up!
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
jerry and i use the golden shower method..right jerry? hehehehehehehehehe
Posted by Jerry Starpoli (Member # 1559) on :
Thanks to Sheila and Joe!!!!!!!
Posted by Jerry Starpoli (Member # 1559) on :
Thanks to Sheila and Joe!!!!!!!
Posted by Hugh Potter (Member # 5748) on :
LOL, i'm not offended, just figured it was a little heavy for a sensible numpty question,
i'm happy to try a sample of the rapid tac, and prep, i've no reason not too, and i cant make judgement without trying them, like i sadi tho, my only concern is the amount of time i have to work with the vinyl when wet, anyone ? and by that, i mean before i attack with the squeegie, reposiioning etc, until i can build my confidence in application, this is how i'll do it,
so, where can i get some samples in the UK ?
Roger ???
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Contact All Print Supplies, Manchester. There is a "distributor locater" on my site, www.rapidtac.com
Posted by Hugh Potter (Member # 5748) on :
Posted by Belinda Palmer (Member # 4628) on :
I tried the paper bag experiment and I got stuck in the wet paper bag and now I can't seem to fight my way out. C&B
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Belinda, can you stretch you're arm and grasp the " Smoothie "
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
I have been installing vinyl for 25 years, and only use application fluid for installations where ia cannot get out of the sunlight. Not using it has nothing to do with cost, I just like dry installation....it's the way I learned.
I also reccomend Rapid Tac products on the rare occasions when I do use application fluids. The Rapid Remover, however, is a part of my regular arsenol.
Posted by Joe Crumley (Member # 2307) on :
Roger B.
Wow you couldn't have got better advertising that you've had on this site.
For small jobs, Rapid Tac is very good, if you don't have the skills to do dry application.
On vehicles with pop rivits, it's always a problem to get the water out of those crevises. Dry is best.
Next door to us is a window tinting company. Every one in the sign industry should go by one of those shops and watch. They sling lots of transparent film with relative ease. A moderate sized tinting shop will apply more film in a day than we'd do in a month. You might ask them what they use for a application fluid. Yes I know the adhesives are different, but not that much. They are ever so concerned with air bubbles so It's soap and water, with a little alchohol, and away they go.
When doing big photographic billboards, we use the old pressure sprayer, armed with suds and alchohol. I figure we use about three gallons on a 10'X20' piece. I guess Rapid Tac would do the job, but why change a perfectly good system which would cost lots more?
Yep, for little realty signs, I might use it, but haven't done a banner or realty signs in years. We'll never do it again. Also we never ever use any floating fluid on latex, unless you have lots of time on your hands.
Posted by Joe Crumley (Member # 2307) on :
I think you represent a good product and company so I'm not picking on you, but 3M never signs on to a company where they have no controll. If you were the President of 3M I bet you would also realize that liability. They just don't want any part of it.
You know they are big, as in huge, with capitol. If they wanted to they could drive the competition crazy. No fear it's just pocket change to them.
I'll be looking for Avery, Callon, Orical flyers suggesting Rapid Tac.
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
While I think RT is a good product...I must say I've been doing wet apps with my own home brew for over 20 years and have NEVER...as in NEVER-EVER...suffered a failure.
And who in their right mind would do a wet app in sub zero temperatures anyway?
If the install cannot be executed in a heated shop/garage/etc....then a dry app and a heat gun are the way to go in my opinion.
I too am in the camp of buying/ using what fits your needs....whether it's RT, your own home brew, or someone else's stuff.
I happen to use Rapid Remover because it works and fit's my needs...not because someone is twisting my arm to "support a merchant."
If a person has a need for a particular product, and discovers a merchant has it...and it's competitively priced....then it makes sense.
But to be guilt tripped, scolded, peer pressured, or in some other fashioned coerced into using it just seems...well, kinda like a breech on a person's freedom of choice.
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
I too am not pressured into buying or using absolutely anything just because another person says its good, I will however give those ideas a test or experiment if that word still has some meaning. I over-see and work out of a full service shop which specializes in doing things correctly the first time and our trained staff does vinyl both wet and dry but yet we stock Rapid-Tac instead of making our own brew just because we know it works without problems. Geez, I've seen Budweiser beer trucks as well as Pepsi and Coke done dry in other places so full of bubbles and wrinkles that I just smiled as to say ' what were you thinking ' and these have all been done by professionals, just ask any distributor.
As far as the Rapid-Tac company itself, the company definately makes products that we at this shop cannot do without such as Rapid Remover and of course our lifesaver Rapid-Prep and all this after years of using petroleum based cleaners, we have found these products to work much better.
Of course no one can please everyone and there will always be non believers but then again they'll always be wrinkles and bubbles as long as they'll be vinyl Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Hey Todd and Joe, Easy now, I don't think anyone is demanding you do or use anything, I think they're point was established.
You guys can (with everyones best wishes) use whatever you prefer, and it won't bother me or anyone else,I'm sure more people would like to talk to you guys about your abilities to "apply vinyl for 20 years without one failure", now thats a GRAND acheivement in my history of 40 years experiance !!
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Tip a the hat to you Joey !! And Todd, I never said anything about "subzero" applications.
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
quote:you question the sensibility of wet application in temperatures lower then the manufacturers stated limits (thats usually no less then 45degreesF.). We would all be in trouble if we had to follow those guidelines
Funny how other people's testing and suggested guidelines don't matter?!
Believe it or not...there was life before Rapid Tac...hehehe
Wet apps are not that complex... shucks, imagine a life where Ford motor company discounted the validity of every other auto manufacturer?! "it's not a real car unless it's a Ford." That would be preposterous.
There are many ways of achieving successful results in almost any undertaking....and the not-so-subtle questioning of the truthfulness of my claim to 20+ years of successful wet apps without your product as a *grand* achievement is kinda disappointing.
But I know how this game works...I've seen this play out many times on this board and others...
The fact is, your product is one of many viable alternatives and I can totally understand anyone who likes to purchase it pre-mixed, and hassle free.
As for me? I've been fully satisfied with the original wet app solution.
I do highly recommend your Rapid Remover though.
Edit: I almost forgot! Wanted to wish everyone a very productive, and successful day - with whatever materials work well for you.
[ June 15, 2005, 12:37 PM: Message edited by: Todd Gill ]
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
What gets me is how you guys want to argue with a paid merchant on this site. He has a tried and proven product and he pays to advertise it here. If this kind of attitude continues, merchants will wonder if its worth it to be an advertiser here.
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
Maybe we should just tell em all to PAY up, or SHUT up?
No offense John D. I love ya guy, but I don't do the party line thing to well.
I mess with Roger cause he pops up EVERYWHERE! If the whole site were filled with "merchants" as verbose as Rapid Rog, what kinda board would this be?
I don't want to be part of the dummmy audience for the Ron Ropiel's of the sign industry.
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Maybe if more merchants "popped in" here...there would be a lot less misinformation!
Stop and look back at how many times bad advice was given in some posts!
When a merchant posts and answer, you can be pretty sure it is the correct info, with maybe a little advertising added.
The problem is that many merchants have to be dragged in here kicking and screaming ...because there are some here who take great delight in trying to show how much smarter they are than the merchants! I would much prefer to have a merchant answering on every other post, than some of the inaccurate stuff people add in.
This thread about Rapid 'stuff' is a good example! maybe Windex, Shaklee, basic H, or soap and water work most of the time. OK use it if you want to... but quit knocking a proven product that most of us would prefer to use!
I used to use the water, detergent and alchol stuff until I discovered Rapid Tac. To me it is worth the few cents per job not to have to worry about a failure! Just one truck job that comes back to haunt you will wipe out a lifetime worth of what you save with your 'home brew'!
Come on kiddies...if you want the merchants to answer questions on here, quit acting like spoiled brats! we are supposed to be professionals...start acting like it!!!!!!!!!!!
Just my 2¢ worth!
[ June 15, 2005, 02:00 PM: Message edited by: Si Allen ]
Posted by Gavin Chachere (Member # 1443) on :
quote:Originally posted by Si Allen: Maybe if more merchants "popped in" here...there would be a lot less misinformation!
Stop and look back at how many times bad advice was given in some posts!
When a merchant posts and answer, you can be pretty sure it is the correct info, with maybe a little advertising added.
The problem is that many merchants have to be dragged in here kicking and screaming ...because there are some here who take great delight in trying to show how much smarter they are than the merchants! I would much prefer to have a merchant answering on every other post, than some of the inaccurate stuff people add in.
This thread about Rapid 'stuff' is a good example! maybe Windex, Shaklee, basic H, or soap and water work most of the time. OK use it if you want to... but quit knocking a proven product that most of us would prefer to use!
I used to use the water, detergent and alchol stuff until I discovered Rapid Tac. To me it is worth the few cents per job not to have to worry about a failure! Just one truck job that comes back to haunt you will wipe out a lifetime worth of what you save with your 'home brew'!
Come on kiddies...if you want the merchants to answer questions on here, quit acting like spoiled brats! we are supposed to be professionals...start acting like it!!!!!!!!!!!
Just my 2¢ worth!
This post should be singled out and made a sticky at the top of this page as a mandantory read,unfortunately those that need it the most will understand it the least.
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
My main point Barry, is that being a merchant gives one the right to jump in on any post that they want basically and pump their product. At least thats the way I understand it. I plan on being a merchant here in the very near future, and if you think Roger is bad, wait til you hear from me. Although part of being a merchant is in my eyes helping the site, it also is a way of getting your stuff out there to the professionals that use it. Alot of letterheads use this site for information and help, and merchants would like for them to also use some of their products Roger included. Im not just singling out Roger either, probably more merchants would do a little hawking if they didnt get reamed when they did. If I remember, in the past, Jim Doggett also got rode a little for hawking his product on here. I dont use every merchant on this site, but try to when I am looking for something I need done. Like Si says, if what you are using is working for you, thats cool, keep on a using it, but dont hawk it here when we have people who pay to do so. All my words are said in what I condsider the best interest of this place, and with no animosity towards anyone. I like everybody. Posted by Hugh Potter (Member # 5748) on :
well i can claim a 100% wet application success rate, and i've been going for errr........ ummmm......well........ oh ok....... about 1 year ! i'm well aware that i've a long way to go in my planned career choice, learnig a trade as i go means i am, and have to be, open to ALL suggestion, of course some of it may not all be the correct information, but this is where we all live and learn,
i dont think anyone is slamming rogers products, some people are just expressing their preferences, if everyone used the same product, their would be no freedom of choice, would there ?
each to their own, and if their own is better than my own (which it most likely is) then i'd be happy to try it / use it instead of mine,
a prep solution would definitely be of beneift to me, as maybe a cleaning product would be, so i may well use them if i can get hold of the samples, If i think they're making a big difference to my quality of work, then i have no qualms about using them,
nearly all my work to date has been auto related, but i do have a few jobs coming up that are either larger than i've attempted before, or are shop premesis,
i will have questons to ask, i'll ask them on a different thread tho, where I'll invite others opinions, and will use that which is the most feasable to me,
let me be straight bere, i am not worried about spending money on certain products if i need to, but i am on a tight budget, i need to earn it before i can spend it, i've invested my last £5k ($10k US) in this, i owe no-one, not even the bank with the exception of a small, and i mean small, overdraught, and i'm happy to keep it this way, but it does mean i have to watch what i spend my money on, which is why, until i've built it up enought to justify a workshop (other than my large wooden shed i plan to move into soon), that i still have a 6yrd long shop facia in my hallway ! everything i earn, or at least 80% of it, go straight back into more vinyl or things i need there and then, like tea and food !!
but i digress !
lets all play nice and accept the fact that we're all different :-)
ps, my dry application also has a 100% success rate, but, getting it on there right in the first place has been less than succesful !
[ June 15, 2005, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: Hugh Potter ]
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
Awright fine! I admit it! I just like to argue!
Rapid tac is a great product. If it were snake oil Roger wouldn't have the success he's enjoyed over the years if it weren't.
I also think Roger does a great job promoting all his products. and I mean that. Even though I don't use it, when someone says "app solution", the first thing even I think of is RAPID TAC...and Roger's penchant for marketing coupled with a good product are the principle reasons for that.
At the same time--SI are you actually saying that we shouldn't reccomend something thaqt is not on Steve's approved vendor list? The guy asked "What works for you?" I told him. For me, it ain't Rapid Tac. I'm not going to tailor what I post based on who does and does not sponsor this site.
P.S. thanks John D. for still likin' me
[ June 15, 2005, 03:14 PM: Message edited by: Barry Branscum ]
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
Whew . . . Well, alritey then . . .who's up for chinese??
Posted by Hugh Potter (Member # 5748) on :
i prefer itialian, couldn't eat a whole one tho !!
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Barry...no problem in mentioning what works for you! Just stop banging us over the head with it! Once you make your point, then shut the #$%@ up and quit knocking the merchants!
OK! You like to argue! Fine! This isn't the place for it! Get on Chat late at nite, Old Paint would love to argue with you! He can talk nonsense with the best of them! Posted by Gavin Chachere (Member # 1443) on :
He might not be available for a few nites,walmart is enslaving him and forcing him to live in the company compoubd against his will,better see how that one pans out first
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
How the frak did I "KNOCK THE MERCHANT"? All I did was talk about an alternative to his product.
But geez ya know you maybe right SI, Roger might not be able to look out for himself.
shame on me. SHAME, I say.
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
quote: I don't want to be part of the dummmy audience for the Ron Ropiel's of the sign industry.
You may not feel like you are knocking him.. But it looks like it from here..
Also, Since I gave testimony for RT does that make me a dummy?
er.. don't answer that...
by the way,, Id like to have my hand in popiele's 100 million.
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Roger makes the best damn bowling ball cleaner I have ever used... bar none. It is safe for plastic, urethane, not to mention proactive and reactive resin balls.
Knockout... it should be the choice of champions!
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
Hey Sheila,
C'mon up! I just put a couple of Angus steaks on the grill.
Posted by Donald Thompson (Member # 3726) on :
I don't do alot of wet applications I use to use Shaklee Basic H. I still have 3/4 of a bottle left. I never had any problem with it.
I still don't do very many wet applications. I use Rapid products now because Roger has supported my past two meets with product and a monetary donation. I have had no problems with Rogers product either. I do LOVE the smell of it. Thanks Again Roger
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
"OK! You like to argue! Fine! This isn't the place for it! Get on Chat late at nite, Old Paint would love to argue with you! He can talk nonsense with the best of them!" and who do i consider the best...well heel the crowd at late nite chat....hahahahahahahahahah
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Barry and Todd, you guys don't know me very well(I'm sure you think you do), you see me as a high preasure salesman.
Well heres some of what drives me; I built a biz. in 1987 with my half brother, he sold out soon after the first year (not makeing enough bread), I hung in there cause I believed in the product and my own business ethics.
I have talked to end users by phone and in person nearly every weekday since 1987, answering questions that sometimes dosn't even pertain to my products, thats important to me.
I care just as much about people getting the benefit of my products as I do getting my money from the sales, it bothers me when I find someone using my product incorrectly, cause thats my pride in all of this.
I went thru 5 slim years workin hard (NEVER compromising on the product quality)we added more quality products to our line (but only those that were safe to use and had great benefits to the users).
I gave away FREE samples from day one, now I give away 15 to 20 thousand dollars per year .
I have always believed in "sharing the wealth" thru sponsering letterhead meets, seminars, trade shows (always with FREE samples and support money) we sponser rase cars, boats, carts, jet skis, snowmobiles. I'm not a rich man, I'm comfortable, and proud of it for the effort I put in for many years.
I'm sure you have noticed I NEVER start a thread about my products, and as well, I NEVER tell anyone that wet is the only way (proof of that is on my website).
People like yourselves make statements about what I say or have said (just like Todd trying to make it sound as though I said Rapid Tac works in "subzero weather temperatures") JUST NOT TRUE, period.
Barry, the people here are not defending me (I think they know I can take care of myself quite well)they are trying to nicely tell you that your obvious intent to discredit me and my products is gettin old.
I also feel there is some negative feelings left over from the confrontation between me and your friend "Brien the brush".
Hey, I'm sure Brien is someone who has givin a lot of help to the folks in this industry too, but maybe its time to move along now, let the past be the past.
I'm ALWAYS going to chip in my opinion (and my FREE samples) when someone posts a comment and more over, a question regarding jobs relateing to my products, you will not change that, ever.
So, try and understand, no one is telling you you have to do or use anything, but I will tell anybody about the detriments of using the wrong things (as do the film manufacturers).
Thats just good advise and should be shared.
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Roger, I still think your company makes the best bowling ball cleaner I have ever used. I have used it on my plastic and urethane balls, as well as my proactive and reactive resin balls with outstanding results.
I was so impressed with the sample I got, I bought a case. I still have four bottles left and you can bet I will be buying another case. It works great.
Thank you for making a great product!
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
...well before we all really tire of discussing the Ron Ropiel's of the sign industry
quote:Originally posted by roger bailey: ...the people here are not defending me (I think they know I can take care of myself quite well)...I'm ALWAYS going to chip in my opinion...
yeah & when your opinion is some misplaced monkeysh*t fight at the zoo that comes out of left field attacking your own imaginary demons... you take care of yourself quite well allright... by disregarding Steve's public request to clean up your BS post & ignoring 2 IM's from me questioning a completely unprovoked attack... you showed me that you care of yourself quite well by burying your head in the sand!
Don't get me wrong... RT products are great but it's a good thing your products speak for themselves, because now that I've seen how the man behind them handles himself... well, anyone want a used hat?
...OK y'all can get back to singing yer praises again.
[ June 16, 2005, 04:17 AM: Message edited by: Doug Allan ]
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
..................um....what Doug said!
seriously though, Roger...I've done nothing but PICK at you...name one thing I have said to DISCREDIT anything you sell?
Do I have to go back up and quote myself? I said it before, and I will say it again, I am sure that all the products you offer are good ones, or you wouldn't still be doing what you do as well as you do, but I also believe that there's hype to it too. Rapid Tac won't cure cancer, no matter what some folks claim.
That said, you talk about me not knowing you.....well I find that to be pretty frickin' presumptuous considering your cracks about "BriEn the Brush"....I have to question where you got that particular MISinformation, but I have some pretty good ideas (those who know what I mean know who I'm talkin' to)...But I will say it definitively: "I HAVE NEVER EVEN MET the man. I don't know him, anymore than I know DOug Allen, with whom I have exchanged a few emails from time to time, that's it!
Could be, Rog, and unnamed source, that BriEn and I, or whoever, just happen to have the same opinion on things. That doesn't make us buddies.
It doesn't make us some sort of conspiracy gangig up on you to "discredit your products".
The stuff works, you have near universal acclaim, and seems that the overwhelming majority of folks think you hung the moon!
Why then get so defensive, just 'cause lil' ol' me, and a few others, use something else?
I NEVER said, Rapid Tac SUCKS, or RT doesn't work...but you sure did--about the stuff I use here. Lumped it in with "Amway"...who's trying to discredit whaT?
Hugh asked what folks use. the predictable and most widely expected answer to that is RT. The guy's just gettin started...he's in the UK, trying to watch his pennies, and RT is pricey over there, Basic H ain't. It works, and well from my own personal experience, even if RT has it whipped in the smell good department, so I offered it to the guy as a much less expensive option. We exchanged emails, he was happy, his questions were answered--he's obviously interested in RT too--and I honestly don't care what he uses, so why all this?
I never got personal Roger..I was always "Just playin". Why don't we quit before we get started ere, whaddaya say?
[ June 16, 2005, 09:20 AM: Message edited by: Barry Branscum ]
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Ok Bruce,
I'm starting to squirm around in my chair listening to you braggin' about cleaning your balls...hehehehehe
But you make a great point: It's hard to score with dirty balls. Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Did I say that??!!
Posted by Mike O'Neill (Member # 470) on :
Ever wonder why Advertisers have a love-hate relationship with Letterville????
Before posting, some people should reflect on exactly how public letterville is. A lot of things could be addressed in personal emails or messages...
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
"Cracks about Brien the Brush" ??????? WHAT? Now what are you talkin about Barry ?
Let me see if I have this right; 1- I'm attacking you and Brien ?
2- Somehow using Amways' name next to Shaklee means I'm talkin derogitory ?
3 stateing that I have been applying "preasure sensitive films" for 40 years now, means I'm insulting your 20 year failure free acclaim ?
4- I go around making large untrue claims about my products ?
5- You think I am allowed to post advise or opinions or comment on my products far too much ?
6- (last but not least) do I understand you think you are just "playin with me" ? Huuummmm?
So if your neighbor started in on how overpriced your signs are, and how he thinks you shouldn't bother people by passing around your business cards or flyers, or talkin about some sign work at church, well you get the point. I think you may be a little annoyed with this kind of treatment from your neighbor, and you probably wouldn't see it as "playin" Know what I mean Barry ?
Now quote me on this , these are all questions and opinions, so quote me right, PLEASE !
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
1. I never said you were attacking me. Do YOU consider what you're doing an attack?
2. Lumping Shaklee in with Amway is an attempt to generalize a specific product...piggybacking off of the general negative opinion of MLM's in general
3. I never claimed to have a 20 year failure free claim. As far as wet app'in' goes, I've only got 12.
4. Dunno what you're talking about.
5. Dunno about the allowed to part, but you are verbose and loquacious.
6. I AM just playing. Do you wanna fight?
UNNUMBERED: Unfair analogy. We aren't in competition. I never said ya shouldn't do it. I jsut said "Gee you do it A LOT"
Besides I HAVE neighbors like that...who say I'm far too pricey. ANd God love 'em for it. I KNOW what I make and I know what it's worth. I still dominate the region in terms of sign production (that ain't really sayin' much), so stick and stones and all that...blah blah blah.
Roger, you rule the roost on all things wet and...sticky, trust me! I ain't hurting RT. Heck you should pay me for this kinda exposure.
Now, let's smile and nod and go play somewhere else like good boys. Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Right Barry !
See yaaaaaa Roger
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
quote: I mess with Roger cause he pops up EVERYWHERE! If the whole site were filled with "merchants" as verbose as Rapid Rog, what kinda board would this be?
You sit around and bitch about vendors who WON'T come to the board and answer people's questions about products, problems, whatever and then when we do have someone like Roger who is here, readily available, offering free samples, hats, etc you lambast him. Make up your freakin' mind.
If you like the product, use it and help pass the word that it's a great product. If you don't like a product or have had a SPECIFIC problem with it, mention the problem in the SPECIFIC context in which you had the problem. Do NOT criticize a product that you do not even use.
quote: Awright fine! I admit it! I just like to argue!
So go buy a mirror and argue with it. Did it ever dawn on you that the rest of us are tired of listening to your inane rantings?
Instead of having some respect for the fact that Steve and Barb have been going through some MAJOR stuff this week, you have added to the problem. Do you think that Steve needs anymore stress in his life????? He had a device implanted into his heart on Monday in the hopes that he will be able to stay alive!!! Do you realize that you are adding to his problems?!?!?!
I have resisted replying to this thread for days but I refuse to keep my mouth shut any longer. Maybe you should try keeping yours shut though - might be a refreshing change. Come on back when you have something positive to say. Don't bother flaming me, I'm not interested.
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
Thanks Kim. Very astute and incisive comments there.
In reply, NO. I complain when STEVE bars them from responding till they've ponied up.
Ya think that is attracting merchants?
anD AS FOR roG. i NEVER CRITICIZED THE PRODUCT, i DIDN'T EVEN CRITICIZE him. It all started when I discovered it wasn't PC to endorse an app solution that was not bought and paid for. This thing continued for what 2 days without me having to post a bloody thing, so don't be laying it all on me.
As for criticizing....I have never spoken to anyone here in as insulting a fashion as you just did me...so you might be the one needing a mirror to rant at.
I know ya don't like me Kim, but god loves ya anyway.
[ June 16, 2005, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: Barry Branscum ]
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
I'm not re-joining this debate, however I would ask that Roger spell Brian's name correctly. It seems purposefully degrading to misspell a man's name.
A man's name is very important to him....and proper debate etiquette includes respecting the person, if not their opinion.
Since Brian isn't here to defend his honor, you can at least spell his name correctly.
If this is an argument instead of a debate...then I suppose etiquette is of no consequence.
Even partisan members of congress address each other as "my dear friend from....."
You didn't see George Bush publicly calling Al Gore "Hal" Gore or vice versa during their debates.
Here ye, here ye....this has been a public service announcement from Potterville. Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Kimberly, you are one of those I respect the most around here, but I have to respectfully disagree with a few points.
First I don't see the inconsistancy in Barry's contributions on the 2 threads you mention. He wanted another vendor to continue a discussion that a repeat appearance by the vendor seemed strangely overdue... only to find out that vendor was not being allowed to revisit the discussion. Rog is never guilty of being strangely overdue from revisiting a discussion... not that there'e anything wrong with that...
second, I think Rog, & even your post (& mine) are all guilty of fanning the fire here... but this is a discussion forum, with a lot of people... & lots to discuss... people do not all agree. It is hard work for a moderator & I sincerely pray for Steve to have the best possible outcome with the health challenges he faces, as I'm sure Barry does... as I'm sure you know.
I really don't think anyone should try to judge who or what is contributing to his life threatening health challenges, rather then just contributing to a discussion.(albeit one going nowhere)
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Ok, its now over 100 , lets give this thread a rest, as well as everyone tied to it. All positive that can be gained, has.
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
Barrry my friend
YOur OCD is showing,,,
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
Dang Curtis! Thanks. I thought I had that tucked in. How embarrasing!! Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
I agree with Roger. (Imagine that) Le's jes hush now, chil'ren.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
all positive gain occurred long before 100... but yeah, like they say "stick a fork in it..."
Posted by Suelynn Sedor (Member # 442) on :
I just gotta know....do you guys purposely wait until Steve is down to spout this **** because you know you can get away with it, or are you really like this all the time and Steve babysits and removes posts to spare us from all this crap???
This is not the first time this has happened.
quote: As for criticizing....I have never spoken to anyone here in as insulting a fashion as you just did me...so you might be the one needing a mirror to rant at.
Now, at least that is funny!!
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
yeah. we're layin in wait Sue. The horse is dead ...honest. get off his back 'fore somebody sees ya. yer embarrassing yourself.
[ June 16, 2005, 01:41 PM: Message edited by: Barry Branscum ]
Posted by KARYN BUSH (Member # 1948) on :
i don't think suelynn has to worry about embarrassing herself. you on the other hand have the Master's Touch! Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Just out of curiosity Barry, (good name) does the name of your biz. relate to your relegious faith ?
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
It can't be dead yet, we haven't had anyone spouting out bible quotes claiming they tell us what application fluid to use.
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
Glad to see you fine folks ain't lost your pitchforks and torches.
Them bible thumpers they're the REAL bad ones....fry 'em all I say.
great strategy guy's, way to make it personal.
and you claim I have no tact.
Take your witch hunt elsewhere.
Posted by Nevman (Member # 332) on :