So, this morning I'm doing my usual exercise, inline skating on the local pathway.
One lap around the loop is 3.6 miles and usually I either do 1 lap in a flat out sprint speedskater style, 2 laps at a brisk pace (13-15MPH average) or 3 laps at a moderate pace (10-12MPH).
Then on some 3-lap days I mix it up with intervals, sprinting like mad for a couple minutes with a couple minutes at moderate pace in between.
Today was just a regular 3 lap day... except it turned into 5 laps (18 miles for the mathematically challenged) and the last two laps I did in all intervals. I just didn't feel like 3 laps was enough challenge so I had to keep going.
HO......LEE........ Crap
I feel awesome right now, in a wiped-out, aching, taking the rest of the day off kinda way..
My 29th birthday is coming up June 21st... I figure plenty of time for training for a new goal I set today while melting my wheels onto the pavement (literally, I go through so many dang wheels it's NOT funny) ...
June 21st - 29 miles... How much harder could another 3 laps be?? (plus a little extra distance)
What are your next immediate fitness goals?
Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
To get to the gym one day again PERIOD!
I've been so consumed with work, getting the house ready to sell and Cody, = no time for me.
And I can really tell. My strength and indurance have VANISHED. I don't feel buff any longer and am totally sluggish.
I need to get back on track. Trouble is, I have to take time away from work in order to do it. No end in sight to my vicious circle as yet.
Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
Been running up and down scaffold most of the week painting signs! Beats skating and gym anytime cause I get paid for it too!
Selling the homestead Donna?
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Jeez I had to re-read Donna's post, I skimmed it and thought she was trying to sell Cody...
Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :
Well, we are back on schedule after a number of setbacks. A bad bout of the flu knocked us out of action for four weeks, then the flippin pool at the Y flooded and the weight room and excercise room were closed for a month and a half.....the pool remained open wouldn't you know it. Then another bout with the flu for three weeks Basically, I'm right where I left off with the weight machines, haven't lost any strength, the cardio machines are another story, damn near like starting over.
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
I quit my old gym, and signed on for a group fitness program at a new gym. A savings for me of 33 bux a month. I'm taking Step and Toning classes there 1 to 3 times a week.
I'm still running 2-4 times a week.
I bought a pair of roller blades recently, and all the safety gear that goes along with that (sent you an email on that subject a while back Mike ) So my immediate goal is to get my butt out and skate! Still haven't broken those babies in yet.
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
"Welcome to Nettie's Inline Skate Resort: a vacation for your skates"
Sounds like your skates got the good life, mine would be jealous so we just won't tell them there are skates that get a day or two off work. Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
ive had a backward progression in the weight dept. was doin good untill the hurricane last sept. after that it became a eat when ya can, tryin to work and clean up which is STILL GOING ON! then nov-dec having the bladder cancer and cant do much except lay around and eat. then th surgury in jan, 2 days in the hospital and not eating for 4 days...IS A QUICK WAY TO LOSE 20 POUNDS! but then my appitite came back and was told no physical work for 6 weeks...took care of the 20 pounds loss. now after having the 90 day checkup and the great news iam FIXED...i can now start back at loosein some of the poundage i put on....has any of you tried the new SLOW CHURNED EDEY'S ICE CREAM????? 1/2 THE you can eat twice as much....hahahahahahahahaahaha it is really good!!! but alas that will be the last time i eat it. had it for my birthday party!!!!!
Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
LOL OP, kind of like, take a look at those that drink diet sodas. Did it work for them? LOL
Posted by Gary Hove (Member # 4970) on :
My new fitness goal is to get my fire combat challenge time below 2 min. SO, I am hitting the weights hard and cardio, cardio,and more cardio. Last weekend the team relay and two of us qualified to go to the Canadian nationals in Sept.
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
I just might actually reach this goal afterall!
I amped it up today and did a 21.6 mile skate... I was sore earlier but I don't even feel it now.
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
Mike, how long did it take you to skate that far yesterday? I'm just trying to get an idea how much time is invested to skate that distance.
When I finally start skating, I think I'll be more concerned with not falling, than racking up miles. hahahahaa I'll probably be just a recreational skater. For distance training I do better with a bicycle or sneaks. At least at this point.
I ran 7.5 miles yesteday. It took me about 80 minutes. I usually just go between 4-6 miles because it takes up less time.
I saw a cool quote the other day. It said "it's not fitness, it's life."
That's pretty much how I see it too.
There's no doubt that you'll make this goal Mike. You are very disciplined and goal oriented. You have the drive and stick-to-it-ness that it takes. Have you met your weight goals now?
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
It took me 1hr 55 minutes. I normally average 5 minutes per mile, which I did the first 4 laps (14.4 miles) but then laps 5 and 6 I slowed it down a little.
When I reached the bench at the end of the loop I checked my heart rate: 135bpm - Perfect! - that's right at the bottom of the range where the body is more efficient at burning fat and I was hardly breathing any heavier - a good workout in my book.. lots of exercise wthout losing breath.
I never achieved a specific weight goal, my lowest was 225 back in.... August?, I think I posted about it then... but since then I haven't obsessed over weight.
That's a good thing because right now I'm hovering around the 245-250lb mark, but I've stacked on quite a bit of muscle.
Let me put it this way.. last December my thighs, measured around the peak of my quadriceps, were each 25". Now they are each 30" - heh, considering a men's waist size of 34" is considered average, well... WHEW! Biceps are 18" now too.
Today I just skated 3.6 miles so i could get *some* exercise yet still give my body a chance to recover from yesterday... there are some blisters creeping up, one of em on the bottom of a toe.
Oh yeah... my appetite yesterday was amazing after skating like that..