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Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
I took the plunge and spent the day making 5 gallons of marinara sauce. I get this panicked feeling when there isn't a bunch in the freezer. The easiest dinner on the planet is heating up a portion of marinara sauce, cooking some pasta, making a quick green salad and hoping that you have a nice bottle of chianti sitting in the wine rack.

I also spent part of the morning doing web research for work. Our golf course is a primo place to have a wedding - we have the best sunset views anywhere around - and we're trying to get hooked up with wedding sites to showcase our location.

So...what did you do today?
Posted by Artisan Signs (Member # 3146) on :
Got Poison Ivy [Frown]
Posted by jack wills (Member # 521) on :

Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
LOL, I mean..uh gee too bad Bob....clorox it . . .

Worked on-site today . . .today was an ongoing extension of yesterday and monday afternoon, when it was about 97 . . .

So I started an on-site job Monday by drill-brushing chunks of rust & peeling paint off of a 7x9 ornate wrought-iron sign frame . . . this included about 200ft of extension cords . . . . . .and do you know how much stuff sticks to your entire being when it's slinging off a spinning wire brush??

Then I ate, slept, and got up Teusday and resumed, when the maintenance guy came out and said they had the closer outlet fixed...which is less that 25ft away (roll all but one cord back up) . . . also managed to get the entire thing primed & painted . . .

Then I ate, slept and went back today and installed the sign panel and took a long lunch . . .

It was only 88o today, and even tho' the office usually only cuts checks on the 1st, the maintenance guy got my check cut before I was done [Smile]

Then, he sent me to another church to replace a sign and...
clean and paint the frame [Roll Eyes] . . . .

...sign biz . . .
same-ol'- same-ol' everyday . . . .

Just wonderin' Kimberly . . .how long does it take to go through 5 gallons of marinara sauce? [Big Grin] [Razz]

I typically only get that 'panicked' feeling if we are about to run out of toilet tissue . . . . [Big Grin] [Razz]
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Sheila don't have a short answer for anything. [Wink]

I shot some jewelry photos for a client - my dad. Best part is, he pays. [Smile]
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Sat through 3 hour of a movie on Noam Chomsky..
About the control of Government and Media over the population of North America.

Sat down and wrote a 5 page article on the subject of how media is the control of people....
Keeping up with the Jones!
And how the corporations wants your money.

We got to spent it somewhere!!!!!!!!!!

How to skillfully turn golden debloms around...
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
I'm so sorry.





How's that Pimp . . . [Big Grin] [Razz]
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Total Blank!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ May 25, 2005, 07:58 PM: Message edited by: Stephen Deveau ]
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :

[ May 25, 2005, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: Stephen Deveau ]
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :

[ May 25, 2005, 07:53 PM: Message edited by: Stephen Deveau ]
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Zip, zero, nadda...Unless you consider reading a book, sitting in the sun, working on restoring a tan while drinking a beer to be an acomplishment!!! (which I kind of do!!! [Rolling On The Floor] )
Posted by Dale Manor (Member # 4858) on :
Started laying out my next great masterpiece...

It's a self portrait!

I will paint myself, painting a Duff mural on the side of Moe's tavern on this lovely metal cabinet.


well. I tried to upload the picture????

Off to start painting...


[ May 26, 2005, 12:02 PM: Message edited by: Dale Manor ]
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
I welded 6,253 scales on the dragon [Smile]

-grampa dan
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
Oh yeah... and I mowed the lawn and hugged Phoebe (Janis too!)

-grampa dan
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
I did twice as much as Jack!

[Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor] [Rolling On The Floor]
Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
Dale ... it's [/IMG] on the end to get you pic posted

Posted by KARYN BUSH (Member # 1948) on :
met with a client, did 4 layouts, changed my moose mania meet logo 3 more times...more change to come...paid bills, laminated some stuff i should have cut too...thought about routing more stuff...but have to clean off the table from the other day. made 7 call backs, forgot to order something(glad i just remembered) and...gasp...don't tell anyone...i actually cooked really not takeout...i grilled...well i started to and my hubby finished it cause i got distracted(a leaf fell off a tree) and things started to burn...pork should be cook thoroughly anyway right?
i have so much to do tomorrow! wish this ambien would kick in so i can sleep.
all in was a spendid day.
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
I had a busy day yesterday, and got a lot of little things off my list. Phone calls, estimating, invoicing and then a bunch of little errands.

Among the highlights were finally going in to my old gym to quit. (I've switched gyms recently.), meeting w/ a client picking up a completed print order, ran off 500 decals on my printer, and also ran myself 4+ miles on the treadmill. [Smile]

Made a nice grilled salmon dinner last night, with canteloupe & strawberries for dessert. (yum) Then watched for the winner on American Idol.

Today is another full day. I've got a truck scheduled for lettering this morning, a bunch of decals to package up and send out, bills to pay, and my lawn to mow ..... among a gazillion other little things to do. Tonight I meet with my bike group for a good ride.

Happy Thursday Everyone!
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
put out a bush fire this morning (I think Harris must have been asleep [Wink] ) - some jerk lit two fires sometime after midnight, and we lost about 25 - 27 acres of grass. The neighbours lost only about an acre, 2 miles away at the same time. Nearly had it under control & it flared up again at noon with a wind change. It's calm now. It had to be arson, as it's too cold & dewey for any accidental spark to do any damage during the night.

Then I went to town to erect four signs for a new recording studio- not as exciting, nor as infuriating!

Dale, here you are :


[ May 26, 2005, 09:52 AM: Message edited by: Ian Stewart-Koster ]
Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
Installed stripes on a firetruck, then came home and painted the entire wrap around veranda.

Made a nice steak dinner for the first time in 2 months or so.

Then the horse was picked up (found her a good kiddie training facility, horse is 25), then went outside to run off some stress and played baseball and bocce ball on the lawn with Cody and Randy.

It ended up being a very good day despite losing my horsie. [Frown]
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
Coated 3 signs
Fired a customer
Finished an HDU job
Scanned and converted a bear's face
Cut 40 SQ FT of vinyl
Pinstriped a truck
Made a slice of pizza out of gorilla glue

'bout typical around here... [For Your Information]
Posted by Suelynn Sedor (Member # 442) on :
Ran around like a chicken with my head cut off...did manage to get lots of work out the door. Today is more of the same.

I'd love your marinara recipe!!

Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
put me down for that recipe too Kimberly!
Posted by Amy Brown (Member # 1963) on :
Yesterday (25th) I watched my daughter do a speech as Laura Ingalls Wilder and graduate from Kindergarten. We then went to a schoolwide swimming party. It was great. I can't believe she's going into first grade already.

Then I got home and discovered that the video I did of the speeches was hosed. Everytime I thought I was hitting record I was pausing instead and missed all of it. I was balling my eyes out because I already accidentally taped over her Christmas program. She gave me a hug and said, "It's OK mom, I really liked the dancing part better anyway!" Gotta love this kid. I'm hoping to get a copy from another parent.

Then last night we went out and had some Margaritas and Mr. Pibb's (for the kiddies) along with some mexican food.

I haven't done anything but be a mommy for the last two weeks. I sure wish it paid more!! But I like it that way!
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
My daughter came over yesterday to work in the office, bringing my 18 month old grandson to “help”, so my day went something like this:

Played with grandson. Worked on drawings. Got slobbered on pen out of grandson’s mouth. Cut sandblast mask. Played with grandson. Undid changes grandson made to drawing while pounding on keyboard. Worked on bids. Played with grandson. Cut sandblast mask. Re registered plotter and drawing to continue cutting mask after grandson turned off computer while plotting. Pushed objects on desk farther away from prying hands, knocking some off other side. Returned phone calls. Got grandson away from refrigerator in break area. Replaced contents of refrigerator. Pulled grandson away from bookshelf (he will definitely be able to climb ladders installing signs in the future). Made work order. Got grandson out of recycle bin. Took video of grandson trying to wear sunglasses. Worked on drawings for permit application. Soothed grandson after he bumped head on plotter table (someday he’ll learn he can’t run under it any more). Dan can relate to days like this. It was a GREAT day!

After grandson left, completed 52 pages of paperwork for three Dallas sign permits. Finished drawings, work orders and cutting sandblast mask. Missed grandson.
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
Awwwww David. That was so sweet. . . .
and thanx for that grand-parental preview . . . whew . . .YOU sir, had a really busy day. [Smile]

Oh Amy . . .someday, when she's driving off to college, you'll be saying . . ."I have'nt done anything but be mommy for 18 years . . .now what?"

Keep on soakin' it up girl. Time flies. [Wink]
Posted by Janet Bakewell (Member # 725) on :
I got a lot accomplished this morning, but have hit "panic mode" this afternoon.

I've got about 18 4'x8' signs to build for sponsors for a fishing derby. As the derby isn't until July 1, I've been procrastinating (of course) and was planning on starting them next week - haven't even designed them yet. However, one of the sponsors phoned me this morning to tell me that the signs must be provided to the organizers by June 1. #^*%!@#&!

If anyone's interested - it's a REALLY big tournament - $100,000 (CDN - sorry) first prize, and a $1,000,000 fish!

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