One of the most critical elements of our success is believing in one's self. We must have self confidence to sell effectively.
This isn't about simply being full of pride... quite the contrary. The confidence I speak of is very different.
Our self confidence must be earned by hands-on experience in what you are selling. I speak often of passion and this too is a big part of the equation.
I read a great deal, and am constantly on the lookout for new ideas and methods to apply to our work. Every project is a calculated stretch of the things we have learned in the past.
When it comes time to make a sale I KNOW without a doubt we will be able to pull the job off in a creative, timely and effective manner - even if we venture into new territory.
When I sit down at my design board I am confident I will be able to come up with an award winning design which will effectively serve my cusstomer's needs. Doubt doesn't enter my mind... and why should it for there is always a solution to be had with a little work and a bunch of creativity.
I see so many folks who set themselves up for failure or at the very least a second rate project... for they go into it thinking they CAN'T do better.
For us it is quite the opposite. I believe I can sell the very best and most outrageous. I believe my customers deserve the same. If for some reason they want lessthan that I send them down the road... obviously they want LESS than what I am capable of and I don't go there.
-grampa dan
Posted by Julio Tome (Member # 4701) on :
Inspiring words Dan. Believe me I am trying to take all your advice to heart. Now if I could only decide on the new name?????
Posted by Nancie W. Phillips (Member # 3484) on :
Dan...Not only are you talented, you are full of wisdom. I think the truth in your words pretty much sums up what attracts people to anything marketable...or is what makes a comodity marketable. Maybe the lack of value in ourselves and the work of our own creation is why many creative people struggle with getting what they're worth. It does definately start with an inward belief in ones self. This is an area I am currently working on myself. Thanks for the inspiration! And Dan, you're right, being a grampa MUST BE one of the most wonderful things in the world!!! Being a momma is too!
Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
Hey... can I just stand next to you in Mazeppa, and try to soak up some of your vibes thru osmosis??
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
I believe I am going to go have a Pepsi!
Posted by David Wright (Member # 111) on :
Gee, I thought this was going to be a spiritual post. I don't know what to believe anymore.
Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :
Dan: it is a spiritual post. It is something that if we can grasp it through osmosis it will be of benefit to everyone, because if we understand the principle of what you are saying, we can apply it to our individual stations.
Thanks for continuing to be inspiring and positive, and staying out of the stuff that riles me. We, I suppose, all have our own places to make a difference.
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
I don't like it when someone wants me to do something other than my best either, and shouldn't ever ask anyone to do less than that either. This logic would have me ask the less talented to go beyond their limits rather than ask the most skilled to go backwards. Everyone advances in a respectful manner.