I need a source for faux glue chip clear sign vinyl. Seems to be difficult to locate a source, I hope it isn't discontinued.
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
I don't remember any film that imitates glue chipped glass, although Advantage Sign Supply, Hyatt's, and Ameriban has the film that looks like etched glass.
Posted by Pat Mackle (Member # 3708) on :
Thank you Ray, I've just located the source for the glue chip vinyl sample I had seen. It is a Stained Glass Overlay (SGO) product and can only be applied by them (a franchise owner only situation) so I'll have them apply the glue chip last..
Posted by Chris Lovelady (Member # 2540) on :
could you maybe share the site with us this is some thing i would like to see...interesting!
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
I thought Newark had some films that might fit this. I know they had some print designs. They might have a imiataion glue chip.
Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
Hiya Pat, Check out Outwater Plastics. They have several different films available. Glass Films or www.outwater.com