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Posted by Dawn Ellis (Member # 3529) on :
Could someone please tell me how to remove fonts from Signlab? I've been adding fonts to my hearts content and am concerned that I have WAAY TOO MANY in there. I'm computerly challenged so a step-by-step would be appreciated. Thanks.
Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :
What version are you running, Dawn?
Posted by Dawn Ellis (Member # 3529) on :
Signlab E6.1.
Posted by Jim Upchurch (Member # 209) on :
That's the version I have Dawn. What kind of fonts are you wanting to uninstall? Signlab doesn't have a limit as far as I know, outside of the usual Windows limitations of True Type fonts residing in memory. You can remove those in Windows and reset Signlabs database in the install fonts program and reinstall TT fonts by selecting the box. You can uninstall them individually under Font Manager if you prefer to take the time.

VEF and PFB fonts don't reside in memory so there's no problemo. I had about 5,000 at one time but it was too much to search through so I reduced things considerably but it didn't effect the program outside of slightly longer startup times.
Posted by Tony Ray Mattingly (Member # 469) on :
Why not just create a favorite list and just ignore the others? I mean once they are gone they are gone.
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
The Fonts themselves may not reside in memory, But the registry does. The registry has a list of every sign font installed on your machine. That itself will add unnecessary burdens to your machine.

Another list is created every time you open another application that uses fonts. This slows load time and uses up memory in a different way. You application may croak trying to list 2000 fonts.
Posted by Jim Upchurch (Member # 209) on :
Curtis, like I said, I had over 5,000 with no ill effects except a few more seconds at startup.
If you want access to all those fonts it isn't an unnecessary burden.

What other applications do with TT fonts isn't going to effect Signlab unless you are pushing the limits of your memory and with 500 megs I can run Signlab, Photoshop, Corel, and whatever else I want.
Posted by Dawn Ellis (Member # 3529) on :
Curtis, your information makes sense. I know I easily have 2000 fonts. Also a Signlab tech told me that SL doesn't like more than 900 fonts, it may crash with more. Which I've been experiencing. Do I need to go into my Windows font folder and remove fonts from there? Would I put them on a disk or another folder? Do I need to go into SL itself and do any removing? I can't find a remove/uninstall command in SL. Probably could keep looking. Thanks everyone for your replies.
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
I would recommend a good font manager. That way you can de-activate the fonts you rarely use but still leave them on the machine. I would be willing to bet that many of those fonts are duplicates or even triplicate but with different names. You will see that in your font manager gives you previews.

900 fonts will take up about 64 k of ram. So if you have 3 times that you will take up 3 x 64K.

Thats mighty presious real estate when you got some graphic rendering. And then, If you have signlab running with its undo level set high you will soon run out of memory and will have a page fault crash.

The undo.. Its a page in the memory that records every thing you do while drawing. Every change makes a new page. Draw just one line and thats another page. Draw then remove a line thats another page. Move a line of text and thats another page. Got a drawing thats around 150k in size with 30 changes and your up there in ram usage.


The fonts may not reside in memory, but their listing does via the registry. 900 fonts use up about 64k of ram via the registry. The registry resides in memory. XP don't choke on fonts. But, XP gags when you use up the memory.
Posted by Dawn Ellis (Member # 3529) on :
Thanks Curtis. Looks like I should buy Corel 12 or whatever and learn how to use it's Font Navigator that so many people like. What do you think?
Posted by Jim Upchurch (Member # 209) on :
With the billion or so entries in the registry I don't see a large font list as a factor. Install any Norton product and watch your registry go ballistic. XP does handle memory better than previous versions so that is a consideration. I removed quite a few to make things simpler and never had a problem with memory at 500 megs. But then again I never had the need to undo something backwards 30 times when I could just save it and work on a copy. We all choose different methods.

If a tech said Signlab doesn't like over 900 fonts I'd imagine he referred to True Type fonts since the program installs 1100+ native fonts by default plus whatever you have loaded for TT fonts if you decide to use them.
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
yes, font navigator is a good one..
And, corel 12 is a really good program
Posted by Hubert Furey (Member # 3951) on :

The issue with 900 fonts is specific to TT fonts and SignLab version 5.

SignLab does not store any VEF, PFB, WFN font information inside windows other than the location of the SignLab font database. You can install as many of these as you want and it will not affect windows registry. SignLab uses an internal font database for managing fonts.

SignLab does access TT fonts directly from windows fonts folder. Installing lots of TT fonts may affect computer performance.

To uninstall fonts from SignLab, go to the Font Detective. Use your Text Tool to get into Font Mode and then click on the blue F. The font detective will open. You can search for specific fonts and then uninstall them from this window.

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