Following Kissy's wildly popular and successful word related posts, I thought this one might be fun....go first, I'm thinking.
[ February 28, 2005, 01:37 PM: Message edited by: Todd Gill ]
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Well, I'll go ahead as I just thought of one....
1.) Riproid - the sphincter customer that brings in a competitor's design in hopes you can give them a lower price.
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
Todd . . did you know there's a game 'show' program that comes on National Public Radio called "Wait...wait, don't tell me" . . .?
(Comes on Sunday's here)
Part of the program is where the three regular performers are given a really unusual, but real word. One of them is given the real definition and the other two others have to make up a definition that sounds very feasible. The call-in guest player has to decide which one is giving the correct definition . . .I't gets pretty hilarious some of the actual words and crazy definitions they come up with . . .
I make up words all the time when we are cuttin' up on jobs and such . . .they just tend to happen from the spontaneous craziness that occurs under strange circumstances, or boredom to due to lack of them . . .
and for the life of me . . .I can't think of one right this minute . . . Posted by William Holohan (Member # 2514) on :
As in:
I gave Irish the project and emester up.
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
LOL Mr. Holihan . . .
OK Todd . . .I just recalled one from the other day!! . . .it came to me because of playing with Doug about the word 'cosmic' . . .(it might even be a real word . . .but I ain't sure . . .lol)
Karmatic, the ongoing, inevitable activity due to the karma-like influences of the saying: "What goes around comes around" n. Karmatically
woops, also: Karamatic or Karmamatic, additional automatic costs for pain in the butt customers.
(In the following case, a customer who is known for her un-ending ability to give greif to all contractors was warned about the possible difficulties and costs of her sign installation, which turned out to be harder to dig then we even thought possible . . .lol) . . .
"This is a karmatically engineered post hole that is going to add a kar'amatic additional cost!! LOL! Reserved soley for the customer's who continously spew bad karma!!"
You'd have to know this lady-customer to fully understand....or ya probably DO know her by another name in another town . . . . . .
LOL Todd . . .we can go on for hours abusing any concept like this on job site.
"Man...she's got bad 'Karmal' . . .she ain't sweet at ALL!"
This is what happens when you get 'Mr. Wizard' the electrician guy, and that 'sign lady' with the sarcastic wit together to install a sign . . .'Murphy' always shows up too and all sense of seriousness, propriety or remorse is thrown out and replaced with assinine comic relief. Actually, this is by design in order to abort any anger and frustration which might erupt into carelessly slung cuss words and tools . . . . . .
[ February 28, 2005, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: Sheila Ferrell ]
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
posteriorlarious: assinine comic relief
Posted by jimmy chatham (Member # 525) on :
shelia if someone is a pain in the butt turn over. hehe
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
BTW Sheila, I think this game you mention is available in a box and possibly called Balderdash? We used to play it without anything but a dictionary. We called it dictionary. How about "pictionary" though!!! that would be a great game among sign makers late at the hotel between Letterhead meet events (I actually also drew a pretty mean hangman in my parenting days)
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
WORK hanging out at
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
I was sure Joey was mistaken but I checked Webster's and it's in there! Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
heistarting...the act of taking artwork that was never paid for and using it on your business cards as if you had.
Posted by Peter Schuttinga (Member # 2821) on :
aswipe - what toilet paper really is
crapperwrapper - see above
kurtains - what you get when you apply way too much paint and there are a series of connected runs.
sploosh - a sound made when something valuable falls into the water
aromarticulation - a natural venting of sorts
Posted by Del Badry (Member # 114) on :
Diaflusis of the Blowhole.....the only know disease that is shared with whales and humans! Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Peter & Del....
Joey....these are made up words...not real ones. Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
None of the words I make up would make it through the automatic censorship here.....
such as...
****wad a**wipe
Posted by Rick Chavez (Member # 2146) on :
Tight, Sweet and Radical....
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Kissy... you just need to make up words faster then the censorship filters can be updated... I'm afraid you made up those words waaaay too long ago to expect to slip them under the radar... lets hear some ripe new tongue-lashings for the modern day
Posted by Mark Yearwood (Member # 2723) on :
We actually use these... it gets crazy here.
(a)Something warped out of shape or that moves around while you are working on it. (b)A phenomenon involving something that moves while you are working on it. (c)The result of wreckless driving also pronounced rassyfrex.
Shwoosting ...usually goes hand in hand with chassisflex. Example: "Man you really went shwoosting when your ladder chassisflexed!"
Frow you water. Make the paint frow. The layout must have good frow. Smooth frowing curves. Frow out the trash.
Posted by James Donahue (Member # 3624) on :
OK, this is dumb, but you guys reminded me of it. It's a word I actually use, when mixing or pouring paint.
I guess it would be spelled Balook. Pronounced buh-luke. When you grab a gallon of stirred paint that's got the lid off, and quickly pour just the right amount wherever you need it, by instinct. Not limited to, but especially applies to mixing colors. "Qickly poured" as in almost thrown in there. On the upward stroke, the can is often rotated so as to 'cut' through the stream of paint, leaving no mess on the side of the can.
If I thought about it any length of time, I could probably come up with numerous others, as I'm always describing make believe sound effects for actions or things moving. Even things that don't make sound, MUST have a comic book sound effect assigned to them. THEY MUST! Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
Lewd-n-crusteous . . .a take-off on the word 'ludicrous', it is a laughable word for a dirty old man who is lewd & crusty . . .
"EEEuuuuww!! Did you see what he tried to do!?!He's totally lewd-n-crusteous!!"
Yet another example of trying to cope via comedy in a mad, mad, mad world . . . Posted by James Donahue (Member # 3624) on :
Sheila, somebody ought to give the guy you described one of those fight scenes from the original Batman and Robin series.
"biff! Bam! POW! crunch! (words written across TV screen for better effect.) Posted by William Holohan (Member # 2514) on :
glut maker
A male with a drill press and a pipe cutter/ threader.
Cuts 2 inch steel pipe 12 inches long. Threads both ends of pipe.
Puts end cap on both ends.
Drills 10 half inch holes in pipe body.
Drops pipe in 50 gallon drum of water.
As it sinks it goes "glut", "glut", "glut"...
Glut maker...
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
This word more apty desribes a person or situation that is beyond normal levels of ridiculousness.
Example: "Changing this design 8 times because the wife keeps throwing her 2 cents in is friggin redonculous!!!"
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
LOL Mr. Holohan!! I was JUST needing one of those the other day!!
Here's a couple more, compliments my electrician buddy, Jerry . . .
Several years ago, I was helpin' him once on one of his electrical jobs . . .he goes . . ."I need a 'wire stretcher'..."
Trying to be helpful, I replied, "Where is it? On the truck?" Not wanting to lose the this priceless moment he said, "Oh YEH!. . .it's in that big tool box . . .kind'a looks like a pair of pliers . . ."
I walked all the way out to his truck and spend like 30 minutes looking for this non-existent tool and bring back 5 kinds of pliers . . .LOL...
We STILL laugh over this.
Another of his humorous jokes when we went into a paint store . . ."Y'all got any striped paint??"
Posted by James Donahue (Member # 3624) on :
William, I AM a glut maker...
You see, 'glut' is an old and widely used (back when) term refering to a wooden wedge used to split wood apart, particularly cedar rails for fencing. The wedge is made of dogwood, as it holds together under this rough use-age( ). It's struck with a hickory maul, as a steel hammer would damage the glut.
My children are unaware of this thread, but just an hour ago made up an interesting word. We were talking about a verse from proverbs:"Go to the ant thou sluggard, and consider her ways..." My oldest daughter said "Flubbard". I thought about my waistline right then.
[ March 01, 2005, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: James Donahue ]
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
SNARF: when you extrude whatever you were drinking through your nostrils due to laughter. Love...Jill
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
geez Sheila... you obviously weren't in boy scouts or you'da seen that one coming a mile away (maybe girl scouts initiation didn't include sending the new recruit out for the old "left handed monkey wrench"... of the infamous "skyhook")
Posted by Gene Golden (Member # 3934) on :
Of course the word we use here often... "PITA" I'm sure you already know it and use it for your special customers, it stands for Pain In The Arse. We even write it on our INHOUSE memos.
Posted by Gavin Chachere (Member # 1443) on :
now i understand why my use of grammar is so important to some
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
GAVINIZING: The lack of using paragraphs in a post! (Gavin, you know I think you are cool, and I DO read your posts because they are worth it. Just couldn't resist this one) Love....Jill
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
the(always worthwhile)process required to read the lack of paragraphs in a post
Posted by Jane Diaz (Member # 595) on : then, in that vein.... BILLING Is that when I send HIM out to do a job or IT out to get paid?!? Posted by Bill Diaz (Member # 2549) on :
A greeting I submit after Jane has dispatched me to look at a job.
A large dingleberry
When a thermaseetle is brought before a fortinastance as when the power is vested before an acqueezement -- the ramifications of which are usually life threatening.
Posted by Harris Kohen (Member # 2139) on :
That line just beyond the one you can identify with on your ruler or tape measure. An indefinite amount.
ie: make it 16-1/2 inches plus an Umph-Gumph
that means 16-9/16 or thereabouts
My father taught me that one way back about when I was like 3 years old, while helping him workin the the shop.
Posted by David McDonald (Member # 3433) on :
alot - it's absitively positutely not a word but alot of people use it and we all know what it means.
Posted by Cheryl Lucas (Member # 1656) on :
GORBLE - any wet paint that get's out of line, requiring additional attention or minimal cleanup.
NIFF-NIFF - lint in your belly-button...
BOOFY - an emotional feeling, taking you to the point of teary eyes.
SHOOBEES - people who wear shoes on the beach.
GOMERS - bodies, in non-emergency transport.
GULL DIPPERS - people feeding seagulls, with mouth wide open. Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
How about this one:
Skorts - isn't that a skirt look that actually has leg holes in it? That's not a real word is it? Just an universally accepted term?
Posted by Karen Wunch (Member # 3577) on :
A person who’s both stupid AND an a**hole!
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
LOL goofy guy . .. skorts are a real clothing item...they are similar to 'coulottes' which are shorts with a skirt-like flap in the front.
Skorts are shorts with an attached at the waist skirt all around, or a flap in the back and front for a skirt-like appearance....
Now if I could just think of some item of men's clothing I know nothing about... I could 'make it up' like a new word . . .
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
kippers (noun): grown up children living with their parents (kids in parents' pockets eroding retirement savings).
Posted by Troy Haas (Member # 472) on :
Kneeplastiwear (NEE-PLAS-T-WEAR)When the plastic parts wear out in a replacement knee. e.g. OUCH
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Troy, Is that also known as "TupperKnee"? Love....Jill (Gonna get me some TupperBoobs)
Posted by bill riedel (Member # 607) on :
Body wave, what happens when a fat person is bumped.
Posted by Michael Boone (Member # 308) on :
zeemie goolums... means goolub schnabs........... big deal
Posted by Michael Boone (Member # 308) on :
what a todd gill you are.........
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
Aneuralogy - (combines aneurism and analogy) a brainfart, a comparison of two totally unrelated things, ideas, or concepts, usually made by persons of inferior intelligence placed in a positions of superior authority.
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
Smerge - Combination of "smash" and "merge", as in "Smerge left!". We learned this technique while driving in Monterrey, Mexico and honed it to perfection in New York City.
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
lol Santo . . .
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
Otacorb Otnas - general malcontent, said to be of little value. Lackadazacial attitude.
[ March 10, 2005, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: Santo ]
Posted by Randy Jones (Member # 2795) on :
scrim ( a customer acting like a dumba$$ ) haglersmoots (nice way to say a bad thing to an old lady driver)
Posted by Peter Schuttinga (Member # 2821) on :
Smashterbated - what happens when exasberation and frustration get the better of you and you smash it to little pieces.
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
. . .um . . . . . .smash WHAT to little peices???
[ March 10, 2005, 10:06 PM: Message edited by: Sheila Ferrell ]
Posted by Jon Aston (Member # 1725) on :
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Boonerism - when you use 6 words to make up a one-word imaginary word. Hehehehehe...touche, mister... Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
I'll have to go for 'flubbergasted' again- the thought suddenly dawning on you that you aren't as slender as you thought you were!
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
and a smidgin and a swidgin- they're the two highly accurate thumbnail marks in-between the mm and the 1/16" marks on a dual system ruler.
(as in increasing size, you have 1/32", a whisker, 1/16", a smidgin, a swidgin, 1mm, and a few other fractions of hair widths which the moderators won't allow typed here!)
General use is the amount you still have to cut off something to get it to fit in a gap, before you realise you cut the same amount too much off, so you wish you could have put 2/3 of a moustache hair's thickness back on again to get it to fit.
This is just prior to getting out the gap-filler/bog.
edit- I may be disqualified here- those aren't 'new' words.
[ March 11, 2005, 09:23 AM: Message edited by: Ian Stewart-Koster ]
Posted by Murray MacDonald (Member # 3558) on :
Kleptographimania...a person who compulsively steals others designs. MUR
Posted by Jon Aston (Member # 1725) on :
A state resulting from unintended contact between dress-pants and the cat.
Used in a sentence:
"Honey...Where's that thing for the catpants?"
Posted by William DeBekker (Member # 3848) on :
Pathetoagents.... Real Estate Agents who bring in their own metal riders and sanded with 20 grit Sandpaper and want you to reletter it for $2.00.
And a medical term I have been using for years.
Sudden Deacceleration Sickness..= That stop at the end of a fall.
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Epizootis - My grandfather explained this as being a disease in which, "your face looks so much like your butt, your bowels don't know which way to move."
That guy was something else.
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
thelizdat - self explainitory
Posted by John Stagner (Member # 4091) on :
Gazonta - an un-identifiable mechanical part.
As in: "Hey what's this part for?" "Oh - that's a Gazonta." "A WHAT??" "You know - that piece Gazonta this piece right here, and they sorta work together."
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Skubble... def:/That dried plug of mustard or cheese in left in the head of the dispensor the next time you want to use it.
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :