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Posted by Ray Skaines (Member # 3702) on :
Here's my situation. I've got a Gerber S/750 plotter connected to a 4E plotter. Graphix Advantage 6.2 is connected to the 4E plotter. When I hit plot I get a communication error. F1 for help states "Cannot find the C:\GSP\SOFTWARE\GQMGR.HLP file. Do you want to try to find this file yourself?"

Yeah!... but I can't find the help file in the computer or software to load it in. Can anyone email me the help file or suggest what I need to do?

In the Quickplot setup I can only select "GS750" and "S750INTRFC" for plotter setup.
The Gerber 4E will allow the pen to move on the 750 but I can't get a signal to the 4E from the computer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Posted by Stephen Faulkner (Member # 2511) on :
have you fixed this yet?
I have a similar set up and would have all
the "driver" B.S. you may need.
I'll be out for the day but drop me a note... fill me in.
Posted by Ray Skaines (Member # 3702) on :
Hello Stephen.
Haven't fixed it yet. Just spoke with Raymond Chapman a few minutes ago. He said he remembered you had to push a button on the 4B for the signal to go to the plotter. Still trial and error.

Saw you and your wife at Fred's Oklahoma Letterhead meet a couple of years ago. Raymond, Mike, and I will be there again in couple of weeks. Hope to see you there. Thanks for any help.

Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
I also have a 4E but am a total idiot about computer stuff.
Maybe visit the 4EdgeTalk website & ask there?
Posted by Bruce & Deb Newton (Member # 2312) on :

I used to have a 4B driven by GA6.2

It had a group of three buttons to the far right side of the keyboard. I think it was the middle one of the three that you had to use to have communication take place between plotter and 'puter.

Will your computer drive the plotters one at a time?
Posted by Ray Skaines (Member # 3702) on :
Hey Jill. I'll check out the site. Thanks a bunch.

Bruce, my 4E doesn't have the three buttons your talking about. I remember my old 4B did have those. There's a cut-out and a cover where the three buttons use to be. Or there were none there for this 4E. Please keep coming with the ideas and suggestions. Getting close.

Posted by Alphonse Dente (Member # 4993) on :
I personally don't use anything Gerber; I'm a SignLab/Mutoh/Graphtec guy...but I'd have to guess that Gerber must have some resource(s)??

I've had to call all three of the above companies, or the distributor/dealer I purchased the equipment or software from, for tech support on more than 1 occasion, and have always been happy with the service I've gotten.

Posted by Bruce & Deb Newton (Member # 2312) on :

Did you try selecting another plotter driver?

Go to Start/Programs/GSP Graphix Advantage/GSP Setup. Launch GSP Setup, select Setup, then Plotter/Router. You might try adding the GS750 or the SMIV-30 to your list. While you're there double check your port setting.

I use a generic setting, HPGL Driver to run my Ioline 30 plotter, since the exact one is not in the list.

Hope this helps.
Posted by Ray Skaines (Member # 3702) on :
Hey Bruce and Alphonse. Thanks for your replys. I've got driver set for the SMIV-30. I may try and use another com port. I'll keep trying. Let you know when and if it works.
btw, Fred Weiss has been very helpful with ideas and suggestions on the forum board at I'm looking for any and all help. Thanks to all.
Posted by Stephen Faulkner (Member # 2511) on :
Ray do you have this thing running yet??? in the CLASSIFIED section is a LMK kit that would get you where you need to be fast!
Posted by Barry Jenicek (Member # 2281) on :
Hi Ray;

I had the same problem running Omega handshaking to my 4b.

From the parallel port to my Envision, it worked fine, but when I unplugged the Envision and plugged in the 4b, it would just stare at me.

I called Gerber Support and Tony came up with this solution.

I have a DELL CPU and he suggested that I purchase for following adapter from Dell.

TRIPPLITE (Brand Name)
USB to Serial Adapter USBA/DB9M

Manufacturer Part # U209-000-R
Dell Part # A0081190

Cost: $27.99

Here is the link directly to Dell.

Although this is a Dell part, I am sure that it will work on any CPU that has USB ports. Also, I would check with Radio Shack for the same type of adapter.

Posted by Ray Skaines (Member # 3702) on :
Hey Geet and Barry. Thanks for the updates. I just received and unpacked a Gerber HS750 plotter that I purchased off eBay last week. It has the parallel port that connects right into the computer. So no worries there. Still have the S750. Not sure what I'm gonna do with the S/750 plotter.

What I'm still looking for is the interface card that plugs into a 4B font slot and the other end plugs into the computer parallel port. I believe it's a R594 cable. If my HS15 plotter breaks I can use the 4B plotter as a backup using this cable. If I'm mistaken on the part # hope someone corrects me. I just looked at the classifieds and emailed Mike. Thanks

Barry, sounds like you got the right configuration. Thanks for sharing the info.

Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :

I am going to pick up 2 S-750's and an extra 4B this weekend from a friend, if you need anything it may be in this bundle.
Posted by Joe McGillicuddy (Member # 4229) on :
Hello Ray,

I'm also looking for a "newer" interface for my old gerber 4B, and any advice on replacing the blades "rotator belt" (teeth are breaking off).

The belt can be made and the position reset but
that's all I'm told.

Do you or other member's have any leads(I have the 4B manual)?

Posted by Ray Skaines (Member # 3702) on :
Hello Joe.
Last month when I received the S/750 Jim Partin ( made a knife belt for me in a hurry. I call it a vertebrae belt because that's what it looks like. I'm sure he can make you one for the 4B. Gerber still has some parts available. I ordered some extra rubber belts for the S/750. I'll email you if I find an extra interface cord.
Posted by Joe McGillicuddy (Member # 4229) on :

Thanks for the quick response. Jim Partin was the
person I also spoke with , is here in southern CA., and now I know he "can deliver".

It looks like those belts get brittle w/age and
the ends start breaking (since you're 4B's a "back-up" maybe that one should be replaced).

The LMK Program Module uses a R594 cable and I'm trying to get these, or try to link-up my older "Omnivision" Mac/PC interface card.

Let me know how you replaced your "vertebrae belt" (I'm assuming the S/750 plotter has a similar arrangement) and I'll order my belt from Jim Partin.

Thanks again,

Posted by Ray Skaines (Member # 3702) on :
Joe, replacing the "vertebrae belt" is pretty easy. You have to turn the 4B on and let it set (notice the slot for the knife blade is at 12 o'clock). Disassemble knife holder and bearings making a mental note of how it goes back together. Adjusting the tension would be the only criteria. Just so it's snug and with no play. Recheck the slot alignment after installing belt by turning 4B off and on. At least that's how I remember.

Posted by Joe McGillicuddy (Member # 4229) on :

I was able to remove the carriage cover that exposes the lift fork screws and most of the belt assembly, but after removing the screws the front piece around the knife holder spindle won't lift off (or gentley pry up) did I miss something?

I need to fix the belt before I can add an LMK Module, etc.


Posted by Jill Marie Welsh (Member # 1912) on :
I'd take a digital picture or something before I went dis-assembling.
I have a 4B and a 4E. The 4B cuts more efficiently than the 4E, I think due to the LMK.
I'm thinking about ordering some belts while they are still available. I did order a new interface card last year & it is still in the box.
Posted by Joe McGillicuddy (Member # 4229) on :

After trying again ,I was gradually able to pry up the front piece I'd mentioned.

A local source I'd spoken with (and Ray recently ordered his belts from) had told me Gerber no longer provides the belts for the older models,
but he assembles/provides the same belts.

The interface I still have (OmniCad v4.1) is one of the 1st to come out and works with an older "Mac" (also can connect with a PC) but slow.

Pictures & mental notes are good ideas (any tips are appreciated).

Let me know if the interface card, and still in the box, is for sale.

Thanks to all,

Posted by Jill Marie Welsh (Member # 1912) on :
Sorry Joe I'm keeping it! I'll be running two dinosaurs soon. Just imagine the racket!
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
The front piece is a bugger to get pried up. When replacing the belt, don't be surprised if you have to put it back together a couple times. Think it took my third try before I got it find home correctly...always wanted to be 1 notch off.

I replaced both my "vertebrae" belt and fan in the last 2 months. Hyatt's (merchants here!) had both in stock. When I put the new fan in, I wished I had done it sooner. That thing was so loud before I couldn't stand to be in the same room with it when it was just idling. Now I can stand beside it and have a phone call while it's cutting.
Posted by Joe McGillicuddy (Member # 4229) on :
My 4B's worked fine since 1990 without replacing any parts (some glitches but easily corrected).I'd checked w/the locals, but most have sold their old Gerber's, and besides my own
research on the internet and troubleshooting w/the "user' manual, You're the first people I've come across w/similar problems.

So now I know "ThePlotterDoctor" (local) isn't my last resort (and I was hoping "Hyatt" was still offering old Gerber parts).

One thing, I remember, the #16 showing at the end of initializing during startup, before the cutting problems started (was the sensor "malfunctioning" or was the belt starting to slip -it cut about 10 lines of copy before getting "sloppy"-).

In other words,was the "homing error" a culprit in the damage to a brittle belt,or did the belt slip,correct and slip again braking more teeth.?

These are the questions I was asking myself before I noticed others were having similar prolblems.
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
Joe, not sure the answer to your questions about the cause of the belt damage, but figure that belt is 15 years old. I think mine just rotted out from old age.
Posted by Ray Skaines (Member # 3702) on :
Hello Joe. I agree with Chris, the plastic "vertebrae" gets brittle with age. It only takes a couple of knobs to break off for the problems to start. When the gear gets to that particular void in the belt it'll hick-up there and even jump a few notches to misalign itself. Time to replace it.
If your a one plotter sign shop it pays to have an extra on hand.

Posted by Joe McGillicuddy (Member # 4229) on :
Thanks for backing up what I'd expected about the belt ,the "knobs" kept breaking and I've noticed the slot on the toolholder is misaligned ( and stays in a "6'o-clock" position after initializing),but still rotates w/the belt if set to cut. so it's time to get a new belt and follow the "tool rotation adustment procedures" in the manual.

One of the shops I'd been to counted on his 4B for when his larger/faster plotter breaks down or for long unattended runs. I was alaways able to work on something else when my 4B ran (until recentley). I'm checking on a Graphtec or Bobcat plotter now as my next plotter but that 4B is fine for Architectural or Sandblasted signs.

Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
a little 3-in-one oil on the belt every month saved my belt. I still have the original as when I bought it in 1994. (and it was refurbished, so I don't know if they replaced them then). Still, I will take advice and order some.
My problem is that the clamp that holds the vinyl down broke off and I had someone drill a place to reconnect it. Then the small screws slide out of the clamp too. I need to get that fixed but have been putting it off. Where would someone get that fixed? a machine shop?
Posted by Ray Skaines (Member # 3702) on :
Good idea! A little 3-in-one oil is great for the bars that the knife head slides on too. The HS750 I just pick-up were pretty dry.

Deb, can the screws be retighten or you think you need to replace the clamps? I mentioned Jim's website above if you need parts. Or maybe someone here in Letterville has a 4B they can salvage some for you.

Good luck.
Posted by Jill Marie Welsh (Member # 1912) on :
I oil my machine and blow it out regularly with compressed air.
Also I periodically unplug those J-10 & 11 thingies and clean em off with a Q-Tip dipped in rubbing alcohol.

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