I bought a new printer today (HATED that old Epson!)
It's an HP Office Jet 5510v, paid $148
It's an all in one: Printer, scanner, fax, copier
Heard good things...anyone with this? Please comment. Thanks A:)
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
Adrienne, I bought the 1210v all in one, and couldnt be more pleased. It was only 98 bucks, and the quality of the printing is great. Scans very good too. Im sure you will be pleased with it.
Posted by Adrienne Morgan (Member # 1046) on :
So far I am not.....
I get the thing almost all set up....next instruction: 'Connect USB cable' I look THROUGH the box...no cable...hmmmm...look AT the box, where, in very teensy, weensee letters is listed what IS in the box and what ISN'T in the box......
Guess what?
You have to BUY a USB cable SEPARATELY!!!!!
Without it you cannot use the machine at all!!!!
So...I will have to go back to Walmart and buy a stupid cable to get it to work!!!!
Wanna bet they won't carry it?
What would it have cost HP to have included what was obviously a very important piece of equipment to operate their machine!!??
Seems everyone wants your money but won't even bend forward to make customers happy
[ February 23, 2005, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: Adrienne Morgan ]
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Adrienne...When you go to buy the cable....Ask the sales clerk which printers come with cables these days. Whether they be USB or LPT cables.
My guess is that they will tell you honestly that virtually NONE come with cables anymore.
I have no idea why that is, unless it is a cost cutting measure to continually lower the cost of the main product.
Remember when a bottom of the line printer cost $500??? But at least they supplied a cable EH?
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
It has been standard practice since printers came down from 4-5 hundred dollars not to include a cable. Sorry to take the wind out of your rant, but an all in one for 148 bux? man thats cheap, i'm surprised it came with a box.
[ February 23, 2005, 10:17 PM: Message edited by: Bob Rochon ]
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
yeah, I was just gonna say I used to be real satisfied with BOTH of my HP all-in-one printers... untill now when I see what you & John paid for yours
I wasn't around yet for the $4-500 printers ( ) but I think I paid around $190 for mine.
Also, I seem to have evolved from the early days of being high tech enough that my collection of phones, faxes & modems produced a glut of phone cables... that now I have excess USB cables piling up! (before you ask... don't forget shipping & Handling charges)
Posted by Mark Perkins (Member # 296) on :
I read a news item on Yahoo's front page yesterday, a class action lawsuit has been filed against HP claiming that the chips in the ink carts have a "expire date" and even if there is plenty of ink left in the cart.....if you reach that date.....go buy another cart....
Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :
Oh yeah. I save old cables, and will find what I need at this point in the box of cables in the storage room. I hope.
I also ran across a vital cable not being included, recently, and ranting about how unfair that was.
Then found one in the box.
I think they think they deal with people like us who have been around the bend with electronic equipment, and knowing about our boxes of cables helps them keep down their prices.
But I understand your frustration.
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
I call that box of cables, connectors, hard drives, video cards, mice and keyboards in the corner my "nerdpile". Everybody should have one.
Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :
Other than what I said already, I cannot recommend HP any higher than to say: HMMM MM GOOD
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
the chip in my ink carts send up messages sort of like "you maybe running low on black" (I guess mine were made in the beta-test days of planned obsolescence scams before they got as bold as when the ones Mark heard about were made )
Posted by William Holohan (Member # 2514) on :
Adrienne, $148....Nice. My first real color printer was an IBM/Lexmark 4079. 300 dpi kick a** machine in it's day... Only cost me $2,800.00. It sat unused for almost 8 years because I couldn't forget how much I paid for it and then throw it away. Finally bit the bullet last summer and heaved it. It did come with a cable though. :-) Good luck with it and enjoy. You know you love Walmart...
Posted by Adrienne Morgan (Member # 1046) on :
I'm STILL frustrated, and just plain miffed now...
Went back to Walmart (it calls for a standard USB cable) got it....went home
Tried to finish the install...no go..
Get an 'Access denied...unable to install' each time..
I uninstalled all of it, restarted the computer, inserted the disc....gets almost installed, then the access denied message.GGGRRRR!!!
I've tried this three times, still no success...so far..I'm not a happy camper {BTW...I've disconnected the cable from the computer like it says to. Not supposed to install that until it asks, but it never gets that far)
Went to thier web site, seems they know there is a problem with the software, have a download called 'resolves access denied error' It's supposed to fix it '90%' of the time...wonderful.... It didn't..... Never had so much trouble installing a printer!!!
Calling tech support in the morning.
[ February 24, 2005, 03:30 AM: Message edited by: Adrienne Morgan ]
Posted by shirley houston (Member # 4021) on :
Adrienne, good luck in calling tech support at HP. You will be calling them on your dime and they will put you on hold forever.
I quit HP about three years ago. I first had a scanner that I only scanned on about 6 times and it quite working. Tech support told me they no longer supported that scanner model but would be happy to sell me an upgrade. My scanner was only a year old and now they no longer supported it. I had over $300 invested in that scanner.
Then I bought a HP printer that was supposed to be either USB or parallel. Guess what? It would not operate on USB. It would only work on parallel. When I called Tech Support they could not give me a reason whay it would not work on USB.
I have HP Desktop that so far I have been happy with. However, if it goes down I will no longer buy anything from HP.
Just thought I would offer my experiences to you.
Good Luck.
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
let's face it....HP builds some pretty decent products...it's their software that suxx!
Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
Here's the latest "planned obsolescence" ....
Went in to buy (very expensive) cartridges for a three-year old HP. I had been refilling my old ones but they only take so many re-fills before breaking down
"Sorry, but cartridges for that model are no longer available! BUT we have the latest HP for under $100 complete with cartridges worth $70 !!!!!"
But then I went thru the same problems as Adrienne. Finally solved mine by up-grading my IE to version 6 ? Read the fine print Adrienne
Now I can't install the software on Sue's puter on the network cause it's not on the internet?
Posted by timi NC (Member # 576) on :
Adrienne,...the last hp printer I bought didn't last as long as the cartridges that came in it,...same deal no usb cable inc. ,...called hp tech and they said it was under warranty but that I would have to return a call to another number that wanted my credit card for a 25 dollar fee to get a number so I could have it fixed under warranty,but I would have to pay shipping. Well I did the math and came to realize it was cheaper to buy a new printer (another brand this time).Meanwhile I got to pricing inkjet printers and at that time it was just as cheap to buy a new printer as to buy a new color and black cartridges. Don't know about the scanner and printer fax combo's but if you check the net odds are you can just about buy a new inkjet for the cost of cartridges within a dollar or two if you look to see what is on sale.
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Printer manufacturers are doing the same thing that Polaroid did with their cmaeras. Sell them at almost cost, because you have to come back to them in order to keep using it.
Of course they say using other cartridges will void your warranty....who cares??
If you don't mind Chinese ink, instead of Japanese ink... there are many alternative cartridge suppliers. My Epson Stylus Color ios the 1st model color printer that Epson sold, and Marty's Epson SC850 both use the alternative inks...and at $5.50 tand $7.55, we have no problems with using them!
[ February 24, 2005, 04:08 PM: Message edited by: Si Allen ]
Posted by Tom Giampia (Member # 2007) on :
I still have an HP 1100 B&W laser, but the paper feeder hasn't worked right since about 2 weeks after I bought it. I gave up on thier Tech Support... I went on the telephone merry-go-round for about 3 hours one night. I have to manually feed one sheet at a time when I use it. My main printer is an Epson 1280 photo. It takes paper from 3 x 5 to 11 x17, many settings for quick B&W to 1200dpi color on glossy paper, easy to install, came with a USB cable, and I found the knock off cartridges for about $6.00 for Black and $8.00 for CMY. The Epson inks cost about $55.00 a set.
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
3 HP printers. Some are older, some are newer, NEVER an issue. Reasonable ink consumption too! I will never buy anything else period!
Posted by David Kirkness (Member # 1484) on :
I had been using only HP printers at home and in my business for over 20 years but have since switched two years ago to Brother printers. I too was tired of paying HP for new Print Heads everytime I needed ink.
Well I still can't win. I wanted to buy a print head for one of my Brother printers and only a Brother repair agent can install print heads at $45 per hour. Every other part is available for purchase but the print head.
Go figure.
Posted by Kevin Gaffney (Member # 4240) on :
Recently invested in a Brother laser. No comparison in printing costs. 8 cent per color a4 and fantastic speed. Gote very frustrated last couple of years with ridiculous cost of cartridges for cheap inkjets. Got to the stage wher cartridges cost nearly as much as printer. No comparison either between inkjet quality and laser
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
So how did you make out Adrienne?????
are you still on the phone with Tech support?
[ February 24, 2005, 06:15 PM: Message edited by: Bob Rochon ]
Posted by Adrienne Morgan (Member # 1046) on :
lol..haven't tried calling yet...will set aside tomorrow while doing paperwork...got a new paper shredder, works great.....good for relieving stress.....wonder if it will handle a printer.....?
Posted by David Kirkness (Member # 1484) on :
Like Kevin, I too have started switching over to laser. My company will save money and time in the long run, not to mention higher quality printing.
Posted by Adrienne Morgan (Member # 1046) on :
What's the cost range on the laser David?
Hey, do you know letterhead Sandy Cuthburt? Last I heard from her she was still in Duncan.
Planning a trip over to the island again real soon....haven't been to Buchart Gardens yet, spring is coming! A:)
Posted by Mike O'Neill (Member # 470) on :
At some point I have to say I don't understand you people. Granted, as a large part of my business is printing,I may tend to look on a printer in a slightly different light than the rest of you.
You appreciate the value of fine tools, you will buy the best quality saws that you can afford, you can appreciate a good hammer vs a walmart P.O.S. . On brushes and paints you will spare no expense but there is this mentality that a $150 all in one print device that replaces a fax, a scanner, a printer and a photocopier is somehow deficient because it didnt come with a $4 cable??
Sure is strange how we value some things and not others.
[ February 25, 2005, 02:46 AM: Message edited by: Mike O'Neill ]
Posted by Adrienne Morgan (Member # 1046) on :
I'll have you know... That cable costs me $6.95!!!!!
That wasn't the point, actually... The point was, that I would have been ok with picking one up while I was there, not finding out halfway through the install that one was needed and wasn't included....I'm a half hour drive to Walmart (only place we have for these things)...
Posted by Kevin Gaffney (Member # 4240) on :
Cost of laser was 590 euros. That woul be about 700 dollars. I've no doubt it will pay for itself several times over. Plus, I often got frustrated when a customer woul ask pro a printed proof, or maybe three or four. Couple of minutes for inkjet to spew out each one seemed like an eternity. Just a few seconds now
Posted by David Kirkness (Member # 1484) on :
The Brother laser we have now is an all-in-one printer,copy,fax,scanner model MFC8500 from Staples (approx. cost $650.00 CDN).
The replacement ink for this laser is $116.00 and beleive will print 10 times more then inkjets ($$ per $$) The Brother MFC3100 inkjet replacement black cartridge is $40 and the three colours are $30 each. Also with Brother colour inkjet printers every other time I had to replaced the black cartridge I also had to replace all three colour inks even though I never use colour in my printing. (Brother mixes all three colours and black to print black - The printer also shuts down if any one of the colours are empty.)
At the risk of sounding like I'm from a one horse town I do know Sandy. The last time I saw her she cooked me one of the BEST roast beef dinners ever, topped off with fresh unpastoralized milk straight from the cow. We were also on a volleyball team together and I taught her the proper use of the airbrush.
If anyone would like to see Sandy's first airbrushed t-shirt, I have it posted on my website at http://www.tshirtmagic.com/about_us.htm (Bottom left "Airbrush Classes")
I have been to Buchart Gardens twice -summer and winter. (Winter they do a big fireworks show every weekend) I'm not really a flower guy but the place and story behind it is pretty impressive.
Posted by Adrienne Morgan (Member # 1046) on :
After a half hour on the phone with tech support, we made no progress at all..... It seems to be a conflict with win xp.... They are sending me updated software...meanwhile...
I took the printer down to the shop and installed it with no problem into my older win 98 computer.
But.....the quality of the printing was just awful...
Am I expecting too much for $150? I got better results from my $48 Epson.
Oh, btw, now my Epson won't print from this Winxp now..it did before the tech person had me reset all sorts of things!
[ February 26, 2005, 10:18 PM: Message edited by: Adrienne Morgan ]
Posted by David Kirkness (Member # 1484) on :
I have some geek skills and experienced the same crap when my HP MFC725 printer came with software that wasn't updated with XP compatibility. HP then was too cheap to update the driver software before shipping thier products and sounds like they still are. The HP tech guy I got was a real jerk and I make money fixing business systems on the side.
If this was my computer here's what I would do.
1- Turn off the computer. 2- Disconnect the printer from your computer. 3- Turn on the computer. 4- CLICK HERE to run the HP uninstall Program. 5- choose "Open" 6- choose "Next" (This will clean your system of the previously installed HP drivers) 7- You now need to repeat step 4,5 and 6 three more times to fully clean things up. 8- Choose "Restart" 9- After restarting, turn off the computer again. 10- Hook up the printer cables 11- Turn computer on. (be sure the printer power is on) 12- Choose cancel when XP wishes to auto install new hardware it found. 13- CLICK HERE to install the current HP drivers. 14- At the bottom the HP webpage that just opened choose "Install Now" 15- Follow the install instructions.
Hope I've been some help. Checked out your website. Nice Bus!
Posted by Adrienne Morgan (Member # 1046) on :
Thanks David, I forgot to mention that while they are sending upgraded software to fix the problem, they offered me to go to thier site and download the drivers, but with dial-up she said it would take 8-9 hours (I suppose I could do that over night),so will wait for the software.
If it installs with the new software, the quality of the prints will determine if I keep it.
I make my own greeeting cards and various items to sell in the gallery I belong to. What I printed out last night was just not what I would want to sell. A:)
Posted by David Kirkness (Member # 1484) on :
Did not know you were on dial-up.
If you get tired of waiting you can always follow my modified instructions below.
Follow Steps 1 through 11. (The uninstall download in Step 4 is very small at only 866.52k) Step 12 choose "install" instead of "cancel". Skip Step 13 and 14 Finish with Step 15.
Windows XP comes with a lot of default printer drivers already installed and will auto install the most compatible drivers for you.
Posted by Adrienne Morgan (Member # 1046) on :
Thanks, I'll give it a try tomorrow. A:)
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
OFFICE DEPOT IS SELLING HP 9560 PRINTER FOR $298.00 WILL PRINT 13" WIDE AND UP TO 44" LONG.....and to think i paid $399 for the HP-550(1st 2 cartridge color inkjet) i still have!!!!!!!
Posted by Adrienne Morgan (Member # 1046) on :
What's the quality of the prints OP?
If what I got out of mine last night is normal, I'm real dissapointed.
David, I helped Sandy paint a mural in her bathroom, wonder if it's still there. I spent a week with her and her family, had a great time, and we even delivered a calf!!! Well...SHE delivered it, I just watched and took pictures.
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
"A" those all in one printer, fax, copier, modem....are a compromise, and do all things...BUT...not very well!
PLUS...if one part goes you are out all four!
HP makes decent hardware, but their software, that runs it, suxx !!!
We switched to HP several years ago. We found if we didn't use Hewlitt Packard or Georgia Pacific brands of paper, we had problems with the paper feeding into the machine. Stick with those brands or IBM, and you wont' have more than 1 sheet feeding in at a time.
Posted by David Kirkness (Member # 1484) on :
Did everything workout with your HP?
I'm now switching back to HP Laser. Apparently Brother laser printer heads and print drum have to be replaced at the same time (Very Expensive) but not HP.
Adrienne, I remember Sandy telling me about your helping her on that mural in her bathroom. I seem to remember her dropping by my store with you that week too. Was I dreaming?
Posted by Adrienne Morgan (Member # 1046) on :
Really? I may have met you then...I'm getting old and don't remember a whole lot anymore...lol...
Tell Sandy hi for me, now that I'm just across the water from you, I should pop over for a visit,eh?
As for the printer, it's working fine on my old '98 system. I got an updated disc from HP this week but haven't brought the printer back up from the shop to try a reinstall.
I like having it down there anyway, only problem is my old computer is a bit slow and locks up if I do too many things at once...maybe I need a new computer too!! lol A:)